$moduleLocation = (Get-Item (Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)).parent.parent.FullName $Global:mockDataLocation = "$moduleLocation\Tests\mock_data" $module = 'AppDynamics' Get-Module AppDynamics | Remove-Module Import-Module "$moduleLocation\$module.psd1" InModuleScope $module { $function = 'Get-AppDAccountId' Describe "$function Unit Tests" -Tag 'Unit' { Context "$function return value validation" { $env:AppDURL = 'mockURL' $env:AppDAuth = 'mockAuth' $env:AppDAccountID = $null Mock Invoke-RestMethod -MockWith { $mockData = Import-CliXML -Path "$mockDataLocation\Get-AccountId.Mock" return $mockData } $AccountId = Get-AppDAccountId It "$function returns an id that is not null or empty" { $AccountId | Should -not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "$function returns an id that is a string" { $AccountId -is [string] | Should -Be $true } It "$function returns an id that is greater than 0" { [int]$AccountId -ge 0 | Should -Be $true } It "$function calls invoke-restmethod and is only invoked once" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -Exactly } } } } |