<# .SYNOPSIS Gets all AppDynamics events of a given type .DESCRIPTION Gets all AppDynamics events of a given type. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-AppDEvent -AppId 6 -daysago 7 -eventtype 'APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT' -severities 'INFO' This will return the last 7 days of application deployment events #> function Get-AppDEvent { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Mandatory application ID. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)] $AppId, # Use the name of the application if you do not know the AppId [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $AppName, # How many days back to search. Ranges not yet supported by this cmdlet $daysAgo = 32, # Type of the event. See for potential types $eventType = 'APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT', # Severity of the event [ValidateSet('INFO','WARN','ERROR', ignorecase=$False)] $severities = 'INFO,WARN,ERROR' ) Begin { Write-AppDLog "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $connectionInfo = New-AppDConnection } Process { $daysAgoInMins = [MATH]::Round(((Get-Date) - ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysAgo))).TotalMinutes) # Get AppId if it is missing if (!$AppId -and $AppName) { $AppId = (Get-AppDApplication -AppName $AppName).Id } elseif (-not $AppId -and -not $AppName) { $AppId = (Get-AppDApplication).Id } foreach ($id in $AppId) { Get-AppDResource -uri "controller/rest/applications/$id/events?event-types=$eventType&severities=$severities&time-range-type=BEFORE_NOW&duration-in-mins=$daysAgoInMins&output=JSON" -connectionInfo $connectionInfo } } } |