# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script ../REST/GraphRequest) . (import-script ../GraphService/GraphEndpoint) . (import-script ../Client/GraphConnection) . (import-script ../Client/GraphContext) . (import-script Get-GraphVersion) function Get-GraphSchema { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false)] param( [parameter(position=0, parametersetname='GetSingleNamespace', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(position=0, parametersetname='ListSchemas')] [String] $Namespace = $null, [parameter(position=1, parametersetname='GetSingleNamespace')] [String] $SchemaVersion = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='SchemasForVersionObject', mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject] $VersionObject, [parameter(parametersetname='SchemasForApiVersion', mandatory=$true)] [String] $ApiVersion = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='SchemasForApiVersion')] [parameter(parametersetname='SchemasForSchemaVersion')] [parameter(parametersetname='ListSchemas')] [String[]] $NamespaceList = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='SchemasForApiVersion')] [parameter(parametersetname='SchemasForVersionObject')] [parameter(parametersetname='GetSingleNamespace')] [switch] $Xml, [parameter(parametersetname='ListSchemas', mandatory=$true)] [switch] $ListSchemas, [parameter(parametersetname='ListSchemas')] [switch] $RawContent, [GraphCloud] $Cloud = [GraphCloud]::Public, [PSCustomObject] $Connection = $null ) $graphConnection = if ( $connection ) { $connection } else { 'GraphContext' |::> GetConnection $null $null $cloud 'User.Read' } $relativeBase = 'schemas' $headers = @{ 'Content-Type'='application/json' 'Accept-Charset'='utf-8' } if ( $ListSchemas.ispresent ) { return ListSchemas $graphConnection $Namespace $relativeBase $headers $RawContent.ispresent } $headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml' $graphSchemaVersions = @{} $graphVersion = if ( $SchemaVersion -eq $null -or $SchemaVersion.length -eq 0 ) { if ( $VersionObject -ne $null ) { $VersionObject } else { $sourceApiVersion = if ( $ApiVersion -ne $null -and $ApiVersion -ne '' ) { $apiVersion } else { ($::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent).version } get-graphversion -Connection $graphConnection -version $sourceApiVersion } } $graphNameSpaces = if ( $graphVersion -ne $null ) { $graphVersion | gm -membertype noteproperty | select -expandproperty name | where { $_ -ne 'tags' } | foreach { $versionName = $_ $graphSchemaVersions[$versionName] = $graphVersion | select -expandproperty $versionName } if ( $NameSpaceList -ne $null ) { $NamespaceList } elseif ( $Namespace -ne $null -and $namespace -ne '' ) { @($Namespace) } else { $graphSchemaVersions.keys } } else { $graphSchemaVersions[$Namespace] = $SchemaVersion @($Namespace) } $results = @() $graphNamespaces | foreach { $graphSchemaVersion = $graphSchemaVersions[$_] $apiVersionDisplay = if ( $apiVersion -ne $null ) { "'$apiVersion'" } else { 'v1.0' } if ($graphSchemaVersion -eq $null) { throw "Specified namespace '$_' does not exist in the provided version '$apiVersionDisplay'" } $relativeUri = $relativeBase, $_, $graphSchemaVersion -join '/' $request = new-so GraphRequest $graphConnection $relativeUri GET $headers $response = $request |=> Invoke $schema = if ( $XML.ispresent ) { $response |=> Content } else { $response.Entities.schema } $results += [PSCustomObject] $schema } $results } function ListSchemas($graphConnection, $namespace, $relativeBase, $headers, $jsonOutput) { $relativeUri = if ($Namespace -ne $null) { $relativeBase, $Namespace -join '/' } else { $relativeBase } $request = new-so GraphRequest $graphConnection $relativeUri GET $headers $response = $request |=> Invoke if ( $jsonOutput ) { $response |=> content } else { [PSCustomObject] $response.Entities } } |