# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script Invoke-GraphRequest) . (import-script ../graphservice/ApplicationAPI) . (import-script common/ConsentHelper) . (import-script common/CommandContext) function Get-GraphApplicationConsent { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false, defaultparametersetname='TenantOrSpecificPrincipal')] param( [parameter(position=0, valuefrompipelinebypropertyname = $true, mandatory=$true)] [Guid[]] $AppId, [parameter(parametersetname='entiretenant', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='TenantOrSpecificPrinicpal')] [switch] $Tenant, [switch] $RawContent, [parameter(parametersetname='specificprincipal', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='TenantOrSpecificPrinicpal')] $Principal ) begin {} process { Enable-ScriptClassVerbosePreference $commandContext = new-so CommandContext $null $null $null $null $::.ApplicationAPI.DefaultApplicationApiVersion $appAPI = new-so ApplicationAPI $commandContext.connection $commandContext.version $app = try { $appAPI |=> GetApplicationByAppId $AppId } catch { throw [Exception]::new("Unable to find application with AppId '$AppId'", $_.exception) } $appSP = try { $appAPI |=> GetAppServicePrincipal $AppId } catch { throw [Exception]::new("Unable to find a service prinicpal for application with AppId '$AppId', the application may not yet have been accessed in this tenant", $_.exception) } if ( ! $appSP ) { write-verbose "Unable to find service principal for application '$AppId', assuming no consent exists" } else { $appSPId = $ $appFilter = "clientId eq '$appSPId'" $filterClauses = @($appFilter) $grantFilter = if ( $Tenant.IsPresent ) { "consentType eq 'AllPrincipals'" } elseif ( $Principal ) { "consentType eq 'Principal' and 'principalId' eq '$Principal'" } if ( $grantFilter ) { $filterClauses += $grantFilter } $filter = $filterClauses -join ' and ' $filterArgument = @{ ODataFilter = $filter } $RawContentArgument = @{ RawContent = $RawContent } $response = Invoke-GraphRequest /oauth2PermissionGrants -method GET -ODataFilter $filter -version $::.ApplicationAPI.DefaultApplicationApiVersion @RawContentArgument if ( $response ) { if ( ! $RawContent.IsPresent ) { if ( $response | gm id -erroraction ignore ) { $response | foreach { $::.ConsentHelper |=> ToDisplayableObject $_ } } } else { $response } } $roleResponse = Invoke-GraphRequest /servicePrincipals/$appSPId/appRoleAssignedTo -method GET -version $::.ApplicationAPI.DefaultApplicationApiVersion @RawContentArgument if ( $roleResponse ) { if ( ! $RawContent.IsPresent ) { if ( $roleResponse | gm id -erroraction ignore ) { $roleResponse | foreach { $::.ConsentHelper |=> ToDisplayableObject $_ } } } else { $roleResponse } } } } end {} } |