# Copyright 2020, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script ../cmdlets/common/DisplayTypeFormatter) . (import-script HttpUtilities) ScriptClass RequestLogEntry { $displayProperties = $null $logLevel = $null $isError = $false static { const ERROR_RESPONSE_FIELD 'ErrorResponse' const LOG_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TYPE 'GraphLogEntryDisplayType' const ERROR_MESSAGE_EXTENDED_FIELD 'ErrorMessage' const EXTENDED_PROPERTIES @($ERROR_MESSAGE_EXTENDED_FIELD) $::.DisplayTypeFormatter |=> RegisterDisplayType $LOG_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TYPE 'RequestTimestamp', 'StatusCode', 'Method', 'Uri' $ExtendedPropertySet = $null function GetExtendedPropertySet { $this.ExtendedPropertySet } function GetExtendedProperties { $this.EXTENDED_PROPERTIES } function __NewDisplayProperties($restRequest, $logLevel, $scrubbedRequestHeaders, $requestBody, $appId, $authType, $userObjectId, $userUpn, $tenantId, $scopes, $resourceUri, $query, $version ) { $restRequesturi = if ( $restRequest ) { $restRequest.Uri } $restRequestMethod = if ( $restRequest ) { $restRequest.Method } $restRequestHeaders = if ( $restRequest ) { $restRequest.headers } else { @{} } $restRequestBody = if ( $restRequest ) { $restRequest.body } [ordered] @{ RequestTimestamp = $null Uri = $restRequestUri Method = $restRequestMethod ClientRequestId = $restRequestHeaders['client-request-id'] RequestHeaders = $scrubbedRequestHeaders RequestBody = $requestBody HasRequestBody = $restRequestBody -ne $null AppId = $appId AuthType = $authType UserObjectId = $userObjectId UserUpn = $userUpn TenantId = $tenantId Permissions = $scopes ResourceUri = $resourceUri Query = $query Version = $version StatusCode = 0 ResponseTimestamp = $null $ERROR_RESPONSE_FIELD = $null ResponseClientRequestId = $null ResponseHeaders = $null ResponseContent = $null ResponseRawContent = $null ClientElapsedTime = $null LogLevel = $logLevel } } function __AddMembersToOutputType { $displayProperties = (__NewDisplayProperties).keys $propertyMembers = $displayProperties | foreach { $typeArgs = @{ TypeName = $LOG_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TYPE MemberType = 'NoteProperty' MemberName = $_ Value = $null } Update-typedata @typeArgs -force } $displayProperties } $ExtendedPropertySet = @( $EXTENDED_PROPERTIES ) $ExtendedPropertySet += __AddMembersToOutputType } function __initialize($connection, $restRequest, $logLevel) { $this.logLevel = $logLevel $userInfo = if ( $connection ) { $connection.identity.GetUserInformation() } $scrubbedRequestHeaders = __GetScrubbedHeaders $restRequest.headers $requestBody = if ( __ShouldLogFullRequest ) { $restRequest.body } $appId = if ( $connection ) { $ } $authType = if ( $connection ) { $ } $userObjectId = if ( $userInfo ) { $userInfo.userObjectId } $userUpn = if ( $userInfo ) { $userInfo.userId } $tenantId = if ( $connection ) { $connection.identity.tenantdisplayid } $scopes = if ( $connection -and $connection.identity -and ( $connection.identity.token | gm scopes -erroraction ignore ) ) { $connection.identity.token.scopes } $version = if ( $restRequest.Uri.segments.length -ge 3 ) { $restRequest.Uri.segments[1].trimend('/') } $query = $restRequest.Uri.query $pathSegments = @() $segmentCount = $restRequest.Uri.segments.length for ( $segmentIndex = 1; $segmentIndex -lt $segmentCount; $segmentIndex++ ) { if ( $segmentIndex -gt 1 -or ! $version ) { $pathSegments += $restRequest.Uri.segments[$segmentIndex] } } $resourceUri = $pathSegments -join '' $this.displayProperties = if ( $logLevel -ne 'None' ) { $this |::> __NewDisplayProperties $restRequest $logLevel $scrubbedRequestHeaders $requestBody $appId $authType $userObjectId $userUpn $tenantId $scopes $resourceUri $query $version } } function LogRequestStart { $this.displayProperties.RequestTimestamp = [DateTimeOffset]::now } function LogSuccess([PSTypeName('RESTResponse')] $response) { try { $responseTimeStamp = [DateTimeOffset]::now $scrubbedHeaders = __GetScrubbedHeaders $response.headers if ( $this.logLevel -ne 'None' ) { $this.displayProperties.StatusCode = $response.statuscode $this.displayProperties.ResponseTimestamp = [DateTimeOffset]::now $this.displayProperties.ResponseTimestamp = $responseTimestamp $this.displayProperties.ClientRequestId = $scrubbedHeaders['client-request-id'] $this.displayProperties.ResponseHeaders = $scrubbedHeaders $this.displayProperties.ClientElapsedTime = $responseTimestamp - $this.displayProperties.RequestTimestamp if ( __ShouldLogFullResponse ) { $this.displayProperties.ResponseContent = $response.content $this.displayProperties.ResponseRawContent = $response.rawContent } } } catch { $_ | write-debug } } function LogError($response, $responseMessage ) { $this.isError = $true try { $responseTimeStamp = [DateTimeOffset]::now $responseHeaders = $::.HttpUtilities |=> NormalizeHeaders $response.headers $this.displayProperties.StatusCode = $response.statuscode.value__ $this.displayProperties.ResponseClientRequestId = $responseHeaders['client-request-id'] $this.displayProperties.ResponseHeaders = $responseHeaders $this.displayProperties.ResponseTimestamp = $responseTimestamp $this.displayProperties[$this.scriptclass.ERROR_RESPONSE_FIELD] = $responseMessage $this.displayProperties.ClientElapsedTime = $responseTimestamp - $this.displayProperties.RequestTimestamp if ( __ShouldLogFullResponse ) { $this.displayProperties.ResponseContent = $response.content $this.displayProperties.ResponseRawContent = $response.rawContent } } catch { $_ | write-debug } } function ToDisplayableObject { if ( $this.displayProperties ) { try { $result = [PSCustomObject] $this.displayProperties $result.psobject.typenames.add($this.scriptclass.LOG_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TYPE) $result } catch { $_ | write-debug } } } function __GetScrubbedHeaders([HashTable] $headers) { $scrubbedHeaders = $::.HttpUtilities |=> NormalizeHeaders ( $headers.clone() ) 'Authorization', 'Workload-Authorization' | foreach { if ( $headers.ContainsKey($_) ) { $scrubbedHeaders[$_] = '<redacted>' } } $scrubbedHeaders } function __ShouldLogFullRequest { 'FullRequest', 'Full' -contains $this.logLevel } function __ShouldLogFullResponse { 'FullResponse', 'Full' -contains $this.logLevel } } |