
function Copy-ADFSClaimRule
    This script allows quick duplication of Relying Party trusts, either within or across farms.
    Copies all claim rules from one RPT to another within a farm, which is useful for testing claims in "all-in-one scenarios". It can also duplicate rules across farms for more complete testing scenarios, allowing pulling/pushing of settings between dev/test/prod.
    Copy-ADFSClaimRule ProdRule TestRule
    This command duplicates the settings from `ProdRule` into `TestRule`. If `TestRule` doesn't exist, it will error as each RPT requires a unique identifier that cannot be copied.
    Copy-ADFSClaimRule -SourceRelyingPartyTrustName QA -DestinationRelyingPartyTrustName QA -SourceADFSServer server01 -DestinationADFSServer server02
    This will copy the "QA" rule exactly between the two servers listed, creating the rule if it is missing. Note that this command should be run on the primary server of each farm.
    Either ADFSServer value can be omitted and the local host will be the assumed machine.
    Copy-ADFSClaimRule QA QA -SourceADFSServer server01 -DestinationADFSServer server02 -Credential $mycreds
    when running Powershell remotely, many auth methods do not allow passthrough authentication. The `credential` param allows passing through credentials, which can be generated via `get-credential` cmdlet.

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, Position=0)]
    [string] $SourceRelyingPartyTrustName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, Position=1)]
    [string] $DestinationRelyingPartyTrustName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
    [string] $SourceADFSServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
    [string] $DestinationADFSServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
    [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    # quick safety check to prevent attempting to duplicate rules on a server
    If (($SourceADFSServer -eq $DestinationADFSServer) -and ($SourceRelyingPartyTrustName -eq $DestinationRelyingPartyTrustName)) {
      Write-Error "Attempting to write claims to istelf, aborting" -ErrorAction Stop
    # Export settings from Source
    $exportVars = @{
      server = $SourceADFSServer
      RelyingPartyTrustName = $SourceRelyingPartyTrustName
    if ($Credential) {
      $exportVars.Credential = $Credential
    Write-Output "Exporting $($SourceRelyingPartyTrustName)..."
    $capturedRPT = Export-ADFSClaimRule  @exportVars

    # If nothing was found, error
    If ($null -eq $capturedRPT) {
      Write-Error "RPT $SourceRelyingPartyTrustName could not be found. Aborting" -ErrorAction Stop

    # If the RelyingPartyTrust Name changes, update the name
    If ($SourceRelyingPartyTrustName -ne $DestinationRelyingPartyTrustName){
      $capturedRPT.Name = $DestinationRelyingPartyTrustName

    # Import settings to destination
    Write-Output "Importing $($capturedRPT.Name)..."
    $importVars = @{
    server = $DestinationADFSServer
    RelyingPartyTrustContent = $capturedRPT
    if ($Credential) {
        $importVars.Credential = $Credential
    Import-ADFSClaimRule @importVars

  End {}