class AdfGlobalProp { [string] $FilePath = "" [string] $body = "" [PSCustomObject] $GlobalParameters } class Adf { [string] $Name = "" [string] $ResourceGroupName = "" [string] $Region = "" [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Pipelines = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $LinkedServices = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $DataSets = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $DataFlows = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Triggers = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $IntegrationRuntimes = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Factories = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $ManagedVirtualNetwork = @{} [System.Collections.ArrayList] $ManagedPrivateEndpoints = @{} [string] $Location = "" [AdfGlobalProp] $GlobalFactory = [AdfGlobalProp]::new() [AdfPublishOption] $PublishOptions [System.Collections.ArrayList] AllObjects() { return $this.LinkedServices + $this.Pipelines + $this.DataSets + $this.DataFlows + $this.Triggers + $this.IntegrationRuntimes + $this.Factories + $this.ManagedPrivateEndpoints } [hashtable] GetObjectsByFullName([string]$pattern) { [hashtable] $r = @{} $this.AllObjects() | ForEach-Object { $oname = $_.FullName($false); if ($oname -like $pattern) { $null = $r.Add($oname, $_) } } return $r } [hashtable] GetObjectsByFolderName([string]$folder) { [hashtable] $r = @{} $this.AllObjects() | ForEach-Object { $ofn = $_.GetFolderName() if ($ofn -like $folder) { $oname = $_.FullName($false); $null = $r.Add($oname, $_) } } return $r } [System.Collections.ArrayList] GetUnusedDatasets() { [System.Collections.ArrayList] $dataset_list = @{} $this.DataSets | ForEach-Object { $null = $dataset_list.Add("$($_.Type.ToLower()).$($_.Name)") } # Collect all objects used by pipelines and dataflows $list = $this.Pipelines + $this.DataFlows if ($list.Count -gt 0) { $list = $list.DependsOn # Filter list to datasets only $used = $list | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith('dataset.', "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase") } | ` ForEach-Object { $_.Substring(8).Insert(0, 'dataset.') } | ` Select-Object -Unique # Remove all used datasets from $dataset_list $used | ForEach-Object { $dataset_list.Remove($_) } } # datasets not removed from the list are the ones not being used return $dataset_list } } |