
    Create a scope to store Databricks secret in.
    Create a scope to store Databricks secret in. Note the the Set-DatabricksSecret command creates the scope if it does not exist.
.PARAMETER BearerToken
    Your Databricks Bearer token to authenticate to your workspace (see User Settings in Databricks WebUI)
    Azure Region - must match the URL of your Databricks workspace, example northeurope
    Name for the scope - do not include spaces or special characters.
C:\PS> Add-DatabricksSecretScope -BearerToken $BearerToken -Region $Region -ScopeName "Test1"
This example creates a scope called Test1
    Author: Simon D'Morias / Data Thirst Ltd

Function Add-DatabricksSecretScope
    param (

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $InternalBearerToken = Format-BearerToken($BearerToken)
    $Region = $Region.Replace(" ","")
    $body = '{"scope": "' + $ScopeName + '"}'

        Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Body $body -Uri "https://$" -Headers @{Authorization = $InternalBearerToken} -OutFile $OutFile
        Write-Output "Secret Scope $ScopeName created"
        $err = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
        if ($err.Contains('already exists'))
            Write-Verbose $err


# Command was renamed to align prefixes
New-Alias -Name Add-SecretScope -Value Add-DatabricksSecretScope