
$OrgTemplate = @{
    LDAPContainers           = @(
            name        = $settings['names']['RightsOU']
            Type        = "Container"
            Description = "Groups granting privileges for GLOBAL aspects of this org, such as GPO linking or OU management. Users should not be members of these groups. Only other groups should be members of 'rights' groups."
            name        = $settings['names']['RolesOU']
            Type        = "Container"
            description = "Roles associated with multiple 'rights'. Only users should be members of 'role' groups."
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['ComponentsOU']
            Description = "(Delegation,GPO) A complete application, project, or app stack with a common lifecycle and administrative ownership"
    DefaultRoles  = @(
            nameSuffix      = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['Owner']
            Owner           = $true
            Description     = "Owner of this Org. Assumed to have full administrative rights on all systems in child components."
            Rights          = @(
            AuxiliaryGroups = @(
                "Group Policy Creator Owners"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['Operator']
            Owner       = $False
            Description = "Elevated rights for OS and application."
            Rights      = @(
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['User']
            Owner       = $false
            Description = "Act as user for applications under org"
            Rights      = @(
    DefaultRights = @(
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AppAccess']
            Description = "Allowed Log in to applications (typically web interfaces) in this org. Often Necessary for SSO."
            AddParents  = $true
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AppPoweruser']
            Description = "Poweruser or modify access to applications (typically web interfaces) in this org"
            AddParents  = $true
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AppAdmin']
            Description = "Admin access to applications (typically web interfaces) in this org"
            AddParents  = $true
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['CreateDeleteComputer']
            Description = "Allowed to create / join computer objects"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['GPOAudit']
            Description = "Allowed to run RSOP and GPO Modelling"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['GPOLink']
            Description = "Allowed to link and unlink GPOs in org"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['GPOEdit']
            Description = "Edit rights on All GPOs"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['OUCreate']
            Description = "Create Organizational Units"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['OUManage']
            Description = "Modify properties and permissions on ACLs"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRights']
            Description = "Create and delete new rights, and modify membership of all groups."
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRoles']
            Description = "Create and delete new roles, and modify membership of roles."
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['WinAdmin']
            Description = "Local admin rights on Windows / Linux hosts"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['WinOps']
            Description = "Limited operator rights on Windows hosts: event log, performance monitoring, network changes"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LAPS']
            Description = "Fetch local machine passwords via Windows LAPS"
            AddParents  = $true
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonBatch']
            Description = "Rights for batch logon / scheduled task / cron access"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonLocal']
            Description = "Rights for Local logon"
            info        = "Default mapped services: su, gdm, login`r`nWindows: Task Scheduler"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonService']
            Description = "Rights for logon as service in this Org"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonRemote']
            Description = "Rights to use Remote Desktop / SSH / Cockpit in this Org"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['ServiceAccountMSA']
            Description = "Create, Delete, and manage sMSA and gMSAs"
            AddParents  = $false
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['ServiceAccountLegacy']
            Description = "Create, Delete, and manage legacy service accounts"
            AddParents  = $false
        foreach ($sudoRoleType in $SUDO_ROLE_DEFS) {
            foreach ($passwd in $SUDO_PASSWD_TYPES) {
                    NameSuffix  = "sudo{0}_{1}" -f $passwd, $
                    Description = "Sudoers- Right to use sudo$passwd for $($ access: $($sudoRoleType.description)"
                    AddParents = $false

    OUDelegations = @(
        # ""
            ADPathLeafOU = ""
            ApplyDefaultDeny = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs         = @(
                #Region GPOs
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['GPOAudit']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ExtendedRight   = "Generate-RSoP-Planning"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['GPOLink']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "GP-Link"
                            InheritanceType = "None"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "GP-Options"
                            InheritanceType = "None"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['GPOEdit']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "GP-Options"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                #Region LAPSReadPassword
                if ((test-rBACFeatures).LAPS) {
                    write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "Enabling LAPS features"
                        PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['LAPS']
                        ACEs            = @(
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-PasswordExpirationTime"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-Password"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-EncryptedPassword"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-EncryptedPasswordHistory"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                else {
                    write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "ms-LAPS-EncryptedPassword schema object is missing: you may need to update-lapsADSchema"

            ADPathLeafOU = "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['ComponentsOU']
            ApplyDefaultDeny = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs         = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['CreateDeleteComputer']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Computer"
                            InheritanceType = "All" # Any other inheritance type will cause access errors on attempting to move computer objects
                            ADRight         = "Self, WriteProperty, GenericRead"
                            TargetObject    = "Computer"
                            InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OUCreate']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Container"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Container"
                            AppliesTo       = "Container"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OUManage']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteDacl"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Container"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteDacl"
                            TargetObject    = "Container"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteDacl"
                            TargetObject    = "Container"
                            AppliesTo       = "Container"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRights']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty, DeleteChild, CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Member"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ServiceAccountMSA']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "ms-DS-Managed-Service-Account"
                            InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "ms-DS-Group-Managed-Service-Account"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "GenericAll"
                            AppliesTo       = "ms-DS-Managed-Service-Account"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "GenericAll"
                            AppliesTo       = "ms-DS-Group-Managed-Service-Account"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ServiceAccountLegacy']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "User"
                            InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                            ADRight         = "GenericAll"
                            AppliesTo       = "User"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    Principal = "Everyone"
                    ACEs      = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Computer"
                            Action          = "Deny"
                            InheritanceType = "none"

            ADPathLeafOU = "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['RightsOU']
            ApplyDefaultDeny = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs         = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRights']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Member"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"

            ADPathLeafOU = "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['RolesOU']
            ApplyDefaultDeny = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs         = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRoles']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Member"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
    GPOs          = @(
            Metadata = @{
                LinkOrder     = 1
                NamePrefix    = $Settings['names']['GPOs']['PrefixHigh']
                AlwaysRebuild = $true
                GPPermissions = @{
                    GPOEdit = @{
                        SIDs       = @()
                        Rights     = @()
                        Principals = @()
            SecEdit  = @{
                "Privilege Rights" = @{
                    SeInteractiveLogonRight       = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    SeServiceLogonRight           = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    SeBatchLogonRight             = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                "Group Membership" = @{
                    $Settings['Rights']['WinAdmin'] = @{
                        ResolveKeyName = $true
                        MemberOf       = @{
                            SIDS = @($SID_Administrators)
                    $Settings['Rights']['WinOps']   = @{
                        ResolveKeyName = $True
                        MemberOf       = @{
                            SIDS = @(
                    $Settings['Rights']['LogonRemote']  = @{
                        ResolveKeyName = $true
                        MemberOf       = @{
                            SIDS = @(
            RegPol   = @(
                    KeyName         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName       = "ADPasswordEncryptionPrincipal"
                    ValueType       = "REG_SZ"
                    ValueCollection = @{
                        SIDs       = @()
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()

            Metadata = @{
                LinkOrder     = 2
                NamePrefix    = $Settings['names']['GPOs']['PrefixLow']
                AlwaysRebuild = $False
                GPPermissions = @{
                    GPOEdit = @{
                        SIDs       = @()
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()