
function Set-ATConfigurationItem
        Set a module configuration item

        Sets a user-configurable configuration item
        Currently you can only configure which application to use for file diffs.


        The cmdlet provides additional parameters in the context of the item being configured

    .PARAMETER ConfigurationItem
        The item to configure


        With -ConfigurationItem DiffTool, the following parameters becode active
        * -Git Use git for diffs
        * -WinMerge Use winmerge for diffs (Windows only)
        * -VSCode Use Visual Studio Code for diffs
        * -Path Available with the above 3 switches: Specify path to executable

        Set-ATConfigurationItem -ConfigurationItem DiffTool -Git

        Sets git diff as the file difference tool. Git executable is searched for in the system path

        Set-ATConfigurationItem -ConfigurationItem DiffTool -Git

        Sets git diff as the file difference tool. Git executable is searched for in the system path

        Set-ATConfigurationItem -ConfigurationItem DiffTool -Git -Path /opt/git/bin/git

        Sets git diff as the file difference tool, with executable located at specificed path.

        Set-ATConfigurationItem -ConfigurationItem DiffTool -WinMerge

        Sets winmerge as the file difference tool. Executable is searched for in known installation locations.
        This option is unavailable on non-windows operating systems

        Supported diff tools are
        - git (all platforms) -Git
        - Winmerge (Windows only) -Winmerge
        - Visual Studio Code (all platforms) -VSCode

        Winmerge is generally preferable as it can set specific titles for the files being compared as opposed to just the file paths.
        This is especially useful when running Compare-ATDeployedStackWithSourceTemplate as the stack version is titled with the
        stack name rather than the temporary file path where the stack version has been downloaded to.

        If you have a diff tool you would like added, raise an issue in github.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]


        #Create the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $dpDict = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        switch ($ConfigurationItem)
                New-DynamicParam -Name 'Path' -Type String -HelpMessage "Path to diff tool" -DPDictionary $dpDict

                # Generate remaining parameters from diff-tools.json
                New-DiffToolDynamicParameters -DPDictionary $dpDict


        # This standard block of code loops through bound parameters...
        # If no corresponding variable exists, one is created
        # Get common parameters, pick out bound parameters not in that set
        Function _temp { [cmdletbinding()] param() }
        $BoundKeys = $PSBoundParameters.keys | Where-Object { (get-command _temp | Select-Object -ExpandProperty parameters).Keys -notcontains $_ }
        foreach ($param in $BoundKeys)
            if (-not ( Get-Variable -name $param -scope 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                New-Variable -Name $Param -Value $PSBoundParameters.$param

        switch ($ConfigurationItem)
                if ($null -eq $script:PluginConfig)
                    Write-Warning "Cannot configure diff tool. plugin-config.json missing or corrupt."

                $diffConfig = $null

                $userPath = $(

                    if (Get-Variable -name 'Path' -scope 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

                $diffToolPlugin = $script:PluginConfig.DiffTools |
                Where-Object {
                    $_.Name -ieq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

                if ($diffToolPlugin)
                    $diffConfig = New-DiffTool -DiffToolConfig $diffToolPlugin -UserPath $userPath

                    if ($diffConfig)
                        if ($script:moduleConfig.HasItem('DiffTool'))
                            $script:moduleConfig.DiffTool = $diffConfig
                            Add-Member -InputObject $script:moduleConfig -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DiffTool -Value $diffConfig
