# Copyright 2020, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This implementation parses the OData context response from the Graph service. # It is based on the specification for OData context URL: # # # # Note that it doesn't handle all of the cases covered there, just those necessary to # reliably implement capabilities required by this module, most notably: # # * Determining whether a response corresponds to an entity or collection of entities # * For an entity or collection of entities, is there a canonical URI? # * If the entity or collection being cast to a specific type, and what is that type? # * What properties were projected for the response? # # One assumption that consumers should make of this data is that it is not 100% reliable -- # services have been known to not always populate the context, or to render it incorrectly. # As a a result, consumers should consider a reasonable fallback behavior if the data are not # present when expected, and should also cross-check it against more reliable sources such as # service API metadata if it is available and again adopt a fallback posture. It is advisable # to restrict use of this information to scenarios where it is absolutely essential to # implement a feature, and to have reasonable behaviors and documented expectations for # cases when it is inaccurate. # # For example, features that need to know the derived type # in a response can only get this information from odata context in some cases. A fallback # could be to assume the base type described in metadata and to use that base type information # to inform functionality. This may result in limited functionality for users compared to # if the derived type were known, but mitigations could include # # * If it's possible to know that derived types exist by analyzing metadata, a warning # could be given to users to notify that some functionality may be missing # * Users could have the option of specifying an explicit type based on their scenario # knowledge to force tooling to adopt the right behavior. # # Ideally the context URL would become as reliable a part of a Graph service as the aspects # that return actual data and operational behavior. A more explicit behavior rather than # document-based context URL could simplify this greatly and would avoid the need to adhere # to the contract built up over time around the current context URL specification. ScriptClass ResponseContext { $RequestUrl = $null $ContextUrl = $null $Root = $null $GraphUri = $null $TypelessGraphuri = $null $AbsoluteGraphUri = $null $TypeCast = $null $ExpandedProperties = $null $SelectedProperties = $null $IsReference = $false $IsEntity = $false $IsDelta = $false $IsNewLink = $false $IsDeletedLink = $false $IsDeletedEntity = $false $IsCollectionMember = $false $isParsed = $false $publicMap = @{ RequestUrl = $null ContextUrl = $null Root = $null GraphUri = $null TypelessGraphUri = $null AbsoluteGraphUri = $null TypeCast = $null SelectedProperties = $null ExpandedProperties = $null IsReference = $false IsEntity = $false IsDelta = $false IsNewLink = $false IsDeletedLink = $false IsDeletedEntity = $false IsCollectionMember = $false } function __initialize([Uri] $requestUrl, [Uri] $contextUrl) { if ( ! $requestUrl -and ! $contextUrl ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new('One of requestUrl or contextUrl must not be $null') } $this.requestUrl = $requestUrl $this.contextUrl = $contextUrl } function GetMetadataUri { __Parse $this.GraphUri } function ToPublicContext { __Parse $result = @{} $this.publicMap.keys | foreach { $target = $this.publicMap[$_] if ( ! $target ) { $target = $_ } $result.Add($target, $this.$target) } [PSCustomObject] $result } function __Parse { if ( ! $this.isParsed ) { $context = @{} if ( $this.contextUrl ) { $contextFragment = $this.contextUrl.Fragment.trimstart('#') __ParseContextFragment $contextFragment.trimend('/') $context if ( $context['GraphUri'] ) { $version = if ( $this.contextUrl.segments.length -ge 2 ) { $this.contextUrl.segments[1].trimend('/') } $absoluteUri = $this.contextUrl.Scheme + "://" + $this.contextUrl.Host if ( $version ) { $absoluteUri += '/' + $version + $context.GraphUri } $context.Add('AbsoluteGraphUri', $absoluteUri.trimend('/')) } } else { $segments = $this.requestUrl.Segments if ( $segments.length -gt 2 ) { $context['GraphUri'] = $this.GraphUri + '/' + ( ( $segments[2..($segments.length - 1)] ).trimend('/') -join '/' ) $context['TypelessGraphUri'] = $context['GraphUri'] if ( $context['GraphUri'] ) { $context['AbsoluteGraphUri'] = $this.requestUrl } $context['Root'] = $segments[2] } else { throw [ArgumentExeption]::new("Request URL '$($this.RequestUrl)' is not a valid Graph URI'") } } $context.keys | foreach { $this.$_ = $context[$_] } $this.isParsed = $true } } function __ParseContextFragment($fragment, [HashTable] $context) { $rawFragmentSegments = , $fragment -split '/' $fragmentSegments = __NormalizeSegments $rawFragmentSegments $fragmentSegmentsIndex = 0 $segments = @() $hasTypeCastOnlySegment = $false $context['GraphUri'] = $null $context['TypelessGraphUri'] = $null $previousSegmentIsRoot = $false for ($fragmentSegmentIndex = 0; $fragmentSegmentIndex -lt $fragmentSegments.length; $fragmentSegmentIndex++ ) { $segment = $fragmentSegments[$fragmentSegmentIndex] $isTypeCastSegment = $false if ( $segment -eq '$ref' ) { # Note that references are considered "unstable" -- we don't have type information # about the object being referenced, so callers should not interpret this as an object # that can be reliably addressed, i.e. it is not a physical location. # Traversing this would be like traversing a symbolic link, and would result in the use # of a non-canonical path. In summary, any parsed information cannot be used to # create a canonical path. In any event, the service is unlikely to return very much context # for such a request other than to say that it is a reference to an entity $context['IsReference'] = $true $context['IsEntity'] = $true break } elseif ($segment -eq '$entity' ) { $context['IsEntity'] = $true if ( $previousSegmentIsRoot ) { $context['IsCollectionMember'] = $true } # anything after this is a property path continue } elseif ( $segment -eq '$delta' ) { # This is always the last element $context['IsDelta'] = $true break } elseif ( $segment -eq '$link' ) { $context['IsNewLink'] = $true } elseif ( $segment -eq '$deletedEntity' ) { $context['IsDeletedEntity'] = $true } elseif ( $segment -eq '$deletedLink' ) { $context['IsDeletedLink'] = $true } else { $isLastSegment = $fragmentSegmentIndex -eq ( $fragmentSegments.length - 1 ) $isLastSegmentOfAnyKind = $isLastSegment if ( ! $isLastSegment ) { $isLastSegment = $fragmentSegments[$fragmentSegmentIndex + 1][0] -eq '$' } $parsedSegment = __ParseSegment $segment $isLastSegment if ( $parsedSegment ) { if ( $parsedSegment.IsRefCollection ) { $context['IsReference'] = $true } elseif ( ! $context['IsEntity'] ) { # Anything following entity is a property-path, type-name, or select-list if ( $ ) { $segments += $parsedSegment.Name } if ( $parsedSegment.Id ) { $segments += $parsedSegment.Id } } elseif ( ! $parsedSegment.TypeCast ) { # If it's not a type name, it's either an explicit select-list or a property-path, # which is the equivalent of a select-list $context['SelectedProperties'] = $parsedSegment.Name } if ( $parsedSegment.TypeCast ) { $context['TypeCast'] = $parsedSegment.TypeCast if ( $parsedSegment.IsTypecastOnlySegment ) { $hasTypecastOnlySegment = $true $isTypeCastSegment = $true } } if ( $parsedSegment.SelectedProperties ) { $context['SelectedProperties'] = $parsedSegment.SelectedProperties } if ( $parsedSegment.ExpandedProperties ) { $context['ExpandedProperties'] = $parsedSegment.ExpandedProperties } if ( ! $parsedSegment.SelectedProperties -and ! $parsedSegment.ExpandedProperties ) { if ( $isLastSegment -and ( ! $previousSegmentIsRoot -and $parsedSegment.Id ) ) { $context['IsCollectionMember'] = $true } } } else { $previousSegmentIsRoot = $false } if ( $fragmentSegmentIndex -eq 0 ) { $previousSegmentIsRoot = $true } elseif ( $previousSegmentIsRoot -and ! $isTypeCastSegment ) { $previousSegmentIsRoot = $false } } } $graphUri = if ( $segments -and ( $segments[0] -ne 'Collection' ) ) { $context['Root'] = $segments[0] $segments -join '/' } if ( $graphUri ) { $graphUri = $graphUri -replace "/'(?<name>[^']+)'/", '/${name}/' $context['TypelessGraphUri'] = "/$graphUri" } if ( $context['Root'] -and $context['Root'] -ne 'Collection' ) { $context['GraphUri'] = if ( $hasTypeCastOnlySegment ) { $context['TypelessGraphuri'], $context['TypeCast'] -join '/' } else { if ( $fragmentSegments.length -eq 1 ) { $context['IsCollectionMember'] = $true } "/$graphUri" } } } function __ParseSegment($segment, $isLastNonSystemSegment) { $name = $null $id = $null $expandedProperties = $null $selectedProperties = $null $typeCast = $null $typeCastOnly = $false $isRefCollection = $false # Look for a parameterized segment $parsedParameters = if ( $segment -match '(?<name>[^\(\)]+)(?<parameters>\(.+\))' ) { __ParseParameters $matches.parameters } if ( $parsedParameters ) { $selectList = $parsedParameters.SelectList $parameterString = $parsedParameters.Parameters # This may be a type cast if ( __IsTypeCast $ ) { $parsedSelect = __ParseSelectList $parameterString $selectedProperties = $parsedSelect.SelectedProperties $expandedProperties = $parsedSelect.ExpandedProperties $typeCastOnly = $true $typeCast = $ } else { $name = $ if ( __IsTypeCast $parameterString ) { $parsedSelect = __ParseSelectList $selectList $selectedProperties = $parsedSelect.SelectedProperties $expandedProperties = $parsedSelect.ExpandedProperties $typeCast = $parameterString } else { # If this is the last segment not supplied by the service (as opposed to the caller), it must be a select / expand if ( $isLastNonSystemSegment ) { $parsedSelect = __ParseSelectList $parameterString if ( $parsedSelect ) { $expandedProperties = $parsedSelect.ExpandedProperties if ( $parsedSelect.SelectedProperties -contains '$ref' ) { $selectedProperties = $parsedSelect.SelectedProperties | where { $_ -ne '$ref' } $isRefCollection = $true } else { $selectedProperties = $parsedSelect.SelectedProperties } } } else { # It's not the last segment, so it must be an id $id = $parameterString } } } } else { # There are no parameters, the name is just the segment or a type cast if ( __IsTypeCast $segment ) { $typeCast = $segment $typeCastOnly = $true } else { $name = $segment } } if ( $name -or $typeCastOnly ) { @{ Name = $name Id = $id ExpandedProperties = $expandedProperties SelectedProperties = $selectedProperties TypeCast = $typeCast IsTypeCastOnlySegment = $typeCastOnly IsRefCollection = $isRefCollection } } } function __IsTypeCast($name) { # See if this is a type cast -- if so, it has a qualified name, # which always has a '.', so look for that to identify the cast -- # also make, sure it doesn't have a "'" character which would indicate its # actually an id, e.g. part of a uri like #$metadata#users('')/contacts $name.Contains('.') -and ! $name.StartsWith("'") } function __ParseParameters($parameterString) { $parameters = $null $selectList = $null $parameters = if ( $parameterString -match '\((?<parameters>.+)\)\((?<selectlist>.+)\)$' ) { $selectList = $matches.selectlist $matches.parameters } elseif ( $parameterString -match '\((?<parameters>.+)\)' ) { $matches.parameters } if ( $parameters ) { [PSCustomObject] @{ Parameters = $parameters SelectList = $selectList } } } function __NormalizeSegments([string[]] $segments) { $incompleteSegment = '' $normalizedSegments = @() $segmentIndex = 0 foreach ( $segment in $segments ) { $currentSegment = if ( $incompleteSegment ) { $incompleteSegment += "/$segment" $incompleteSegment } else { $segment } if ( $currentSegment.Contains('(') -or $currentSegment.Contains(')') ) { $left = 0 $right = 0 $currentIndex = 0 $balance = 0 $currentSegment.GetEnumerator() | foreach { if ( $_ -eq '(' ) { $left += 1 $balance += 1 } elseif ( $_ -eq ')' ) { $right += 1 $balance -= 1 } if ( $balance -lt 0 ) { throw "A segment '$currentSegment' contained too many closing ')' characters" } $currentIndex++ } if ( $balance -eq 0 ) { $incompleteSegment = '' } else { $incompleteSegment = $currentSegment } } if ( ! $incompleteSegment ) { $normalizedSegments += $currentSegment } } if ( $incompleteSegment ) { throw "The segment '$incompleteSegment' is missing one or more closing ')' characters" } , $normalizedSegments } function __ParseSelectList($selectString) { # Note that this only parses the first level -- nested elements are ignored, # so this is incomplete. # TODO: Add support for multiple nesting levels # The approach here is to replace parenthesized expressions, including the # ',' characters, with a '#' that should not otherwise be in the string. # After that's done, the idea is that the only ',' chars that will be # left are those on the first level, and we can then assume those are appended # to expanded fields. $replacedEmptyParens = $selectString -replace "(\(\))+", "#" $replacedParens = $replacedEmptyParens -replace "(\(.+,.+\))+", "#" $properties = $replacedParens -split ',' $selectedProperties = @() $expandedProperties = @() foreach ( $property in $properties ) { if ( $property.Contains('#') ) { $normalizedProperty = $property -split '/' | select -first 1 $expandedProperty = $normalizedProperty.TrimEnd('#').TrimEnd('+') $expandedProperties += $expandedProperty } else { $selectedProperties += $property } $normalizedProperty = $property -split '/' | select -first 1 } [PSCustomObject] @{ SelectedProperties = $selectedProperties ExpandedProperties = $expandedProperties } } function __NormalizePath($path) { } } |