
function Export-ADFSClient
    This script exports ADFSClient values with extra authentication rules to allow for remote execution.
    Exports all client rules from farm, with extra local/remote server and credential flags to make it more flexible in a CI/CD scenario.
    This will export all clients in json format for saving in a config-as-code scenario.
    Export-ADFSClient -Name MyClient -Server ADFS01 -Credential $creds
    In this example a remote server and credentials are proivided. The credential parameter is not mandetory if current logged-in credentails will work.

        # Param1 help description
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [string] $ClientId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
        [string] $Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential

        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
        $params = @{
          Method = "open"
          Server = $Server
        If ($Credential) { $params.Credential = $Credential }
        $sessioninfo = sessionconfig @params


        # Create Hashtable with search variables
        $clientSearch = @{}
        if ($Name) {
          $clientSearch.Name = $Name
        if ($ClientId) {
          $clientSearch.ClientId = $ClientId

        # gather info using existing cmdlets
        if ($sessioninfo.SourceRemote){
            $command = { Get-AdfsClient @Using:clientSearch }
            $SourceClient = Invoke-Command -Session $sessioninfo.SessionData -ScriptBlock $command
        else {
            $SourceClient = Get-AdfsClient @clientSearch

        # convert cutomobject(s) to a hashtable so it can be easily modified for IAC tasks
        If ($SourceClient) {
          $returnClient = @()
          foreach ($client in $sourceClient) {
            $clientHash = @{}
            $ | ForEach-Object { 

              #certain fields are custom objects and must be exported as string to ensure they import properly
              $tmpName = $_.Name
              $tmpValue = $_.Value
              switch ($tmpName) {
                ClientType { $clientHash[$tmpName] = "$($client.ClientType)" }
                default { $clientHash[$tmpName] = $tmpValue }

            #remove psremote info if present

            # Add the Hash
            $returnClient += $clientHash
          $returnClient = $returnClient | ConvertTo-Json
        Else {
          Write-Warning "Could not find any ADFS Clients"

      #tear down sessions
      sessionconfig -Method close -SessionInfo $sessioninfo

      return $returnClient