# Copyright 2021, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script LocalProfileSpec) . (import-script LocalSettings) ScriptClass LocalConnectionProfile { $connectionData = $null $endpointData = $null $knownCloud = $null $customGraphUri = $null $customAuthUri = $null $customResourceUri = $null $Name = $null function __initialize($connectionData, $endpointData) { $this.Name = if ( $connectionData ) { $connectionData['name'] } $referencedEndpointName = if ( $connectionData ) { $connectionData[$::.LocalProfileSpec.EndpointProperty] } $targetEndpoint = if ( $referencedEndpointName -and $endpointData ) { $endpointData[$referencedEndpointName] } $isValid = $true if ( $referencedEndpointName ) { if ( $::.GraphEndpoint |=> IsWellKnownCloud $referencedEndpointName ) { $this.knownCloud = $referencedEndpointName } elseif ( ! $targetEndpoint -and ! ( $::.GraphEndpoint |=> IsWellKnownCloud $referencedEndpointName ) ) { $isValid = $false write-warning "The connection endpoint '$referencedEndpointName' specified in the settings configuration could not be found" } elseif ( $targetEndpoint ) { $this.customGraphUri = $targetEndpoint['graphUri'] $this.customResourceUri = $targetEndpoint['resourceUri'] if ( ! $this.customResourceUri ) { $this.customResourceUri = $this.customGraphUri } $this.customAuthUri = $targetEndpoint['authUri'] } else { $isValid = $false } } if ( $isValid ) { $this.connectionData = $connectionData $this.endpointData = $targetEndpoint } } function ToConnectionParameters([string[]] $permissions) { $parameters = @{} $enabledParameter = [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]::new($true) $isAppOnly = $false if ( $this.connectionData ) { if ( $this.connectionData['accountType'] ) { $parameters['AccountType'] = $this.connectionData['accountType'] } if ( $this.connectionData['userAgent'] ) { $parameters['UserAgent'] = $this.connectionData['userAgent'] } if ( $this.connectionData['appId'] ) { $parameters['AppId'] = $this.connectionData['appId'] } if ( $this.connectionData['appRedirectUri'] ) { $parameters['appRedirectUri'] = $this.connectionData['appRedirectUri'] } $isConfidential = $this.connectionData['confidential'] -ne $null -or $this.connectionData['authType'] -eq 'appOnly' if ( $isConfidential ) { $parameters['Confidential'] = $enabledParameter if ( $this.connectionData['authType'] -eq 'appOnly' ) { $isAppOnly = $true $parameters['NoninteractiveAppOnlyAuth'] = $enabledParameter } if ( $this.connectionData['certificatePath'] ) { $parameters['certificatePath'] = $this.connectionData['certificatePath'] } } if ( $this.connectionData['tenantId'] ) { $parameters['TenantId'] = $this.connectionData['tenantId'] } if ( $this.knownCloud ) { $parameters['Cloud'] = $this.knownCloud } elseif ( $this.customGraphUri ) { $parameters['GraphEndpointUri'] = $this.customGraphUri if ( $this.customResourceUri ) { $parameters['GraphResourceUri'] = $this.customResourceUri } else { $parameters['GraphResourceUri'] = $this.customGraphUri } if ( $this.customAuthUri ) { $parameters['AuthenticationEndpointUri'] = $this.customAuthUri } else { $parameters['AuthenticationEndpointUri'] = [Uri] '' } } if ( $this.connectionData['authProtocol'] ) { $parameters['AuthProtocol'] = $this.connectionData['authProtocol'] } if ( ! $isAppOnly -and $parameters['authProtocol'] -ne 'v1' -and $this.connectionData['delegatedPermissions'] ) { $parameters['Permissions'] = $this.connectionData['delegatedPermissions'] } if ( $this.connectionData['consistencyLevel'] ) { $parameters['ConsistencyLevel'] = $this.connectionData['consistencyLevel'] } } if ( ! $parameters['NoninteractiveAppOnlyAuth'] -and $permissions ) { $parameters['Permissions'] = $permissions } if ( ! $parameters['tenantid'] ) { if ( $parameters['AuthProtocol'] -eq 'v1' ) { write-warning "A connection specifies an authProtocol property of 'v1' but does not specify a 'tenantid' property" } if ( $isAppOnly ) { write-warning "A connection specifies an 'authType' proproperty of 'appOnly' but does not specify a 'tenantId' property" } } $parameters } function ToConnectionData { } static { $endpointPropertyReaders = @{ name = @{ Validator = 'NameValidator'; Required = $true } graphUri = @{Validator = 'UriValidator'; Required = $true} authUri = @{Validator = 'UriValidator'; Required = $true} resourceUri = @{Validator = 'UriValidator'; Required = $false} } $connectionPropertyReaders = @{ name = @{ Validator = 'NameValidator'; Required = $true } appId = @{ Validator = 'GuidStringValidator'; Required = $false } delegatedPermissions = @{ Validator = 'StringArrayValidator'; Required = $false } authType = @{ Validator = 'StringValidator'; Required = $false } accountType = @{ Validator = 'StringValidator'; Required = $false } authProtocol = @{ Validator = 'StringValidator'; Required = $false } userAgent = @{ Validator = 'StringValidator'; Required = $false } appRedirectUri = @{ Validator = 'UriValidator'; Required = $false } confidential = @{ Validator = 'BooleanValidator'; Required = $false } tenantId = @{ Validator = 'TenantValidator'; Required = $false } certificatePath = @{ Validator = 'CertificatePathValidator'; Required = $false } $::.LocalProfileSpec.EndpointProperty = @{ Validator = 'EndpointValidator'; Required = $false } consistencyLevel = @{ Validator = 'StringValidator'; Required = $false } } function __initialize { __RegisterSettingProperties } function __RegisterSettingProperties { $::.LocalSettings |=> RegisterSettingProperties $::.LocalProfileSpec.EndpointsCollection $this.endpointPropertyReaders $true $::.LocalSettings |=> RegisterSettingProperties $::.LocalProfileSpec.ConnectionsCollection $this.connectionPropertyReaders $true } } } $::.LocalConnectionProfile |=> __initialize |