# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script Entity) . (import-script EntityVertex) . (import-script EntityEdge) . (import-script GraphBuilder) ScriptClass EntityGraph { $ApiVersion = $null $Endpoint = $null $vertices = $null $rootVertices = $null $typeVertices = $null $namespace = $null $namespaceAlias = $null $builder = $null function __initialize( $namespace, $apiVersion = 'localtest', [Uri] $endpoint = 'http://localhost', $dataModel ) { $this.vertices = @{} $this.rootVertices = @{} $this.typeVertices = @{} $this.ApiVersion = $apiVersion $this.Endpoint = $endpoint $this.namespace = $namespace $this.namespaceAlias = $dataModel.namespaceAlias $this.builder = new-so GraphBuilder $endpoint $apiVersion $dataModel } function GetRootVertices { $this.rootVertices } function AddVertex($entity) { $vertex = new-so EntityVertex $entity $this.vertices.Add($, $vertex) if ( $vertex.type -eq 'EntityType' ) { $this.typeVertices.Add(($vertex.typeName), $vertex) } elseif ( $vertex.type -eq 'EntitySet' -or $vertex.type -eq 'Singleton' ) { $this.rootVertices.Add($, $vertex) } } function TypeVertexFromTypeName($typeName) { $typeData = $::.Entity |=> GetEntityTypeDataFromTypeName $this.namespace $this.namespaceAlias $typeName $this.typeVertices[$typeData.EntityTypeName] } function GetTypeVertex($qualifiedTypeName) { $vertex = TypeVertexFromTypeName $qualifiedTypeName if ( ! $vertex ) { __AddTypeVertex $qualifiedTypeName $vertex = TypeVertexFromTypeName $qualifiedTypeName } if ( ! $vertex ) { throw "Vertex '$qualifiedTypeName' not found" } __UpdateVertex $vertex $vertex } function GetVertexEdges($vertex) { __UpdateVertex $vertex $vertex.outgoingEdges } function __UpdateVertex($vertex) { if ( ! (__IsVertexComplete $vertex) ) { $::.ProgressWriter |=> WriteProgress -id 1 -activity "Update vertex '$($'" if ( $vertex.entity.type -eq 'Singleton' -or $vertex.entity.type -eq 'EntitySet' ) { __AddTypeVertex $vertex.entity.typedata.entitytypename } __AddTypeForVertex $vertex $::.ProgressWriter |=> WriteProgress -id 1 -activity "Vertex '$($' successfully update" -completed } } function __AddTypeForVertex($vertex) { $this.builder |=> AddEdgesToVertex $this $vertex $true } function __AddTypeVertex($qualifiedTypeName) { $vertex = TypeVertexFromTypeName $qualifiedTypeName if ( ! $vertex ) { $unqualifiedName = $qualifiedTypeName.substring($this.namespace.length + 1, $qualifiedTypeName.length - $this.namespace.length - 1) $this.builder |=> AddEntityTypeVertices $this $unqualifiedName } } function __IsVertexComplete($vertex) { $vertex.TestFlags($::.GraphBuilder.AllBuildFlags) -eq $::.GraphBuilder.AllBuildFlags } static { $nullVertex = new-so EntityVertex $null function NewGraph($endpoint, $version, $schemadata) { $dataModel = new-so GraphDataModel $schemadata $graph = new-so EntityGraph ($dataModel |=> GetNamespace) $version $Endpoint $dataModel $graph.builder |=> InitializeGraph $graph $graph } } } |