Function Measure-FatGroupNameLength { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$GroupNameList ) $TooLongGroupNames = @() foreach ($GroupName in $GroupNameList) { $GroupNameLength = $GroupName.Length if ($GroupNameLength -gt 64) { Write-Error "Length of group name $GroupName is greater than 64 chars, the limit of a group name in AAD. ` Shorten the name and try again." $TooLongGroupNames += $GroupName } } if ($TooLongGroupNames.length -ge 1) { Write-Error "The names of the following groups excede the character length (64) in Azure Active Directory: ` " foreach ($TooLongGroupName in $TooLongGroupNames) { Write-Error "$TooLongGroupName ` " } Throw } } |