# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script ../common/GraphUtilities) . (import-script ../common/GraphAccessDeniedException) . (import-script common/QueryHelper) . (import-script ../REST/GraphRequest) . (import-script ../REST/GraphErrorRecorder) . (import-script common/GraphOutputFile) . (import-script common/PermissionParameterCompleter) <# .SYNOPSIS Issues a REST HTTP request for a URI on a Graph endpoint .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-GraphRequest command issues a request to the Graph in the context of a given graph resource URI and Graph API version. To learn about the capabilities of the Graph API and the URIs that can be supplied to this command to access resources such as users, devices, documents, and relationships, see the Graph API documentation: Invoke-GraphRequest obtains information from or alters objects in the Graph by making requests to a Graph endpoint such as To make the request, the command obtains a token for a Graph endpoint, issues the specified REST HTTP method request to the endpoint and returns the resulting response. The graph resource URI, HTTP method, HTTP Headers, and other Microsoft Graph-specific parameters of the request may all be specified by this command. Invoke-GraphRequest allows the issuing of any valid request to Microsoft Graph. As such, it can be used not just to read data from the Graph, but also to create new objects, invoke function and actions, update objects, and delete them. The output of the command is typically the Content field of the response as deserialized objects returned by the API call; the format may be altered through command parameters such as RawContent to provide output in other formats such as the exact stream returned by Graph. If the HTTP status code of the response does not indicate success (i.e. it is not 2XX), an exception will be thrown. Executing Invoke-GraphRequest will result in a sign-in UX if the Connection object of the current Graph or one explicitly supplied to the command through the Connection parameter does not already have a token associated with it. Once the token is acquired for the Connection object, it is used to issue the request to Graph. Subsequent invocations of this or any other commands in the module that use the same connection will silently use the previously acquired token without a UX, so there will be no additional sign-in UX. The command also supports paging, since the Graph endpoint can return large result sets in the thousands of objects over HTTP protocol. By default this command returns only the first 10 results in a request. The PowerShell standard paging parameters First and Skip can be used to control which subset of the results to return in a single invocation of Invoke-GraphRequest. This command, like all commands in this module, uses the Connection object of the current graph by default to determine the Graph endpoint and credentials / permissions of an access token used to communicate to Graph. The current Graph's connection can be changed to use different credentials, permissions, or Graph endpoing by using the Connect-Graph command. .PARAMETER RelativeUri This parameter is required -- it is the URI relative to the current Graph of the Graph resource on which to invoke the REST method. For example, if the goal was to invoke a method on the resource URI, assuming that the current Graph endpoint was and the API version was 'v1.0', this parameter would be specified as 'users/'. If the AbsoluteUri parameter is specified, the RelativeUri parameter must be an absolute Uri (see the AbsoluteUri documentation below). .PARAMETER Method Specifies the method used for this request. If this parameter is not specified, the default value of 'GET' is used. Other acceptable values are - Delete - Get - Head - Merge - Options - Patch - Post - Put .PARAMETER Body The HTTP body of the request. The body typically specifies parameters for resource methods and actions, or parameters / specification of all or part of a resource to create or update. Many POST requests for example will require a Body as they often result in the creation of a new resource. The body may be specified in one of two forms: - As PowerShell objects: since Graph documentation defines requests and responses including the body in JSON format, a PowerShell object may be specified here which are converted to JSON before sending the request to Graph. To see more about how to structure PowerShell objects to create the desired JSON, see PowerShell's ConvertTo-Json and ConvertFrom-Json commands. Providing input this way can be convenient if you're comfortable translating JSON to PowerShell or if you're building your Graph requests programatically since you can avoid the need to perform correct JSON formatting and escaping, and you can take advantage of type systems and other features of the language to improve correctness. - As a JSON string: A JSON string may be directly supplied here instead of PowerShell objects. This enables a one-to-one translation of the JSON-based documentation without the need to transfrom your understanding of the documentation into PowerShell representation and syntax. In general it enables direct re-use of samples from documentation or reproduction of Graph requests from other codebases and languages. .PARAMETER ODataFilter Specifies an optional OData query filter to reduce the number of results returned to those satisfying the query's criteria -- this is used primarily for GET requests. Visit for details on the OData query syntax. .PARAMETER Select Specifies as an array the set of properties of the resource objects that the response to the request contain -- this is exactly the set of properties that will be returned as output of the command for each resource. When this parameter is not specified (default), the set of properties to return is determined by Graph. To ensure that a specific property is always returned, specify it (along with other desired properties) through the Select parameter. To select all properties, including those that are not returned by default, use the value '*'. Another use of Select is to limit the amount of data returned by the Graph to reduce network traffic; a request that by default returns 15 properties for each object in in a response when only two of those properties are needed could be specified with just those two properties. The resulting response would be far smaller, a savings particularly important if large result sets are returned. .PARAMETER Search The Search parameter allows specification of a content search string, i.e. a string to search a collection of written human language artifacts such as e-mail messages, documents, presentations, etc. By specifying the Search parameter, a request to the approprpiate could be issued to retrieve just documents or e-mail messages that contain a certain word or set of words for instance. Not all Graph URIs will support this parameter, and a particular resource may used a fix sort order and in general limit query-related parameters of the request when Search is used. See the documentation for the particular Graph resource to understand the behavior for queries with Search. .PARAMETER Expand The Expand parameter transforms results in a response from identifiers to the full content of the identified objects. If the goal is to retrieve the full content of the objects, the Expand parameter in this case reduces the number of rount trip calls to the Graph API -- all the objects are returned in a single call, rather than at least two calls, the first of which retrieves the identifiers, and the second of which queries for the content of the objects with those identifiers. .PARAMETER OrderBy The OrderBy parameter, which is also aliased as 'Sort', indicates that the results returned by the Graph API should be sorted using the key specified as the parameter value. If the Descending parameter is not specified when OrderBy is specified, the values should be sorted in ascending order. .PARAMETER First The First parameter specifies that Graph should only return a specific number of results in the HTTP response. If a request would normally result in 500 items, only the number specified by this parameter would be returned, i.e. the first N results according to the sort order that Graph defaults to or that is specified by this command through the OrderBy parameter. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the Skip parameter to page through results -- First is essentially the page size. By default, Invoke-GraphRequest returns only the first 10 results. .PARAMETER Skip Skip specifies that Graph should not return the first N results in the HTTP response, i.e. that it should "discard" them. Graph determines the results to throw away after sorting them according to the order Graph defaults to or is specified by this command through the OrderBy parameter. This parameter can be used in conjunction with this First parameter to page through results -- if 20 results were already returned by one or more previous invocations of this command, then by specifying 20 for Skip in the next invocation, Graph will skip past the previously returned results and return the next "page" of results with a page size specified by First. .PARAMETER Value The Value parameter may be used when the result is itself metadata describing some data, such as an image. To obtain the actual data, rather than the metadata, specify Value. This is particularly useful for obtaining pictures for instance, e.g. me/photo. .PARAMETER OutputFilePrefix The OutputFilePrefix parameter specifies that rather than emitting the results to the PowerShell pipeline, each result should be written to a file name prefixed with the value of the OutputFilePrefix. The parameter value may be a path to a directory, or simply a name with no path separator. If there is more than one item in the result, the base file name for that result will end with a unique integer identifier within the result set. The file extension will be 'json' unless the result is of another content type, in which case the command will attempt to determine the extension from the content type returned in the HTTP response. If the content type cannot be determined, then the file extension will be '.dat'. .PARAMETER Query The Query parameter specifies the URI query parameter of the REST request made by the command to Graph. Because the URI's query parameter is affected by the Select, ODataFilter, OrderBy, Search, and Expand options, the command's Query parameter may not be specified of any those parameters are specified. This parameter is most useful for advanced scenarios where the other command parameters are unable to express valid Graph protocol use of the URI query parameter. .PARAMETER Headers Specifies optional HTTP headers to include in the request to Graph, which some parts of the Graph API may support. The headers must be specified as a HashTable, where each key in the hash table is the name of the header, and the value for that key is the value of the header. .PARAMETER Version Specifies the Graph API version that this command should target when making Graph requests. When not specified, the API version of the current Graph is used, which is v1.0 for the default Graph. .PARAMETER Connection Specifies a Connection object returned by the New-GraphConnection command whose Graph endpoint will be accessed when making Graph requests with this command. .PARAMETER Cloud Specifies that for this command invocation, an access token with delegated permissions for the specified cloud must be acquired and then used to make the call. This will result in a sign-in UX. .PARAMETER Permissions Specifies that for this command invocation, an access token with the specified delegated permissions must be acquired and then used to make the call. This will result in a sign-in UX. This is useful when the permissions for the current Graph's Connection are not sufficient for the command to succeed. For more information on permissions, see documentation at When this permission is not specified (default), the current Graph's existing access token is used for requests, and if no such token exists, the Graph's existng Connection object is used to acquire one. .PARAMETER AbsoluteUri By default the URIs specified by the RelativeUri parameter are relative to the current Graph endpoint and API version (or the version specified by the Version parameter). If the AbsoluteUri parameter is specified, such URIs must be given as absolute URIs starting with the schema, e.g. instead of a URI such as 'me/messages', the Uri or TargetItem parameters must be when the current Graph endpoint is and the version is v1.0. .PARAMETER RawContent This parameter specifies that the command should return results exactly in the format of the HTTP response from the Graph endpoint, rather than the default behavior where the objects are deserialized into PowerShell objects. Graph returns objects as JSON except in cases where content types such as media are being requested, so use of this parameter will generally cause the command to return JSON output. .PARAMETER IncludeFullResponse This parameter specifies that the output of this command should be structured as an object with a reference to the output typically returned when this parameter is not specified, along with the responses from the service. This parameter may be replaced in the future with a more generic interface. .PARAMETER AADGraph This parameter specifies that instead of accessing Microsoft Graph, the command should make requests against Azure Active Directory Graph (AAD Graph). Note that most functionality of this command and other commands in the module is not compatible with AAD Graph; this parameter may be deprecated in the future. .OUTPUTS TThe command returns the content of the HTTP response from the Graph endpoint. The result will depend on the documented response for the specified HTTP method parameter for the Graph URI. The results are formatted as either deserialized PowerShell objects, or, if the RawContent parameter is also specified, the literal content of the HTTP response. Because Graph responds to requests with JSON except in cases where content types such as images or other media are requested, use of the RawContent parameter will usually result in JSON output. .EXAMPLE Invoke-GraphRequest me id : 82f53da9-b996-4227-b268-c20564ceedf7 officeLocation : 7/3191 @odata.context :$metadata#users/$entity surname : Okorafor mail : jobTitle : Professor givenName : Starchild userPrincipalName : businessPhones : +1 (313) 360 3141 displayName : Starchild Okorafor In this example a request is made to retrieve 'me', which stands for the user resource of the signed in user. The command is executed with only one parameter, the positional parameter RelativeUri specified as 'me.' In addition to the output, a sign-in UX that may execute outside of the PowerShell session might be triggered if the user had not previously signed in. The specification of the single parameter value 'me' in this case results in a request based on the current graph, which in this example was the endpoint with API version 1.0. The request then is made against the URI .EXAMPLE Invoke-GraphRequest users -ODataFilter "startsWith(displayName, 'Alan')" -Select userPrincipalName, displayName userPrincipalName displayName ----------------- ----------- Alan Okoye Alan Rich Alana Jackson This command issues a GET request to retrieve all users in the tenant whose displayName properties start with 'Alan' by specifying an OData query filter with the ODataFilter parameter. The output of the command consists of just those users, and only includes the userPrinicpal and displayName properties in the output because those properties were specified with the Select parameter. .EXAMPLE Invoke-GraphRequest me/messages -Search 'Michigan conference' -First 3 -Descending | Select-Object receivedDateTime, subject receivedDateTime subject ---------------- ------- 2019-01-06T19:39:21Z Industry update - Jan 06, 2019 2019-01-04T18:29:58Z RE: Design+ Convention - Detroit, Michigan 2019-01-04T18:04:16Z Design+ Convention - Detroit, Michigan This example issues a GET request to search the me/messages resource -- this resource represents a user's mailbox, i.e. all the user's mailbox. By specifying the Search parameter with the value 'Michigan', the command will make a request to Graph to search the user's mailbox for mail containing the search term 'Michigan conference' and return the results. The results are PowerShell objects with the fields specified in the documentation for the message resource, and so those fields may be addressed by PowerShell commands such as Select-Object and Where-Object for additional processing. Here the Select-Object command is used to filter the output fields to just 'receivedDateTime' and 'subject'. Note that the behavior of search is resource-specific -- it happens to return the results in reverse chronological order of the 'receivedDateTime' property, and currently this cannot be overridden in the request to Graph. Behaviors peculiar to a given resource may only be understood by consulting that specific resource's documentation as found in the Graph API documentation: .EXAMPLE $credential = (Get-Credential -Message 'New user password' -Username 'katjo').getnetworkcredential() PS C:\> Invoke-GraphRequest users POST @{displayName='Katherine Johnson';passwordProfile=@{password=$credential.password};mailNickName=$credential.username;accountEnabled=$true;userPrincipalName="$($credential.username)";jobTitle='Rocket Scientist'} id : 16ab7cf8-e7ef-4dde-a282-adcbf183a12a @odata.context :$metadata#users/ jobTitle : Rocket Scientist userPrincipalName : displayName : Katherine Johnson This example uses Graph to create a user. First it uses the PowerShell command Get-Credential to obtain a password for the user and store it in the variable $credential. Next, the Invoke-GraphRequest command is specified with the resource 'users' and a method POST -- this means that a POST request will be issued ot the resource. For this resource, Graph interprets a POST as a request to create the user specified by the body, which is the last parameter of the command. The body is given a PowerShell object that conforms to the documented structure given in the documentation for the users resource. Because Graph requires the body to be specified as JSON, the PowerShell object is serialized into JSON before sending it to Graph. To understand how PowerShell objects are serialized and deserialized to and from JSON, see the standard ConvertTo-Json and ConvertFrom-Json commands. .EXAMPLE Invoke-GraphRequest groups POST @{mailNickName='AccessGroup6';displayName='Group 6 Access';mailEnabled=$false;securityEnabled=$true} id : d90733b4-8aba-40e0-86ac-8eb0ede2b799 displayName : Group 6 Access createdDateTime : 2019-02-03T05:02:26Z securityEnabled : True @odata.context :$metadata#groups/$entity renewedDateTime : 2019-02-03T05:02:26Z visibility : mailEnabled : False mailNickname : AccessGroup6 This example creates a group via POST, and passes the body as a PowerShell hashtable which will be converted to JSON when communicating with Graph. .EXAMPLE Invoke-GraphRequest groups POST ' { "mailNickName": "AccessGroup7", "displayName": "Group 7 Access", "mailEnabled": false, "securityEnabled": true, "visibility": "Private" }' id : c4cc09b2-fc4a-42ec-81f5-1d4894a702bc displayName : Group 7 Access createdDateTime : 2019-02-03T05:02:26Z securityEnabled : True @odata.context :$metadata#groups/$entity renewedDateTime : 2019-02-03T05:02:26Z visibility : Private mailEnabled : False mailNickname : AccessGroup7 In this example a group is created and the body that defines the group is specified directly in JSON rather than PowerShell objects. .LINK Get-GraphItem Connect-Graph New-GraphConnection ConvertTo-JSON ConvertFrom-JSON #> function Invoke-GraphRequest { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false, supportspaging=$true, supportsshouldprocess=$true)] param( [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)] [Uri[]] $RelativeUri, [parameter(position=1)] [ValidateSet('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE')] [String] $Method = 'GET', [parameter(position=2)] $Body = $null, [String] $ODataFilter = $null, [String[]] $Select = $null, [String] $Search = $null, [String[]] $Expand = $null, [Alias('Sort')] $OrderBy = $null, [Switch] $Descending, [Switch] $Value, [String] $OutputFilePrefix = $null, [String] $Query = $null, [HashTable] $Headers = $null, [String] $Version = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='ExistingConnection', mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject] $Connection = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='MSGraphNewConnection')] [validateset("Public", "ChinaCloud", "GermanyCloud", "USGovernmentCloud")] [string] $Cloud, [parameter(parametersetname='MSGraphNewConnection')] [String[]] $Permissions = $null, [switch] $AbsoluteUri, [switch] $RawContent, [switch] $IncludeFullResponse, [parameter(parametersetname='AADGraphNewConnection', mandatory=$true)] [switch] $AADGraph ) Enable-ScriptClassVerbosePreference if ( $OutputFilePrefix ) { $outputFileParent = split-path $OutputFilePrefix -parent if ( $outputFileParent ) { if ( ! (test-path $outputFileParent) ) { throw "Specified OutputFilePrefix parameter value '$OutputFilePrefix' includes non-existent directories" } } } if ( $Value.IsPresent -and $Method -ne 'GET' ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("The 'Value' parameter may not be specified when the 'Method' parameter has the value 'GET'") } $useRawContent = $RawContent.IsPresent -or $Value.IsPresent $::.GraphErrorRecorder |=> StartRecording if ( $Query ) { if ( $Search -or $ODataFilter -or $Select -or $OrderBy ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("'ODataFilter', 'Search', 'OrderBy', and 'Select' parameters may not specified when the 'Query' parameter is specified") } } if ( $Descending.IsPresent -and ! $OrderBy ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("'Descending' option was specified without 'OrderBy'") } $orderQuery = if ( $OrderBy ) { try { $::.QueryHelper |=> GetOrderQueryFromOrderByParameters $OrderBy $Descending.IsPresent } catch { throw } } if ( $AbsoluteUri.IsPresent ) { if ( $RelativeUri.length -gt 1 ) { throw "More than one Uri was specified when AbsoluteUri was specified -- only one Uri is allowed when AbsoluteUri is configured" } } elseif ( $RelativeUri[0].IsAbsoluteUri -and ! (! $RelativeUri[0].Host) ) { throw "An absolute URI was specified -- specify a URI relative to the graph host and version, or specify -AbsoluteUri" } $defaultVersion = $null $graphType = if ($Connection -ne $null ) { $Connection.GraphEndpoint.Type } elseif ( $AADGraph.ispresent ) { ([GraphType]::AADGraph) } else { ([GraphType]::MSGraph) } $MSGraphScopes = if ( $Permissions -ne $null ) { if ( $Connection -ne $null ) { throw "Permissions may not be specified via -Permissions if an existing connection is supplied with -Connection" } $Permissions } else { @('User.Read') } $requestQuery = if ( $Query ) { @($Query) } else { $queryParameters = [string[]] @() if ( $Select ) { $queryParameters += @('$select={0}') -f ($Select -join ',') } if ( $Expand ) { $queryParameters += @('$expand={0}') -f ($Expand -join ',') } if ( $Search ) { $queryParameters += @('$search={0}' -f $Search) } if ( $ODataFilter ) { $queryParameters += @('$filter={0}' -f $ODataFilter) } if ( $orderQuery ) { $queryParameters += @('$orderBy={0}' -f $orderQuery) } if ( $queryParameters.length -gt 0 ) { $queryParameters } } if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.includetotalcount.ispresent -eq $true ) { write-verbose 'Including the total count of results' $requestQuery += '$count' } # Cast it in case this is a deserialized object -- # workaround for a defect in ScriptClass switch ([GraphType] $graphType) { ([GraphType]::AADGraph) { $defaultVersion = '1.6' } ([GraphType]::MSGraph) { $defaultVersion = 'GraphContext' |::> GetDefaultVersion } default { throw "Unexpected identity type '$graphType'" } } $currentContext = $null $graphConnection = if ( $Connection -eq $null ) { if ( $graphType -eq ([GraphType]::AADGraph) ) { $::.GraphConnection |=> NewSimpleConnection ([GraphType]::AADGraph) $cloud $MSGraphScopes } else { 'GraphContext' |::> GetConnection $null $null $cloud $Permissions } } else { $Connection } $uriInfo = if ( $AbsoluteUri.ispresent ) { write-verbose "Caller specified AbsoluteUri -- interpreting uri as absolute" $specificContext = new-so GraphContext $graphConnection $version 'local' $info = $::.GraphUtilities |=> ParseGraphUri $RelativeUri[0] $specificContext write-verbose "Absolute uri parsed as relative '$($info.GraphRelativeUri)' and version $($info.GraphVersion)" if ( ! $info.IsAbsolute ) { throw "Absolute Uri was specified, but given Uri was not absolute: '$($RelativeUri[0])'" } if ( ! $info.IsContextCompatible ) { throw "The version '$($info.Graphversion)' and connection endpoint '$($specificcontext.Connection.GraphEndpoint.Graph)' is not compatible with the uri '$RelativeUri'" } $info } elseif ( $graphType -ne ([GraphType]::AADGraph) ) { # We only parse URI's relative to context for MS Graph -- AADGraph # context is not tracked, so don't try to construct a context relative # AAD Graph path if ( ($::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent).location ) { $info = $::.GraphUtilities |=> ParseGraphRelativeLocation $RelativeUri[0] @{ GraphRelativeUri = $info.GraphRelativeUri GraphVersion = $info.Context.version } } else { @{ GraphRelativeUri = $RelativeUri[0] GraphVersion = ($::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent).version } } } $apiVersion = if ( $Version -ne $null -and $version.length -ne 0 ) { write-verbose "Using version specified by caller: '$Version'" $Version } elseif ( $uriInfo -and $uriInfo.GraphVersion -and $uriInfo ) { write-verbose "Using version from implied relative uri: '$($uriInfo.GraphVersion)'" $uriInfo.GraphVersion } else { if ( $currentContext ) { write-verbose "Using context Graph version '$($currentContext.Version)'" $currentContext.Version } else { write-verbose "Using default Graph version '$defaultVersion'" $defaultVersion } } $tenantQualifiedVersionSegment = if ( $graphType -eq ([GraphType]::AADGraph) ) { $graphConnection |=> Connect $graphConnection.Identity.Token.TenantId } else { $apiVersion } $firstIndex = if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.Skip -ne $null -and $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.skip -ne 0 ) { write-verbose "Skipping the first '$($pscmdlet.pagingparameters.skip)' parameters" $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.Skip } $maxReturnedResults = $null $maxResultCount = if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.first -ne $null -and $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.first -lt [Uint64]::MaxValue ) { $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.First | tee-object -variable maxReturnedResults } else { 10 } $skipCount = $firstIndex $results = @() $inputUriRelative = if ( ! $uriInfo ) { $RelativeUri[0] } else { $uriInfo.GraphRelativeUri } $contextUri = if ( ($::.GraphContext |=> GetCurrent).location ) { $::.GraphUtilities |=> ToGraphRelativeUri $inputUriRelative } else { $inputUriRelative } if ( $Value.IsPresent ) { $contextUri = $contextUri, '$value' -join '/' } $graphRelativeUri = $::.GraphUtilities |=> JoinRelativeUri $tenantQualifiedVersionSegment $contextUri $countError = $false $optionalCountResult = $null $pageCount = 0 $contentTypeData = $null while ( $graphRelativeUri -ne $null -and ($graphRelativeUri.tostring().length -gt 0) -and ($maxResultCount -eq $null -or $results.length -lt $maxResultCount) ) { if ( $graphType -eq ([GraphType]::AADGraph) ) { $graphRelativeUri = $graphRelativeUri, "api-version=$apiVersion" -join '?' } $graphResponse = if ( $graphConnection.status -ne ([GraphConnectionStatus]::Offline) ) { $currentPageQuery = if ( $pageCount -eq 0 ) { $requestQuery } else { $null } $request = new-so GraphRequest $graphConnection $graphRelativeUri $Method $Headers $currentPageQuery $request |=> SetBody $Body try { $request |=> Invoke $skipCount } catch [System.Net.WebException] { $statusCode = if ( $_.exception.response | gm statuscode -erroraction ignore ) { $_.exception.response.statuscode } if ( $statusCode -eq 'Unauthorized' -or $statusCode -eq 'Forbidden' ) { throw [GraphAccessDeniedException]::new($_.exception) } # Note that there may be other errors, such as 'BadRequest' that deserve a warning rather than failure, # so we should consider adding others if the cases can be narrowed sufficiently to avoid other # undesirable side effects of continuing on an error. An even better workaround may be command-completion, # which would (and should!) be scoped to purely local operations -- this would give visibility as to # the next segments without a request to Graph that could fail. throw } } $skipCount = $null $content = if ( $graphResponse -and $graphResponse.Entities -ne $null ) { if ( ! $contentTypeData ) { $contentTypeData = $graphResponse.RestResponse.ContentTypeData } $graphRelativeUri = $graphResponse.Nextlink if (! $useRawContent) { $entities = if ( $graphResponse.entities -is [Object[]] -and $graphResponse.entities.length -eq 1 ) { @([PSCustomObject] $graphResponse.entities) } elseif ($graphResponse.entities -is [HashTable]) { @([PSCustomObject] $graphResponse.Entities) } else { $graphResponse.Entities } if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.includetotalcount.ispresent -eq $true -and $results.length -eq 0 ) { try { $optionalCountResult = $graphResponse.RestResponse.value.count } catch { $countError = $true } } $entities } else { if ( $IncludeFullResponse.IsPresent -and ! $outputFilePrefix) { __ToResponseWithObject ($graphResponse |=> Content) $graphResponse } else { $graphResponse |=> Content } } } else { $graphRelativeUri = $null if ( $graphResponse ) { $graphResponse |=> Content } } if ( $graphResponse -and ( ! $useRawContent ) ) { # Add __ItemContext to decorate the object with its source uri. # Do this as a script method to prevent deserialization $requestUriNoQuery = $request.Uri.GetLeftPart([System.UriPartial]::Path) $ItemContextScript = [ScriptBlock]::Create("[PSCustomObject] @{RequestUri=`"$requestUriNoQuery`"}") $content | foreach { $_ | add-member -membertype scriptmethod -name __ItemContext -value $ItemContextScript } } $results += $content $pageCount++ } if ($pscmdlet.pagingparameters.includetotalcount.ispresent -eq $true) { $accuracy = [double] 1.0 $count = if ( $optionalCountResult -eq $null ) { $accuracy = [double] .1 $results.length } else { if ( $countError ) { $accuracy = [double] .5 } $optionalCountResult } $PSCmdlet.PagingParameters.NewTotalCount($count, $accuracy) } $filteredResults = if ( $maxReturnedResults ) { $results | select -first $maxReturnedResults } else { $results } if ( ! $OutputFilePrefix ) { $filteredResults } else { $enumerableResults = if ( ! $contentTypeData['charset'] ) { $byteResults = @($null, $null) $byteResults[0] = $filteredResults $byteResults } else { $filteredResults } $resultIndex = 0 $enumerableResults | foreach { if ( $_ ) { $baseName = $OutputFilePrefix if ( $resultIndex -gt 0 ) { $baseName += $resultIndex.tostring() } $resultIndex++ $outputFile = new-so GraphOutputFile $baseName $_ $contentTypeData $outputFile |=> Save } } } } $::.ParameterCompleter |=> RegisterParameterCompleter Invoke-GraphRequest Permissions (new-so PermissionParameterCompleter ([PermissionCompletionType]::DelegatedPermission)) |