# Copyright 2020, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. enum GraphCloud { Public ChinaCloud GermanyCloud USGovernmentCloud Custom } enum GraphType { MSGraph AADGraph } enum GraphAuthProtocol { Default v1 v2 } ScriptClass GraphEndpoint { static { const DefaultGraphAPIVersion 'v1.0' # Note: this hash table, as well as the nested hash tables, # Must be protected -- do *NOT* give references to them outside # the static methods of this class -- that includes preventing # instance methods from having access! If callers need access to, # the hash tables, clone them. Without that, callers can modify # this shared state! This is an issue for any objects that are not # treated by value. Strings and integers for instance are ok, any # object type is not, and must be handled with care. $MSGraphCloudEndpoints = @{ [GraphCloud]::Public = @{ Authentication='' Graph='' AuthProtocol=[GraphAuthProtocol]::v2 } [GraphCloud]::ChinaCloud = @{ Authentication='' Graph='' AuthProtocol=[GraphAuthProtocol]::v2 } [GraphCloud]::GermanyCloud = @{ Authentication='' Graph='' AuthProtocol=[GraphAuthProtocol]::v2 } [GraphCloud]::USGovernmentCloud = @{ Authentication='' Graph='' AuthProtocol=[GraphAuthProtocol]::v2 } } $AADGraphCloudEndpoints = @{ Authentication = '' Graph='' AuthProtocol=[GraphAuthProtocol]::v1 } function GetCloudEndpoint([GraphCloud] $cloud, [GraphType] $graphType) { # We *MUST* clone these -- otherwise callers have a reference to the # shared instance in the static class, and they can overwrite it! if ($graphType -eq [GraphType]::MSGraph) { $this.MSGraphCloudEndpoints[$cloud].Clone() } else { $this.AADGraphCloudEndpoints.Clone() } } function GetAuthProtocol($specifiedAuthProtocol, $cloud, $graphType) { if ( $specifiedAuthProtocol -eq $null ) { throw "Invalid auth protocol -- auth protocol must not be null" } $authProtocol = if ( $specifiedAuthProtocol -ne ([GraphAuthProtocol]::Default) ) { $specifiedAuthProtocol } else { $cloudEndpoint = GetCloudEndpoint $cloud $graphType if ( $cloudEndpoint ) { $cloudEndpoint.AuthProtocol } else { [GraphAuthProtocol]::v2 } } $authProtocol } } $Authentication = $null $Graph = $null $Type = ([GraphType]::MSGraph) $Cloud = ([GraphCloud]::Custom) $AuthProtocol = $null $GraphResourceUri = $null function __initialize { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [GraphCloud] $cloud, [GraphType] $graphType = [GraphType]::MSGraph, [Uri] $GraphEndpoint, [Uri] $AuthenticationEndpoint, $authProtocol = $null, [Uri] $graphResourceUri ) $this.Type = $GraphType $this.Cloud = $cloud $endpointData = if ($GraphEndpoint -eq $null) { $cloudEndpoint = $this.scriptclass |=> GetCloudEndpoint $cloud $graphType if ( $authProtocol ) { $cloudEndpoint.AuthProtocol = $authProtocol } $cloudEndpoint } else { @{ Graph=$GraphEndpoint Authentication=$AuthenticationEndpoint AuthProtocol=($this.scriptclass |=> GetAuthProtocol $authProtocol $cloud $graphType) } } $this.Authentication = new-object Uri $endpointData.Authentication $this.Graph = new-object Uri $endpointData.Graph $this.AuthProtocol = $endpointData.AuthProtocol $this.GraphResourceUri = if ( $graphResourceUri ) { $graphResourceUri } else { $this.Graph } } function GetAuthUri($tenantName, $allowMSA) { $tenantSegment = if ( $allowMSA -and ! $tenantName ) { 'common' } elseif ( $tenantName ) { $tenantName } else { 'organizations' } $components = @($this.Authentication.tostring().trimend('/')) if ( $tenantSegment ) { $components += $tenantSegment } $components -join '/' } } |