# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script TypeSchema) . (import-script TypeIndex) ScriptClass ScalarTypeProvider { $base = $null $primitiveDefinitions = $null $enumerationDefinitions = $null $primitiveNames = $null $indexes = $null function __initialize($graph) { $this.indexes = $null $this.base = new-so TypeProvider $this $graph LoadEnumerationTypeDefinitions LoadPrimitiveTypeDefinitions } function GetTypeDefinition($typeClass, $typeId, $ignoreIfNotFound) { $this.scriptclass.ValidateTypeClass($typeClass) switch ( $typeClass ) { 'Primitive' { GetPrimitiveDefinition $typeId $ignoreIfNotFound break } 'Enumeration' { GetEnumerationDefinition $typeId $ignoreIfNotFound break } } } function GetSortedTypeNames($typeClass) { $this.scriptclass.ValidateTypeClass($typeClass) switch ( $typeClass ) { 'Primitive' { if ( ! $this.primitiveNames ) { $this.primitiveNames = $this.primitiveDefinitions.keys | sort-object } $this.primitiveNames break } 'Enumeration' { $this.enumerationDefinitions.keys break } } } function GetTypeIndexes([string[]] $indexFields, [string[]] $typeClasses) { # Note that we initialize all indexes as well as the only supported # type class, even if they are not asked for at the end we do # filter for only the requested indexes if ( 'Enumeration' -in $typeClasses -and ! $this.indexes ) { $nameIndex = new-so TypeIndex Name $propertyIndex = new-so TypeIndex Property foreach ( $typeId in $this.enumerationDefinitions.Keys ) { $enumerationDefinition = $this.enumerationDefinitions[$typeId] $nameIndex |=> Add $typeId $typeId Enumeration foreach ( $property in $enumerationDefinition.Properties ) { $propertyIndex |=> Add $property.Name.Name $typeId Enumeration } } $this.indexes = $nameIndex, $propertyIndex foreach ( $index in $this.indexes ) { $index |=> SetContext TypeClass Enumeration } } # Be sure to return only the indexes actually requested if ( $this.indexes ) { $this.indexes.Values | where IndexedField -in $indexFields } } function UpdateTypeIndexes($indexes, [string[]] $typeClasses) { if ( 'Enumeration' -in $typeClasses -and ! $this.indexes ) { $nameIndex = $indexes | where IndexedField -eq Name $propertyIndex = $indexes | where IndexedField -eq Property if ( ! $nameIndex -and ! $propertyIndex ) { return } $indexNames = @() $nameIndex, $propertyIndex | where { $_ -ne $null } | foreach { $indexNames += $_.IndexedField } $indexNameDescription = $indexNames -join ',' $activityMessage = "Updating search index(es) '$indexNameDescription' for enumeration types" $enumerationCount = ($this.enumerationDefinitions.Keys | measure-object).count $enumerationsProcessed = 0 foreach ( $typeId in $this.enumerationDefinitions.Keys ) { if ( $enumerationsProcessed++ % 10 ) { $percent = ( $enumerationsProcessed / $enumerationCount ) * 100 Write-Progress -id 1 -activity $activityMessage -PercentComplete $percent } $enumerationDefinition = $this.enumerationDefinitions[$typeId] if( $nameIndex ) { $nameIndex |=> Add $typeId $typeId Enumeration } if ( $propertyIndex ) { foreach ( $property in $enumerationDefinition.Properties ) { $propertyIndex.Add($property.Name.Name, $typeId, 'Enumeration') } } } Write-Progress -id 1 -activity $activityMessage -Completed } } function LoadEnumerationTypeDefinitions { $enumerationDefinitions = [System.Collections.Generic.SortedList[String, Object]]::new() $nativeSchemas = $this.base.graph |=> GetEnumTypes $nativeSchemas | foreach { $properties = [ordered] @{} $typeId = $this.base.graph.UnaliasQualifiedName($_.QualifiedName) $_.Schema.member | foreach { $memberData = [PSCustomObject] @{ Type = 'Edm.String' Name = [PSCUstomObject] @{Name=$;Value=$_.value} } # TODO: The 'name' field is being misused here -- a previous implementation relied on this structure # being in the name field. Now that we are using TypeMember instead of an arbitrary structure, we can # just let consumers use the MemberData field and let name just be a name. $propertyValue = new-so TypeMember ([PSCUstomObject] @{Name=$;Value=$_.value}) 'Edm.String' $false Enumeration $memberData $typeId $properties.Add($, $propertyValue) } $enumerationValues = $properties.Values $defaultValue = if ( $enumerationValues.count -gt 0 ) { $enumerationValues | select -first 1 | select -expandproperty name | select -expandproperty name } $definition = new-so TypeDefinition $typeId Enumeration $ $_.Namespace $null $enumerationValues $defaultValue $null $false $_.Schema $enumerationDefinitions.Add($typeId.tolower(), $definition) } $this.enumerationDefinitions = $enumerationDefinitions } function LoadPrimitiveTypeDefinitions { # See data type documentation at # for a list of all supported OData primitive types $this.primitiveDefinitions = @{ 'Byte' = @{Name='Byte';Type=[byte];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [byte[]]@(0)}} 'Int16' = @{Name='Int16';Type=[int32];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [int16[]]@(0)}} 'Int32' = @{Name='Int32';Type=[int32];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [int32[]]@(0)}} 'Int64' = @{Name='Int64';Type=[int64];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [int64[]]@(0)}} 'Double' = @{Name='Double';Type=[double];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [double[]]@(0)}} 'Decimal' = @{Name='Decimal';Type=[double];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [double[]]@(0)}} 'Single' = @{Name='Single';Type=[single];DefaultValue={0};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [single[]]@(0)}} 'String' = @{Name='String';Type=[string];DefaultValue={''};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [string[]]@('')}} 'Boolean' = @{Name='Boolean';Type=[bool];DefaultValue={$false};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [bool[]]@($false)}} 'Stream' = @{Name='Stream';Type=[byte[]];DefaultValue={[byte[]]@()};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [byte[][]]@([byte[][]]@([byte[]]@()))}} 'Guid' = @{Name='Guid';Type=[Guid];DefaultValue={([Guid] '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [Guid[]]@(([Guid] '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'))}} 'DateTimeOffset' = @{Name='Date';Type=[DateTimeOffset];DefaultValue={[DateTimeOffset]::new([DateTime]::new([DateTime]::Now.Year, 1, 1))};DefaultCollectionValue={return , @([DateTimeOffset]::new([DateTime]::new([DateTime]::Now.Year, 1, 1)))}} 'Duration' = @{Name='Duration';Type=[TimeSpan];DefaultValue={[TimeSpan]::new(0)};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [TimeSpan[]]@([TimeSpan]::new(0))}} 'Binary' = @{Name='Binary';Type=[byte[]];DefaultValue={[byte[]]@()};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [byte[][]]@([byte[][]]@([byte[]]@()))}} 'Date' = @{Name='Date';Type=[string];DefaultValue={[DateTime]::new(0).tostring("s") + "Z"};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [String[]]@([DateTime]::new(0).tostring("s") + "Z")}} 'TimeOfDay' = @{Name='TimeOfDay';Type=[string];DefaultValue={[DateTime]::new(0).tostring("s") + "Z"};DefaultCollectionValue={return , [String[]]@([DateTime]::new(0).tostring("s") + "Z")}} } } function GetEnumerationDefinition($typeId, $ignoreIfNotFound) { $definition = $this.enumerationDefinitions[$typeId.tolower()] if ( ! $definition ) { if ( $ignoreIfNotFound ) { return } throw "Enumeration type '$typeId' does not exist" } $definition } function GetPrimitiveDefinition($typeId, $ignoreIfNotFound) { if ( ! ( $this.scriptclass |=> IsPrimitiveType $typeId ) ) { if ( $ignoreIfNotFound ) { return } throw "Type '$typeId' is not a primitive type" } $nameInfo = $::.TypeSchema |=> GetTypeNameInfo $this.scriptclass.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAMESPACE $typeId $unqualifiedName = $ $nativeSchema = $this.primitiveDefinitions[$unqualifiedName] if ( ! $nativeSchema ) { if ( $ignoreIfNotFound ) { return } throw "No primitive type '$typeId' exists" } new-so TypeDefinition $typeId Primitive $ $this.scriptclass.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAMESPACE $null $null $nativeSchema.DefaultValue $nativeSchema.DefaultCollectionValue $false $nativeSchema } static { const PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAMESPACE Edm function GetTypeProvider($graph) { $::.TypeProvider |=> GetTypeProvider $this $graph } function IsPrimitiveType($typeId) { $primitivePrefix = $this.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAMESPACE + '.' $typePrefix = $typeId.substring(0, $primitivePrefix.length) $typePrefix -eq $primitivePrefix } function GetSupportedTypeClasses { @('Primitive', 'Enumeration') } function GetDefaultNamespace($typeClass, $graph) { if ( $typeClass -eq 'Primitive' ) { $this.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAMESPACE } else { $graph |=> GetDefaultNamespace } } function ValidateTypeClass($typeClass) { $::.TypeProvider.ValidateTypeClass($this, $typeClass) } } } |