# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ScriptClass MetaGraphFormatter { static { function __initialize { $::.ColorScheme.RegisterColorNames( @( 'TypeClass-Entity' 'TypeClass-Complex' 'TypeClass-Enumeration' 'TypeClass-Primitive' 'MemberType-Property' 'MemberType-Relationship' 'MemberType-Method' 'PrimitiveTypeScalar' 'PrimitiveTypeCollection' 'Consent-Admin' 'Consent-User' 'Message-HighPriority' 'Message-Unread' 'Message-Read' 'DriveItem-OldItem' 'DriveItem-MediumAgeItem', 'DriveItem-RecentItem', 'DriveItem-VeryRecentItem' 'DriveItem-Large', 'DriveItem-Gigantic' 'DriveItem-Empty' ), 'autographps' ) $colorInfo = [PSCustomObject] @{ colorMode = '4bit' Colors = [PSCustomObject] @{ 'TypeClass-Entity' = 10 'TypeClass-Complex' = 9 'TypeClass-Enumeration' = 13 'TypeClass-Primitive' = 8 'MemberType-Property' = 6 'MemberType-Relationship' = 10 'MemberType-Method' = 12 'PrimitiveTypeScalar' = 8 'PrimitiveTypeCollection' = 8 'Consent-Admin' = 9 'Consent-User' = 10 'Message-HighPriority' = 1 'Message-Unread' = 14 'Message-Read' = 8 'DriveItem-OldItem' = 8 'DriveItem-MediumAgeItem' = 14 'DriveItem-RecentItem' = 15 'DriveItem-VeryRecentItem' = 11 'DriveItem-Large' = 12 'DriveItem-Gigantic' = 9 'DriveItem-Empty' = 8 } } $::.ColorString.UpdateColorScheme(@($colorInfo)) } function SegmentInfo($segment) { $metadata = __GetMetadataFromObject $segment if ( $metadata ) { $metadata.Info } } function SegmentType($segment) { $metadata = __GetMetadataFromObject $segment if ( $metadata ) { $metadata.Type } } function SegmentPreview($segment) { $metadata = __GetMetadataFromObject $segment $preview = if ( $metadata ) { $metadata.Preview } else { $::.SegmentHelper.__GetPreview($segment, '') } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($preview, 'Emphasis2', $null, $null, $null) } function SegmentId($segment) { $metadata = __GetMetadataFromObject $segment $highlightValues = $null $coloring = $null $criterion = $null if ( $metadata ) { $segmentType = [string] $metadata.Info[0] $coloring = if ( $segmentType -eq 'f' -or $segmentType -eq 'a' ) { $highlightValues = @('none', 'a', 'f') $criterion = $segmentType 'Contrast' } else { if ( $metadata.Collection ) { 'Containment' } else { if ( $segmentType -eq 'n' -or $segmentType -eq 's' ) { 'Emphasis1' } } } } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($segment.Id, $coloring, $criterion, $highlightValues, $null) } function MetadataStatus($status) { $criterion = switch ( $status ) { 'Pending' { 'Warning' } 'Failed' { 'Error2' } 'Ready' { 'Success' } } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($status, 'Scheme', $criterion, $null, 'NotStarted') } function TypeClass($typeClass, $value) { $targetValue = if ( $value ) { $value } else { $typeClass } $foreColor = switch ($typeClass) { 'Entity' { 10 } 'Complex' { 9 } 'Enumeration' { 13 } 'Primitive' { 8 } } $::.ColorString.ToColorString($targetValue, $foreColor, $null) } function MemberTypeId([string] $typeId, [boolean] $isCollection) { $colors = if ( ! $typeId.StartsWith('Edm.') ) { $::.ColorString.GetStandardColors('Emphasis2', $null, $null, $null) } $backColor = $null $foreColor = if ( $colors ) { $colors[0] } else { 7 } if ( $isCollection ) { $backColor = if ( $foreColor ) { $foreColor } else { 7 } $foreColor = 0 } $::.ColorString.ToColorString($typeId, $foreColor, $backColor) } function MemberName([string] $memberName, [string] $memberType) { $colorName = switch ( $memberType ) { 'Property' { 'MemberType-Property' } 'Relationship' { 'MemberType-Relationship' } 'Method' { 'MemberType-Method' } } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($memberName, 'Scheme', $colorName, $null, $null) } function CollectionByProperty($collection, $property) { if ( $collection ) { $collection.$property } } function EnumerationValues($enumeration) { if ( $enumeration ) { $ } } function MatchedSearchTerms($match, $field) { if ( $match.MatchedTerms ) { $matchedTerms = $match.MatchedTerms | select -first 1 $isExact = $match.SearchTerm -in $matchedTerms if ( ! $isExact ) { foreach ( $typeName in $matchedTerms ) { if ( $match.SearchTerm -eq ( $typeName -split '\.' | select -last 1 ) ) { $isExact = $true break } } } $colors = if ( $field ) { $::.ColorString.GetStandardColors('Emphasis2', $null, $null, $null) } elseif ( $isExact ) { $::.ColorString.GetStandardColors('Emphasis1', $null, $null, $null) } else { $null, $null } $value = if ( $field ) { $match.$field } else { $matchedTerms } $::.ColorString.ToColorString($value, $colors[0], $colors[1]) } } function AuthType($authType) { $coloring = if ( $authType -eq 'Delegated' ) { 'Emphasis2' } else { 'Emphasis1' } $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($authType, $coloring, $null, $null, $null) } function PermissionName($permission, $consentType) { $foreColor = if ( $consentType -eq 'Admin' ) { 13 } else { $null } $::.ColorString.ToColorString($permission, $foreColor, $null) } function ColorNameText($colorName, $text) { $backColor = $::.ColorString.GetColorFromName($colorName) $foreColor = $::.ColorString.GetColorContrast($backColor) $::.ColorString.ToColorString($text, $foreColor, $backColor) } function GroupType($group) { $groupType = @() @{SecurityEnabled = 'Security'; MailEnabled = 'Mail'}.GetEnumerator() | foreach { if ( ( $group | gm $_.Name -erroraction ignore ) -and $group.($_.Name) ) { $groupType += $_.Value } } $groupType -join ', ' } function ContactEmail($contact) { if ( $contact | gm emailAddresses -erroraction ignore ) { } } function ContactPhone($contact) { $type = $null $phone = if ( ( $contact | gm mobilePhone -erroraction ignore ) -and $contact.mobilePhone ) { $type = 'Mobile' $contact.mobilePhone } elseif ( ( $contact | gm businessPhones -erroraction ignore ) -and $contact.businessPhones ) { $type = 'Work' $contact.businessPhones | select -first 1 } elseif ( ( $contact | gm homePhones -erroraction ignore ) -and $contact.homePhones ) { $type = 'Home' $contact.homePhones | select -first 1 } if ( $type ) { $type + ": " + $phone } } function ContactAddress($contact) { $addressTypes = [ordered] @{ Work = 'businessAddress' Home = 'homeAddress' } foreach ( $addressType in $addressTypes.GetEnumerator() ) { if ( ( $contact | gm $addressType.Value -erroraction ignore ) -and $contact.($addressType.Value) ) { $address = $contact.($addressType.Value) if ( ! ( $ | measure-object ).count ) { continue } $addressDisplay = if ( $address | gm Street ) { $address.Street } elseif ( ( $address | gm City ) -or ( $address | gm State ) ) { $components = @() if ( $address | gm City ) { $components += $address.City } if ( $address | gm State ) { $components += $address.State } $components -join ', ' } elseif ( $address | gm countryOrRegion ) { $address.countryOrRegion } elseif ( $address | gm postalCode ) { $address.postalCode } if ($addressDisplay ) { $addressType.Name + ": " + $addressDisplay break } } } } function ContactEmailAddress($contact) { $email = if ( $contact | gm emailAddresses -erroraction ignore ) { $contact.emailAddresses | where { $_ -ne $null -and $_ -ne '' } | select -first 1 | select -expandproperty address } if ( $email ) { $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($email, 'Emphasis1', $null, $null, $null) } } function MessageEmailAddress($message) { if ( $message | gm 'From' -erroraction ignore ) { __MessageAddress $message.From } } function MessageAudience($message) { if ( $message | gm 'ToRecipients' -erroraction ignore ) { $recipients = $message.toRecipients | foreach { __MessageAddress $_ } $count = ( $recipients | measure-object ).count $countDisplay = if ( $count -gt 1 ) { " + $($count - 1)" } $firstRecipient = $recipients | where { $_ -ne $null } | select -first 1 if ( $firstRecipient ) { $firstRecipient + $countDisplay } } } function MessageSubject($message) { if ( $message | gm Subject -erroraction ignore ) { $isHighPriority = if ( $message | gm importance -erroraction ignore ) { $message.Importance -eq 'High' } $isUnread = if ( ( $message | gm importance -erroraction ignore ) -and ( $message | gm IsRead -erroraction ignore ) ) { ! $message.IsRead } if ( $isHighPriority ) { $augmentedSubject = "! " + $message.Subject if ( $isUnread ) { $priorityColor = $::.ColorString.GetStandardColors('Scheme', 'Error1', $null, $null) $contrast = $::.ColorString.GetColorContrast($priorityColor[0]) $::.ColorString.ToColorString($augmentedSubject, $contrast, $priorityColor[0]) } else { $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($augmentedSubject, 'Scheme', 'Error1', $null, $null) } } elseif ( $isUnread ) { $::.ColorString.ToStandardColorString($message.Subject, 'Emphasis2', $null, $null, $null) } else { $message.Subject } } } function MessageTime($message, $timeField) { if ( $message | gm $timeField -erroraction ignore ) { $parsedTime = [DateTime]::new(0) if ( [DateTime]::tryparse($message.$timeField, [ref] $parsedTime) ) { $parsedTime.ToString("ddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") } else { $message.$timeField } } } function __MessageAddress($messageAddress) { if ( $messageAddress -and ( $messageAddress | gm emailAddress -erroraction ignore ) ) { if ( $messageAddress.emailAddress | gm name -erroraction ignore ) { $messageAddress.emailAddress.Name } elseif ( $messageAddress.emailAddress | gm address -erroraction ignore ) { $messageAddress.emailAddress.Address } } } function __GetMetadataFromObject($graphObject) { if ( $graphObject | gm __ItemMetadata -MemberType Method -erroraction ignore ) { $graphObject.__ItemMetadata() } elseif ( $graphObject.pstypenames -contains 'GraphSegmentDisplayType' ) { $graphObject } } } } $::.MetaGraphFormatter |=> __initialize |