
function Get-ATIAMSessionCredentials
        Gets keys from a federated AWS login

        If your organisation uses federated authentication (SAML etc) for API authentication with AWS,
        this cmdlet enables you to get a set of temporary keys for use with applications that do not
        understand/support this authentication method.

        Various means of acquiring/storing the credentials are provided by this cmdlet.

        You must first authenticate with AWS using the account you need keys for via Set-AWSCredential.

    .PARAMETER SetLocal
        The credentials are set as environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN in the current shell.
        Proceed to run your application that supports environment-based credentails in this shell.

        Instructs the command to return a credential source for use with aws cli.

        The credentials are formatted as ENV[] = staements and output to the console

        The credentials are formatted as EXPORT staements and output to the console

    .PARAMETER DotNetConstructor
        The credentials are formatted as new SessionAWSCredentials(...) and output to the console.
        Note that you would not want to store this in any code. Useful only for quick debugging.

    .PARAMETER Clipboard
        If set, output of -Ruby or -Bash is copied directly to clipboard, so you can paste them into code or your active Ruby or Shell prompt

        With no parameters (or with -SetLocal), sets up the AWS environment variables in the current shell

        Get-ATIAMSessionCredentials -Bash -ClipBoard
        Copies shell EXPORT statements to create the AWS environment variables for sh/bash direct to clipboard. Paste into your shell environment.

        Get-ATIAMSessionCredentials -Ruby -ClipBoard
        Copies ruby ENV statements to create the AWS environment variables for ruby direct to clipboard. Paste into your irb shell environment.

        credential_process = powershell.exe -Command "Import-Module aws-toolbox; Set-AWSCredential -ProfileName your_federated_creds_profile; Get-ATIAMSessionCredentials -AwsCli"
        This example is a line you would put into your aws/credentials file.


    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SetLocal')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Ruby")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shell")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DotNet")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Ruby")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shell")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DotNet")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AwsCli")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SetLocal")]

    $cred = Get-StoredAwsCredentials

    if (-not $AwsCli -and $cred.UseToken)
        # aws-cli should renew the keys when it needs to
        # Also if not UseToken, these are IAM::User creds and don't expire
        Write-Warning "Expiry time for these keys: $($cred.Expires.ToLocalTime().ToString("HH:mm:ss")). You will need to re-run this script after then to regenerate keys."

    if ($Ruby)
        # Build Ruby environment variables and output
        $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

        $sb.AppendLine("ENV[`"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`"] = `"$($cred.AccessKey)`"").
        AppendLine("ENV[`"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`"] = `"$($cred.SecretKey)`"") | Out-Null

        if ($cred.UseToken)
            $sb.AppendLine("ENV[`"AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`"] = `"$($cred.Token)`"") | Out-Null

        if ($ClipBoard)
            $sb.ToString() | clip.exe
            Write-Host "Ruby env vars copied to clipboard"
    elseif ($Bash)
        # Build shell environment variables and output
        $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
        $sb.AppendLine("export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=`"$($cred.AccessKey)`"").
        AppendLine("export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=`"$($cred.SecretKey)`"") | Out-Null

        if ($cred.UseToken)
            $sb.AppendLine("export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=`"$($cred.Token)`"") | Out-Null

        if ($ClipBoard)
            $sb.ToString() | clip.exe
            Write-Host "BASH shell env vars copied to clipboard"
    elseif ($DotNetConstructor)
        $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
        $arr = @(

        if ($cred.UseToken)
            $arr += "`"$($cred.Token)`""

        $sb.AppendLine("new SessionAWSCredentials($([string]::Join(",`n", $arr)));") | Out-Null

        if ($ClipBoard)
            $sb.ToString() | clip.exe
            Write-Host "DotNet constructor copied to clipboard"
    elseif ($AwsCli)
        if (-not ($cred.UseToken -and ($cred.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Expires'})))
            throw "Credential of type $($cred).GetType()) not suitable for aws-cli external credential source"

        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Version = 1
            AccessKeyId = $cred.AccessKey
            SecretAccessKey = $cred.SecretKey
            SessionToken = $cred.Token
            Expiration = $cred.Expires.ToString('s').SubString(0, 19) + "Z"
        } |
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'SetLocal')
        # Set local enviroment with credential material.
        Set-Item -Path env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -Value $cred.AccessKey -Force
        Set-Item -Path env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -Value $cred.SecretKey -Force

        if ($cred.UseToken)
            Set-Item -Path env:AWS_SESSION_TOKEN -Value $cred.Token -Force
            if (Test-Path -Path env:AWS_SESSION_TOKEN)
                Remove-Item env:AWS_SESSION_TOKEN

        Write-Host "Keys set in your environment. Run commands that need them (e.g. node) in this shell"