# Copyright 2020, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script TypeSchema) . (import-script TypeProvider) . (import-script ScalarTypeProvider) . (import-script CompositeTypeProvider) . (import-script TypeDefinition) . (import-script GraphObjectBuilder) ScriptClass TypeManager { . {}.module.newboundscriptblock($::.TypeSchema.EnumScript) $graph = $null $definitions = $null $prototypes = $null $hasRequiredTypeDefinitions = $false function __initialize($graph) { $this.graph = $graph $this.definitions = @{} $this.prototypes = @{ $false = @{} $true = @{} } } function GetPrototype($typeClass, $typeName, $fullyQualified = $false, $setDefaultValues = $false, $recursive = $false, $propertyFilter, [object[]] $valueList, $propertyList, $skipPropertyCheck) { $typeId = GetOptionallyQualifiedName $typeClass $typeName $fullyQualified $hasProperties = $propertyFilter -ne $null -or $propertyList -ne $null $prototype = if ( ! $hasProperties ) { GetPrototypeFromCache $typeId $setDefaultValues $recursive } if ( $hasProperties -or ! ( HasCacheKey $typeId $setDefaultValues $recursive ) ) { if ( ! $prototype ) { $type = FindTypeDefinition $typeClass $typeId $true $true $builder = new-so GraphObjectBuilder $this $type $setDefaultValues $recursive $propertyFilter $valueList $propertyList $skipPropertyCheck $prototype = $builder |=> ToObject } if ( ! $hasProperties ) { AddPrototypeToCache $typeId $setDefaultValues $recursive $prototype } } $prototype } function FindTypeDefinition($typeClass, $typeName, $fullyQualified, $errorIfNotFound = $false) { $definition = $null $classes = if ( $typeClass -eq 'Unknown' ) { GetTypeClassPrecedence } else { [GraphTypeClass] $typeClass } foreach ( $class in $classes ) { $typeId = GetOptionallyQualifiedName $class $typeName $fullyQualified $definition = $this.definitions[$typeId] if ( ! $definition ) { try { $definition = GetTypeDefinition $class $typeId } catch { if ( $errorIfNotFound ) { throw } } } if ( $definition ) { break } } if ( $errorIfNotFound -and ! $definition ) { throw "Unable to find type '$typeId' of type class '$typeClass'" } $definition } function GetTypeDefinition($typeClass, $typeId, $skipRequiredTypes) { $definition = $this.definitions[$typeId] if ( ! $definition ) { if ( ! $skipRequiredTypes ) { InitializeRequiredTypes } $type = $::.TypeDefinition |=> Get $this.graph $typeClass $typeId $requiredTypes = @($type) $baseTypeId = $type.BaseType while ( $baseTypeId ) { $baseType = $::.TypeDefinition |=> Get $this.graph Unknown $baseTypeId $requiredTypes += $baseType $baseTypeId = if ( $baseType | gm BaseType -erroraction ignore ) { $basetype.BaseType } } for ( $typeIndex = $requiredTypes.length - 1; $typeIndex -ge 0; $typeIndex-- ) { $requiredType = $requiredTypes[$typeIndex] $requiredTypeId = $requiredType.typeId if ( ! $this.definitions[$requiredTypeId] ) { AddTypeDefinition $requiredTypeId $requiredType } } $definition = $this.definitions[$typeId] } $definition } function GetPrototypeId($typeId, $setDefaults, $recursive) { '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f $typeId, ([int32] $setDefaults), ([int32] $recursive) } function GetPrototypeFromCache($typeId, $setDefaults, $recursive) { $id = GetPrototypeId $typeId $setDefaults $recursive $this.prototypes[$id] } function AddPrototypeToCache($typeId, $setDefaults, $recursive, $prototype) { $id = GetPrototypeId $typeId $setDefaults $recursive $this.prototypes.add($id, $prototype) } function HasCacheKey($typeId, $setDefaults, $recursive) { $id = GetPrototypeId $typeId $setDefaults $recursive $this.prototypes.ContainsKey($id) } function AddTypeDefinition($typeId, $type) { if ( $this.definitions[$typeId] ) { throw "Type '$typeId' already exists" } $this.definitions.Add($typeId, $type) } function InitializeRequiredTypes { if ( ! $this.hasRequiredTypeDefinitions ) { $requiredTypeInfo = $::.TypeProvider |=> GetRequiredTypeInfo $requiredTypeInfo | foreach { GetTypeDefinition $requiredTypeInfo.typeClass $requiredTypeInfo.typeId $true | out-null } $this.hasRequiredTypeDefinitions = $true } } function GetTypeClassPrecedence { [GraphTypeClass]::Primitive, [GraphTypeClass]::Entity, [GraphTypeClass]::Complex, [GraphTypeClass]::Enumeration } function GetOptionallyQualifiedName($typeClass, $typeName, $isFullyQualified) { if ( $isFullyQualified ) { $typeName } else { $typeNamespace = $::.TypeProvider |=> GetDefaultNamespace $typeClass $this.graph $::.TypeSchema |=> GetQualifiedTypeName $typeNamespace $typeName } } static { $managerByGraph = @{} function Get($graph) { $graphId = $graph |=> GetScriptObjectHashCode $manager = $managerByGraph[$graphId] if ( ! $manager ) { $manager = new-so TypeManager $graph $managerByGraph[$graphId] = $manager } $manager } } } |