about_adfs-management SHORT DESCRIPTION This PowerShell module allows for the easy export and import of various claims and other adfs components to make it easier to control ADFS via code. The general idea/concept of this module is to make it easier to backup and restore claims across ADFS Farms. By standardizing the output as a hashtable, it has the added benefit of being good in CICD pipelines, as hastables can be consistently stored in code as json, then imported. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PowerShell 4.0+ OVERVIEW Most functions have native ADFS equivelents, and are merely "wrapped" in logic to make it easier to run remotely as well as standardizing input/output logic. Therefore you can use a build server to remotely apply a claims idempotently like so: $myRPT = Get-Content rule.json | convertfrom-json Import-ADFSClaimRule $myRPT -server adfs-srv-01 SEE ALSO https://github.com/Justin-DynamicD/powershell-module-adfs_management |