# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script Get-Graph) if ( get-variable __graphOriginalPrompt -erroraction ignore ) { if ( $__GraphOriginalPrompt ) { set-item function:prompt -value $__GraphOriginalPrompt } } $__GraphOriginalPrompt = $null $GraphPromptColorPreference = $null $__GraphPromptColorSetting = $null $__GraphPromptBehaviorSetting = $null function __GetGraphDefaultPrompt { { $graph = get-graph ($::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent).name -erroraction ignore $userToken = if ( $graph ) { $graph.details.connection.identity.token } $userOutput = $null $locationOutput = $null $connectionStatus = $null if ( $graph ) { $identity = $graph.details.connection.identity $identityOutput = if ( $ -eq 'Delegated' ) { if ($userToken) { $graph.userId } } else { $tid = if ( $identity.TenantDisplayName ) { $identity.TenantDisplayName } else { $identity.TenantDisplayId } $tenantData = if ( $tid ) { 'tid=' + $tid } $tenantData } $promptOutput = @() if ( $identityOutput ) { $promptOutput += $identityOutput } $appOutput = 'app=' + $ $promptOutput += $appOutput $connectionOutput = '[{0}] ' -f ($promptOutput -join ', ') $versionOutput = 'ver=' + $graph.version $locationOutput = $versionOutput + (": /{0}:{1}" -f $, $graph.currentlocation.graphuri) $connectionStatus = if ( $graph.ConnectionStatus.tostring() -ne 'Online' ) { "({0}) " -f $graph.ConnectionStatus } } if ( $connectionOutput -or $locationOutput ) { $promptColor = if ( $GraphPromptColorPreference ) { $GraphPromptColorPreference } elseif ( $__GraphPromptColorSetting ) { $__GraphPromptColorSetting } else { 'darkgreen' } write-host -foreground $promptColor "$($connectionOutput)$($connectionStatus)`n$($locationOutput)" } } } $__GraphCurrentPrompt = $null function __GetGraphPrompt { { if ( $__GraphCurrentPrompt ) { . $__GraphCurrentPrompt | out-null } if ( $__GraphOriginalPrompt ) { . $__GraphOriginalPrompt } } } function __ConfigurePrompt($behavior, $promptScript) { $originalPromptValue = try { $script:__GraphOriginalPrompt } catch { } if ( $behavior -eq 'Disable' ) { if ( $originalPromptValue ) { set-item function:prompt -value $script:__GraphOriginalPrompt $script:__GraphOriginalPrompt = $null } } elseif ( $behavior -eq 'Enable' ) { $script:__GraphCurrentPrompt = if ( $promptScript ) { $promptScript } else { __GetGraphDefaultPrompt } if ( ! $originalPromptValue ) { $script:__GraphOriginalPrompt = (get-item function:prompt).ScriptBlock } set-item function:prompt -value (__GetGraphPrompt) } } function Set-GraphPrompt { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false)] param ( [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Auto', 'Enable', 'Disable')] [string] $Behavior, [ScriptBlock] $PromptScript = $null ) Enable-ScriptClassVerbosePreference $script:__GraphPromptBehaviorSetting = $Behavior __ConfigurePrompt $Behavior $PromptScript } |