$Global:AppDModule = 'AppDynamics' $Global:AppDFunction = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).Split('.')[0] $Global:AppDModuleLocation = (Get-Item (Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)).parent.parent.FullName $Global:AppDMockDataLocation = "$AppDModuleLocation\Tests\mock_data" Get-Module $AppDModule | Remove-Module Import-Module "$AppDModuleLocation\$AppDModule.psd1" InModuleScope $AppDModule { Describe "Set-AppDConnectionInfo Unit Tests" -Tag 'Unit' { Context "$AppDFunction return value validation" { # Prepare $URL = 'http://mockUrl.com' $Username = 'mockUsername@customer1' $Password = 'mockPassword' $AccountID = 'mockId' $Auth = ('Basic ' + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($UserName + ":" + $Password ))) Mock Write-AppDLog -Verifiable -MockWith {} -ParameterFilter {$message -eq "$AppDFunction`tURL: $URL"} Mock Get-AppDAccountId -Verifiable -MockWith { return $AccountID } # Act $result = Set-AppDConnectionInfo -URL $URL -Username $Username -Password $Password # Assert It "Verifiable mocks are called" { Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Returns a value" { $result | Should -not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Returns the expected value" { $result.AppDURL -eq $URL | Should -Be $true $result.AppDAuth -eq $Auth | Should -Be $true $result.AppDAccountId -eq $AccountID | Should -Be $true } It "Returns the expected type" { $result -is [psobject] | Should -Be $true } It "Calls mocks the correct amount of times" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-AppDLog -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-AppDAccountId -Times 1 -Exactly } } } } |