# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ScriptClass GraphUtilities { static { function ToGraphRelativeUriPathUnqualified( $relativeUri, $context = $null ) { $this.__ToGraphRelativeUriPath($relativeUri, $context) } function __NormalizeBacktrack( $uriAbsoluteString ) { if ( $uriAbsoluteString[0] -ne '/' ) { throw "'$uriAbsoluteString' is not an absolute path" } $segments = $uriAbsoluteString -split '/' $newSegments = new-object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $segments | foreach { if ( $_ -eq '..' ) { if ( $newSegments.count -gt 0 ) { $newSegments.RemoveAt($newSegments.count - 1) } } else { $newSegments.Add($_) } } $result = $newSegments -join '/' if ( $result[0] -ne '/' ) { $result = '/' + $result } write-verbose "Backtrack '$uriAbsoluteString' converted to '$result'" $result } function ToGraphRelativeUri( $relativeUri, $context = $null ) { __ToGraphRelativeUriPath $relativeUri $context } function __ToGraphRelativeUriPath( $relativeUri, $context = $null ) { $normalizedUri = ($relativeUri -split '/' | where { $_ -ne '.' }) -join '/' $result = if ( $relativeUri.tostring()[0] -eq '/' ) { [Uri] ($this.__NormalizeBacktrack($normalizedUri)) } else { $graphContext = if ( $context ) { $context } else { 'GraphContext' |::> GetCurrent } $locationUri = if ( $graphContext.location ) { $graphContext.location |=> ToGraphUri } else { # By default, locations are not defined, so if there isn't one, # assume the root '/' } $graphUri = $this.JoinGraphUri($locationUri, $normalizedUri) $canonicalGraphUri = __NormalizeBacktrack $graphUri.tostring() $canonicalGraphUri } $result } function ToLocationUriPath( $context, $relativeUri ) { $graphRelativeUri = $this.ToGraphRelativeUriPathUnqualified($relativeUri, $context) "/{0}:{1}" -f $, $graphRelativeUri } function JoinAbsoluteUri([Uri] $absoluteUri, [string] $relativeUri) { if ( ! $absoluteUri.IsAbsoluteUri ) { throw "Absolute uri argument '$($absoluteUri.tostring())' is not an absolute uri" } $::.GraphUtilities.JoinFragmentUri($absoluteUri, $relativeUri) } function JoinRelativeUri([string] $relativeUri1, [string] $relativeUri2) { if ( $relativeUri1[0] -eq '/' ) { throw "'$relativeUri1' is an absolute path" } $this.JoinFragmentUri($relativeUri1, $relativeUri2) } function JoinFragmentUri([string] $fragmentUri1, [string] $fragmentUri2) { ($fragmentUri1.trimend('/'), $fragmentUri2.trim('/') -join '/') } function JoinGraphUri([Uri] $graphUri, [string] $relativeUri) { if ( $graphUri.tostring()[0] -ne '/' ) { throw "Graph uri parameter '$graphUri' is not an absolute graph path" } $uriString = $this.JoinFragmentUri($graphUri, $relativeUri) [Uri] $uriString } function ParseLocationUriPath($UriPath) { $context = $null $isAbsolute = $false $graphRelativeUri = $null if ( $UriPath ) { $UriString = $UriPath.tostring() $contextEnd = $UriString.IndexOf(':') $isAbsolute = $UriString[0] -eq '/' $graphRelativeUri = if ( $contextEnd -eq -1 ) { $isAbsolute = $UriString[0] -eq '/' $UriString } else { if ( $isAbsolute ) { $contextComponents = $UriString.substring(0, $contextEnd) -split '/' if ( $contextComponents.length -eq 2 ) { $context = $contextComponents[1] $UriString.substring($contextEnd + 1, $UriString.length - $contextEnd - 1) } else { $UriString } } else { $UriString } } } [PSCustomObject]@{ ContextName=$context RelativeUri=$graphRelativeUri IsAbsoluteUri=$isAbsolute } } function ParseGraphUri([Uri] $uri, $context) { $endpoint = $null $version = $null $sameEndpoint = $true $sameVersion = $true $isAbsolute = $uri.IsAbsoluteUri $matchedContext = $null $relativeUri = if ( $isAbsolute ) { $endpoint = [Uri] ('https://{0}' -f $ $graphRelativeUri = '' $version = if ( $uri.segments.length -gt 0 ) { for ( $uriIndex = 2; $uriIndex -lt $uri.segments.length; $uriIndex++ ) { $graphRelativeUri += $uri.segments[$uriIndex] } $uri.segments[1].trim('/') } else { throw [ArgumentException]::new("Invalid uri '$($uri.tostring())'") } if ( $context ) { $sameEndpoint = if ( $context.connection -and $context.connection.GraphEndpoint ) { $userAbsoluteUri = $uri.absoluteuri $userEndpoint = $userAbsoluteUri.substring(0, $userAbsoluteUri.length - $uri.PathAndQuery.length).trimend('/') write-verbose ("Comparing endpoints: user: '{0}' vs. context '{1}'" -f $userEndpoint, $context.connection.GraphEndpoint.Graph) $userEndpoint -eq ($context.connection.GraphEndpoint.Graph).tostring().trimend('/') } else { $false } $sameVersion = $version -eq $context.version } $graphRelativeUri } else { $uri } if ( $relativeUri -eq $null ) { throw "Invalid graph uri '$uri'" } $normalized = JoinGraphUri / $relativeUri $matchedContext = if ( $isAbsolute ) { if ( $context -and ($sameEndpoint -and $sameVersion) ) { $context } else { $::.GraphContext |=> FindContext $endpoint $version | select -first 1 } } else { $::.GraphContext.GetCurrent() } [PSCustomObject]@{ GraphRelativeUri = $normalized GraphVersion = $version EndpointMatchesContext = $sameEndpoint VersionMatchesContext = $sameVersion IsContextCompatible = $sameEndpoint -and $sameVersion MatchedContext = $matchedContext IsAbsolute = $isAbsolute } } function ParseGraphRelativeLocation([string] $locationUri) { $graphName = if ( $locationUri.startswith('/') ) { $segments = $locationUri.tostring() -split '/' if ( $segments[1].endswith(':') ) { ($locationUri -split ':')[0].trimstart('/') } } # Handle absolute web uri's, e.g. $locationUriAsWebUri = [Uri] $locationUri if ( $locationUriAsWebUri.IsAbsoluteUri -and ( !( !$ ) -eq $true ) { # This is an absolute web uri $parsedUri = ParseGraphUri $locationUriAsWebUri @{ Context = $parsedUri.MatchedContext GraphRelativeUri = $parsedUri.GraphRelativeUri } } else { $relativeUri = $locationUri $context = if ( ! $graphName ) { $::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent } else { # Start 2 after graphname due to the required '/' and ':' in '/graphname:', and account for that in length as well $relativeUri = $locationUri.substring($graphName.length + 2, $locationUri.length - $graphName.length - 2) $::.logicalgraphmanager.Get().contexts[$graphName].context } @{ Context = $context GraphRelativeUri = $::.GraphUtilities |=> ToGraphRelativeUri $relativeUri $context } } } } } |