.SYNOPSIS Validates files of ADF in a given location, returning warnings or errors. .DESCRIPTION Validates files of ADF in a given location. The following validation will be perform: - Reads all files and validates its json format - Checks whether all dependant objects exist - Checks whether file name equals object name .PARAMETER RootFolder Source folder where all ADF objects are kept. The folder should contain subfolders like pipeline, linkedservice, etc. .EXAMPLE Test-AdfCode -RootFolder "$RootFolder" #> function Test-AdfCode { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $RootFolder, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $ConfigPath ) class ReturnClass { [int] $ErrorCount [int] $WarningCount } $result = New-Object 'ReturnClass' $result.ErrorCount = 0 $result.WarningCount = 0 $adfName = Split-Path -Path "$RootFolder" -Leaf Write-Host "=== Loading files from location: $RootFolder ..." $adf = Import-AdfFromFolder -FactoryName "$adfName" -RootFolder "$RootFolder" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" $adf.PublishOptions = New-AdfPublishOption $ObjectsCount = $adf.AllObjects().Count Write-Host "=== Validating files ..." $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' if ($ObjectsCount -eq 0) { $result.WarningCount += 1 Write-Warning "No Azure Data Factory files have been found in a given location." } $adf.AllObjects() | ForEach-Object { $FullName = $_.FullName($true) Write-Host "Checking: $FullName..." $HasBody = $null -ne $_.Body if (-not $HasBody) { $result.ErrorCount += 1 Write-Error -Message "Object $FullName was not loaded properly." -ErrorAction 'Continue' } if ($HasBody) { if ($ -ne $ { $result.ErrorCount += 1 Write-Error -Message "Object $FullName has mismatch file name." -ErrorAction 'Continue' } $_.DependsOn | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message " - Checking dependency: [$_]" $ref_arr = $adf.GetObjectsByFullName("$_") if ($ref_arr.Count -eq 0) { $result.ErrorCount += 1 Write-Error -Message "Couldn't find referenced object $_." -ErrorAction 'Continue' } } } } Write-Host "=== Validating other rules ..." Write-Host "Checking duplicated names..." $adf.AllObjects().Name | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { $r = $adf.GetObjectsByFullName("*." + $_) if ($r.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning "Duplication of object name: $_" $result.WarningCount += 1 } } Write-Host "Checking names of datasets, pipelines, dataflows..." $adf.LinkedServices + $adf.DataSets + $adf.Pipelines + $adf.DataFlows | ForEach-Object { [string] $name = $_.Name if ($name.Contains('-')) { Write-Warning "Dashes ('-') are not allowed in the names of linked services, data flows, and datasets ($name)." $result.WarningCount += 1 } } Write-Host "Checking: Global parameter names..." if ($adf.Factories.Count -gt 0) { $gparams = $adf.GlobalFactory.GlobalParameters if ($gparams) { $gparams | ForEach-Object { [string] $name = $_.Name if ($name.Contains('-')) { Write-Warning "Dashes ('-') are not allowed in the names of global parameters ($name)." $result.WarningCount += 1 } } } } Write-Host "=== Validating config files ..." if (!$ConfigPath) { $filePattern = Join-Path -Path $adf.Location -ChildPath 'deployment\*' if (!(Test-Path $filePattern)) { $filePattern = $null } } else { $filePattern = $ConfigPath -split ',' } $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $filePattern -Include '*.csv','*.json' $err = $null $adf.PublishOptions.FailsWhenConfigItemNotFound = $True $adf.PublishOptions.FailsWhenPathNotFound = $True $files | ForEach-Object { try { $FileName = $_.FullName Write-Host "Checking config file: $FileName..." Update-PropertiesFromFile -adf $adf -stage $FileName -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction 'Stop' -dryRun:$True } catch { $result.ErrorCount += 1 Write-Host "ERROR: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor 'Red' Write-Debug -Message $_.Exception #$_.Exception } } $msg = "Test code completed ($ObjectsCount objects)." if ($result.ErrorCount -gt 0) { $msg = "Test code failed." } $line1 = $adf.Name.PadRight(63) + " # of Errors: $($result.ErrorCount)".PadLeft(28) $line2 = $msg.PadRight(63) + "# of Warnings: $($result.WarningCount)".PadLeft(28) Write-Host "=============================================================================================" Write-Host " $line1" Write-Host " $line2" Write-Host "=============================================================================================" return $result; } |