# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script ../graphservice/GraphEndpoint) ScriptClass AuthProvider { $derivedProvider = $null function __initialize($derivedProviderClass) { $this.derivedProvider = new-so $derivedProviderClass.ClassName $this } function GetAuthContext($app, $graphEndpointUri, $authUri) { [PSCustomObject]@{ App = $app GraphEndpointUri = $graphEndpointUri ProtocolContext = $this.derivedProvider |=> GetAuthContext $app $authUri } } function GetUserInformation($token) { $this.derivedProvider |=> GetUserInformation $token } function AcquireFirstUserToken($authContext, $scopes, $useDeviceCodeUI) { if ( $useDeviceCodeUI ) { $this.derivedProvider |=> AcquireFirstUserTokenFromDeviceCode $authContext $scopes } else { $this.derivedProvider |=> AcquireFirstUserToken $authContext $scopes } } function AcquireFirstUserTokenConfidential($authContext, $scopes) { if ( ! ($ |=> IsConfidential) ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("Cannot obtain confidential token using an application that does not support confidential client") } $this.derivedProvider |=> AcquireFirstUserTokenConfidential $authContext $scopes } function AcquireFirstAppToken($authContext) { $this.derivedProvider |=> AcquireFirstAppToken $authContext } function AcquireRefreshedToken($authContext, $token) { $this.derivedProvider |=> AcquireRefreshedToken $authContext $token } function ClearToken($authContext, $token) { $this.derivedProvider |=> ClearToken $authContext $token } static { $providers = @{} $instances = @{} function InitializeProviders { $this.providers.values | foreach { $_ |=> InitializeProvider } } function RegisterProvider([GraphAuthProtocol] $authProtocol, $provider) { $this.providers.Add($authProtocol, $provider) } function GetProviderInstance([GraphAuthProtocol] $authProtocol) { $protocol = if ( $authProtocol -ne ([GraphAuthProtocol]::Default) ) { $authProtocol } else { [GraphAuthProtocol]::V2 } if ( ! $this.instances[$protocol] ) { $providerClass = $this.providers[$protocol] $this.instances[$protocol] = new-so $this.ClassName $providerClass } $this.instances[$protocol] } } } |