# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script RESTRequest) . (import-script GraphResponse) ScriptClass GraphRequest { $Connection = $null $Uri = strict-val [Uri] $RelativeUri = strict-val [Uri] $Verb = strict-val [String] $Body = strict-val [String] $Query = $null $Headers = $null function __initialize([PSCustomObject] $GraphConnection, [Uri] $uri, $verb = 'GET', $headers = $null, $query = $null) { $uriString = if ( $uri.scheme -ne $null ) { $uri.AbsoluteUri } else { $graphConnection.GraphEndpoint.Graph.tostring() + $uri.originalstring } $uriQueryLength = if ( $uri.Query -ne $null ) { $uri.Query.length } else { 0 } $uriNoQuery = new-object Uri ($uriString.substring(0, $uriString.length - $uriQueryLength)) $this.Connection = $GraphConnection $this.RelativeUri = $uri $this.Uri = $uriNoQuery $this.Verb = $verb $queryParams = @($uri.query) $queryParams += $query $this.Query = __AddQueryParameters $queryParams $this.Headers = if ( $headers -ne $null ) { $headers } else { @{'Content-Type'='application/json'} } if ($graphConnection.Identity) { $token = $graphConnection |=> GetToken $this.Headers['Authorization'] = $token.CreateAuthorizationHeader() } } function Invoke($pageStartIndex = $null, $maxResultCount = $null, $pageSize = $null) { if ( $this.Connection.Status -eq ([GraphConnectionStatus]::Offline) ) { throw "Web request cannot proceed -- connection status is set to offline" } $queryParameters = if ( $this.Query -is [object[]] ) { $this.Query } else { @($this.Query) } if ($pageStartIndex -ne $null) { $queryParameters += (__NewODataParameter 'skip' $pageStartIndex) } $adjustedPageSize = if ( $pageSize -ne $null -and $maxResultCount -ne $null -and $maxResultCount -lt $pageSize ) { $maxResultCount } else { $pageSize } if ($adjustedPageSize -ne $null) { $queryParameters += (__NewODataParameter 'top' $adjustedPageSize) } $query = __AddQueryParameters $queryParameters $response = __InvokeRequest $this.verb $this.uri $query new-so GraphResponse $response } function SetBody($body) { $this.body = if ($body -is [string] ) { $body } else { $body | convertto-json -depth 6 } } function __InvokeRequest($verb, $uri, $query) { $uriPath = __UriWithQuery $uri $query $uri = new-object Uri $uriPath $restRequest = new-so RESTRequest $uri $verb $this.headers $this.body $restRequest |=> Invoke } function __AddQueryParameters($parameters) { $components = @() $parameters | foreach { if ( $_ -ne $null ) { $normalizedParameter = if ( $_.startswith('?') ) { $_.substring(1, $_.length -1) } else { $_ } if ( $normalizedParameter -ne $null -and $normalizedParameter.length -gt 0 ) { $components += $normalizedParameter } } } $components -join '&' } function __UriWithQuery($uri, $query) { if ( $query -ne $null -and $query.length -gt 0 ) { new-object Uri ($Uri.tostring() + '?' + $query) } else { new-object Uri $uri.tostring() } } function __NewODataParameter($parameterName, $value) { if ( $value -ne $null ) { '${0}={1}' -f $parameterName, $value } else { '${0}' -f $parameterName } } } |