
    "Comment": "Copy this file as config.json in the same folder and complete the values below",
    "BearerToken": "Legacy Databricks Token from the Workspace UI",
    "Region": "For example WestEurope",
    "TenantId": "Your AAD tenant id",
    "ApplicationId": "AAD Client ID with contributor role on your workspace or resource group",
    "Secret": "Secret for Client Id",
    "DatabricksOrgId": "Organisation Id of your workspace (take from the URL as o=123456)",
    "ResourceGroupName": "Resource group name where your worksapce is",
    "SubscriptionId": "Azure subscription Id",
    "WorkspaceName": "Databricks workspace name (resource name in portal)",
    "ClusterId": "Test Cluster Id to use",
    "Username": "Existing user in workspace to apply permissions to"