# Copyright 2020, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script ../typesystem/TypeManager) . (import-script common/TypeUriHelper) . (import-script common/GraphParameterCompleter) . (import-script common/TypeParameterCompleter) . (import-script common/TypeUriParameterCompleter) function Get-GraphItemUri { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false, defaultparametersetname='fromtype')] param( [parameter(position=0, parametersetname='fromtype', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(position=0, parametersetname='fromtypeandid', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(position=0, parametersetname='fromtypeandidrelationship', mandatory=$true)] [Alias('FromType')] [string] $TypeName, [parameter(position=1, parametersetname='fromtypeandid', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(position=1, parametersetname='fromtypeandidrelationship', mandatory=$true)] [Alias('FromId')] [string] $Id, [parameter(parametersetname='fromUriAndRelationship', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='fromtypeandidrelationship', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='fromObjectAndRelationship', mandatory=$true)] [Alias('WithRelationship')] [string[]] $Relationship, [parameter(parametersetname='fromUriAndRelationship')] [parameter(parametersetname='fromtypeandidrelationship')] [parameter(parametersetname='fromObjectAndRelationship')] [Alias('WithRelatedItemId')] [string] $RelatedItemId, [parameter(parametersetname='fromObject', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='fromObjectAndRelationship', mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject] $FromObject, [string] $OverrideRelatedItemType, [parameter(parametersetname='fromUri', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='fromUriAndRelationship', mandatory=$true)] [Alias('FromUri')] [Uri] $Uri, [string] $GraphName, [switch] $FullyQualifiedTypeName, [switch] $AbsoluteUri, [switch] $SkipPropertyCheck ) Enable-ScriptClassVerbosePreference $targetId = if ( $Id ) { $Id } elseif ( $FromObject -and ( $FromObject | gm -membertype noteproperty id -erroraction ignore ) ) { $FromObject.Id # This is needed when an object is supplied without an id parameter } $referenceInfo = $::.TypeUriHelper |=> GetReferenceSourceInfo $GraphName $TypeName $FullyQualifiedTypeName.IsPresent $Id $Uri $FromObject $Relationship if ( ! $referenceInfo -or ( $FromObject -and ! $referenceInfo.requestInfo.Uri ) ) { throw "Unable to determine Uri for specified FromObject parameter -- specify the correct TypeName or Uri parameter and retry the command" } $graphNameParameter = @{} if ( $GraphName ) { $graphNameParameter = @{GraphName=$GraphName} } try { Get-GraphUriInfo $referenceInfo.RequestInfo.Uri.tostring() @graphNameParameter | out-null } catch { throw 'Unable to resolve specified parameters to a valid URI for the graph' } if ( ( $Uri -or $FromObject) -and $Relationship ) { $uriTypeClass = $referenceInfo.RequestInfo.TypeInfo.UriInfo.Class $sourceUri = $referenceInfo.RequestInfo.Uri if ( $uriTypeClass -ne 'EntityType' -and $uriTypeClass -ne 'Singleton' ) { throw "The relationship '$Relationship' was specified, but the specified object or URI resolving to URI '$sourceUri' is of type class '$uriTypeClass' and therefore is not a valid target for any relationship." } } $resultUri = if ( $RelatedItemId ) { $targetTypeInfo = $::.TypeUriHelper |=> GetReferenceTargetTypeInfo $GraphName $referenceInfo.RequestInfo $Relationship $OverrideRelatedItemType if ( ! $targetTypeInfo ) { throw "Unable to find type information for relationship '$Relationship' and specified parameters" } $targetInfo = $::.TypeUriHelper |=> GetReferenceTargetInfo $GraphName $targetTypeInfo.TypeId $FullyQualifiedTypeName.IsPresent $relatedItemId $referenceInfo.Uri $null $false $referenceInfo.Uri.tostring(), $RelatedItemId -join '/' } elseif ( $FromObject ) { $targetTypeInfo = $::.TypeUriHelper |=> GetReferenceTargetTypeInfo $GraphName $referenceInfo.RequestInfo $Relationship $OverrideRelatedItemType $targetInfo = $::.TypeUriHelper |=> GetReferenceTargetInfo $GraphName $targetTypeInfo.TypeId $FullyQualifiedTypeName.IsPresent $relatedItemId $referenceInfo.Uri $null $false $referenceInfo.Uri.tostring() } else{ $referenceInfo.Uri.tostring() } if ( ! $AbsoluteUri.IsPresent ) { $resultUri } else { ($::.TypeUriHelper |=> ToGraphAbsoluteUri $referenceInfo.requestInfo.Context $resultUri).tostring() } } $::.ParameterCompleter |=> RegisterParameterCompleter Get-GraphItemUri TypeName (new-so TypeUriParameterCompleter TypeName) $::.ParameterCompleter |=> RegisterParameterCompleter Get-GraphItemUri Relationship (new-so TypeUriParameterCompleter Property $false NavigationProperty) $::.ParameterCompleter |=> RegisterParameterCompleter Get-GraphItemUri GraphName (new-so GraphParameterCompleter) $::.ParameterCompleter |=> RegisterParameterCompleter Get-GraphItemUri Uri (new-so GraphUriParameterCompleter LocationUri) |