
   Sets the current AppDynamics connection info (URL and API Key).

   Highly recommended to call this function from $profile to avoid having to re-configure this on every session.
   Sets the current AppDynamics connection info (URL and API Key). Will default to a guest account

   Highly recommended to call this function from $profile to avoid having to re-configure this on every session.
   Set-AppDynamicsConnectionInfo -URL ""

   Set connection info with a specific Auth string for an AppDynamics instance

function Set-AppDConnectionInfo
        # AppDynamics URL
        [string]$URL = '',

        # AppDynamics username
        [string]$Username = 'guest',

        # AppDynamics password
        [string]$Password = 'guest'
        Write-AppDLog "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)`tURL: $URL"
        $env:AppDURL = $URL
        $env:AppDAuth = Get-AppDAuth -UserName $Username -Password $Password
        $env:AppDAccountID = Get-AppDAccountId