
$GlobalTemplate = @{
    LDAPContainers  = @(
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['PrivilegedUsersOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            Description = "Sensitive / Administrative user accounts. Generally domain admins etc."
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['DefaultUsersOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            Description = "Default location for user accounts."
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['EndpointsOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            Description = "Global and unassigned computer endpoints"
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['DefaultComputersOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            RelativePath= "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['EndpointsOU']
            Description = "Computer objects not associated with a Component"
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['EndpointPAWs']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            RelativePath= "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['EndpointsOU']
            Description = "T0 Privileged Access Workstations"
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['EndpointPKI']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            RelativePath= "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['EndpointsOU']
            Description = "PKI / certificate systems"
            DistinguishedName = $Settings['OUPaths']['LinuxFeaturesBase']
            Type        = "Container"
            Description="Linux-related objects such as sudoRoles supported by sssd-ad"
            DistinguishedName = $Settings['OUPaths']['LinuxNetgroups']
            Type        = "Container"
            Description="Netgroups that group multiple hosts together for assigning sudoRoles. Referenced by ldap_netgroup_search_base"
            DistinguishedName = $Settings['OUPaths']['LinuxSudoers']
            Type        = "Container"
            Description="LDAP-based sudoers rules. Referenced by ldap_sudo_search_base. Host assignment is done via netgroups."
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['RightsOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            Description = "Rights applied across entire RAD Tenant"
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['RolesOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            Description = "Roles with broad rights"
            Name        = $Settings['Names']['OrgsOU']
            Type        = "OrganizationalUnit"
            Description = "Business Units, Tenants, or Teams with a shared leadership"
    DefaultRoles  = @(
            nameSuffix      = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['Admin']
            Protected       = $True
            Owner           = $true
            Description     = "Global Admin. Assumed to have full administrative rights on all systems in child components. Does not have domain admin rights"
            Rights          = @(
            AuxiliaryGroups = @(
                "Group Policy Creator Owners"
                #"DHCP Administrators" --
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['AppAdmin']
            Protected   = $false
            Owner       = $true
            Description = "Global Admin within applications. Assumed to have full application rights on all systems in child components."
            Rights      = @(

            nameSuffix      = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['Operator']
            Protected       = $false
            Owner           = $False
            Description     = "Local operator."
            Rights          = @(
            AuxiliaryGroups = @(
                #"DHCP Users"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['LinuxAdmin']
            Protected   = $false
            Owner       = $true
            Description = "Rights to manage Linux-related AD objects under 'LinuxFeatures'"
            Rights      = @(
            nameSuffix      = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['GPOAdmin']
            Protected       = $false
            Owner           = $false
            Description     = "Permissions to edit, link and troubleshoot GPOs"
            Rights          = @(
            AuxiliaryGroups = @(
                "Group Policy Creator Owners"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['PKIAdmin']
            Protected   = $false
            Owner       = $false
            Description = "Certificate Administrator"
            Rights      = @(
            nameSuffix      = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['RBACAdmin']
            Protected       = $false
            Owner           = $false
            Description     = "Create and manage orgs and components globally"
            Rights          = @(
            AuxiliaryGroups = @(
                "Group Policy Creator Owners"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['names']['RolesList']['AccountAdmin']
            Protected   = $false
            Owner       = $false
            Description = "Create and reset standard accounts; create sensitive accounts"
            Rights      = @(
    DefaultRights = @(
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AppAccess']
            Description = "Allowed Log in to applications (typically web interfaces) globally."
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AppPoweruser']
            Description = "Poweruser or modify access to applications (typically web interfaces) globally"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AppAdmin']
            Description = "Admin access to applications (typically web interfaces) globally"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['CreateDeleteComputer']
            Description = "Allowed to create / join computer objects"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['DHCPAdmin']
            Description = "Authorize and manage DHCP servers. This includes rights to create dHCPClass objects under CN=NetServices, CN=Services, CN=Configuration..."
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['GPOAudit']
            Description = "Allowed to run RSOP and GPO Modelling"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['GPOLink']
            Description = "Allowed to link and unlink GPOs in org"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['GPOEdit']
            Description = "Edit rights on All GPOs"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['OUCreate']
            Description = "Create and update arbitrary Organizational Units"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['OUManage']
            Description = "Manage arbitrary OUs, properties and permissions on ACLs"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['OrgManage']
            Description = "Create and delete Orgs, as well as update their DACLs. Implicit full control of all orgs."
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['OrgDelete']
            Description = "Delete orgs and all subordinate objects"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRights']
            Description = "Create and delete new rights, and modify membership of all groups."
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRoles']
            Description = "Create and delete new roles, and modify membership of roles."
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['UserCreate']
            Description = "Create standard users"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['UserControl']
            Description = "Allowed to enable / disable / delete users"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['UserPasswdReset']
            Description = "Reset passwords for standard users"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AdminUserPasswdReset']
            Description = "Reset passwords for sensitive / Administrative accounts"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AdminUserCreate']
            Description = "Create sensitive / administrative accounts"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['AdminUserControl']
            Description = "Allowed to enable / disable / Delete sensitive accounts"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['WinAdmin']
            Description = "Local admin rights on Windows / Linux hosts"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['WinOps']
            Description = "Limited operator rights on Windows hosts: event log, performance monitoring, network changes"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LAPS']
            Description = "Fetch local machine passwords via Windows LAPS"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['PKIManageCA']
            Description = "Manage CA settings, and modify certificate templates)"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['PKIEnrollmentAgent']
            Description = "CEP-CES"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['PKIIssue']
            Description = "Approve and revoke certificates"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['PKIEnroll']
            Description = "Request certificates"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonBatch']
            Description = "Rights for batch logon / scheduled task / cron access"
            info        = "Default mapped services: crond`r`nWindows: Task Scheduler"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonLocal']
            Description = "Rights for Local logon"
            info        = "Default mapped services: su, gdm, login`r`nWindows: Task Scheduler"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonService']
            Description = "Rights for logon as service in this Org"
            info        = "Default mapped services: <not set>`r`nWindows: Services"
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['LogonRemote']
            Description = "Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services /SSH.";
            info        = @("Default mapped services: sshd, cockpit`r`nWindows: Remote Desktop")
            nameSuffix  = $Settings['Rights']['SudoManager']
            Description = "Sensitive; Rights to Create and modify Sudoroles and Netgroups. This allows gaining sudo rights on arbitrary systems."
        foreach ($sudoRoleType in $SUDO_ROLE_DEFS) {
            foreach ($passwd in $SUDO_PASSWD_TYPES) {
                    NameSuffix  = "sudo{0}_{1}" -f $passwd, $
                    Description = "Sudoers- Right to use sudo$passwd for $($ access: $($sudoRoleType.description)"

    OUDelegations = @(
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['TenantRoot']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "All"
            ACLs                   = @(
                #region OUManagement
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OUCreate']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit","Container"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = @("Organizational-Unit","Container")
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OUManage']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteDacl"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                #region GPOs
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['GPOAudit']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ExtendedRight   = "Generate-RSoP-Planning"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['GPOLink']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "GP-Link"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['GPOEdit']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "GP-Options"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                #Region RightsManagement
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRights']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Member"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                #Region LAPSReadPassword
                if ($"ms-LAPS-EncryptedPassword")) {

                        PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['LAPS']
                        ACEs            = @(
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-PasswordExpirationTime"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-Password"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-EncryptedPassword"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-EncryptedPasswordHistory"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                    @{ # lapspsh.dll SetLapsADComputerSelfPermission Lines 76-79
                        Principal = "NT Authority\SELF"
                        ACEs      = @(
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-PasswordExpirationTime"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                            @{ # lapspsh.dll SetLapsADComputerSelfPermission Lines 80-81
                                ADRight         = "WriteProperty"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-Password"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                            @{ # lapspsh.dll SetLapsADComputerSelfPermission Lines 82-87
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-LAPS-Encrypted-Password-Attributes"
                                AppliesTo       = "Computer"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                else {
                    write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "ms-LAPS-EncryptedPassword schema object is missing: you may need to update-lapsADSchema"
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['OrgsBase']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OrgManage']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteDacl"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"

            ADPath           = "CN=NetServices,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']
            ApplyDefaultDeny = $false
            ACLs             = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['DHCPAdmin']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, deleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "dHCP-Class"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "GenericAll"
                            Appliesto       = "dHCP-Class"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
            ADPath           = "CN=OID,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']
            ApplyDefaultDeny = $false
            ACLs             = @(
                if ([bool]$FEATURES_ADCS) {
                        PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['PKIManageCA']
                        ACEs            = @(
                                ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild, ReadProperty, GenericRead, WriteDacl"
                                TargetObject    = "ms-PKI-Enterprise-Oid"
                                InheritanceType = "None"
                                ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty, GenericRead, WriteDacl, WriteOwner"
                                AppliesTo       = "ms-PKI-Enterprise-Oid"
                                InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                else {
                    write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "ADCS feature not enabled, skipping delegations."
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['LinuxFeaturesBase']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OUCreate']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "None"
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['OUManage']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteDacl"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['LinuxSudoers']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['SudoManager']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, deleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            AppliesTo       = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                        if ($"sudoRole")) {
                                ADRight         = "genericAll"
                                TargetObject    = "sudoRole"
                                InheritanceType = "All"
                        else {
                            write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "SudoRole schema object is missing: you may need a schema mod."
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['LinuxNetgroups']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['SudoManager']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "genericAll"
                            TargetObject    = "NisNetgroup"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Organizational-Unit"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['DefaultUsers']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                #region UserManager
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['UserCreate']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight      = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject = "User"
                #region User Controller
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['UserControl']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight      = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject = "User-Account-Control"
                            AppliesTo    = "User"
                            ADRight      = "DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject = "User"
                #region normal password reset delegation
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['UserPasswdReset']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight      = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject = "Pwd-Last-Set"
                            AppliesTo    = "User"
                            ADRight      = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject = "Lockout-Time"
                            AppliesTo    = "User"
                            ADRight       = "ExtendedRight"
                            ExtendedRight = "User-Force-Change-Password"
                            AppliesTo     = "User"
        # "OU=$SensitiveUsersOU"
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['PrivilegedUsers']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                #region Sensitive User Manager
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['AdminUserCreate']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight      = "CreateChild"
                            TargetObject = "User"
                #region Sensitive user control
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['AdminUserControl']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight      = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject = "User-Account-Control"
                            AppliesTo    = "User"
                            ADRight      = "DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject = "User"
                #region Sensitive password reset delegation
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['AdminUserPasswdReset']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight      = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject = "Lockout-Time"
                            AppliesTo    = "User"
                            ADRight      = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject = "Pwd-Last-Set"
                            AppliesTo    = "User"
                            ADRight       = "ExtendedRight"
                            ExtendedRight = "User-Force-Change-Password"
                            AppliesTo     = "User"
        # "OU=$ComputersOU"
            ADPath                 = $Settings['OUPaths']['DefaultComputers']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                # Todo: tighten up permissions
                # These permissions are broader than they should be. Look into restricting, but following properties may be needed:
                ## Common-name, Sam-Account-name, Description, Display-name, attributeCertificateAttribute, Service-Principal-Name, DNS-Host-name
                ## See also:
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['CreateDeleteComputer']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Computer"
                            InheritanceType = "All" # Any other inheritance type will cause access errors on attempting to move computer objects
                            ADRight         = "Self, WriteProperty, GenericRead"
                            TargetObject    = "Computer"
                            InheritanceType = "Descendents"

            ADPathLeafOU           = "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['RightsOU']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                #region rightsAdmin
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRights']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Member"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
            ADPathLeafOU           = "OU={0}" -f $Settings['Names']['RolesOU']
            ApplyDefaultDeny       = $true
            DefaultDenyInheritance = "None"
            ACLs                   = @(
                #Region RolesManager
                    PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['ManageRoles']
                    ACEs            = @(
                            ADRight         = "CreateChild, DeleteChild"
                            TargetObject    = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Description"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
                            ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty"
                            TargetObject    = "Member"
                            AppliesTo       = "Group"
                            InheritanceType = "All"
        # PKI
        if ($(Test-RBACFeatures).PKI) {
            if ([bool](Test-Path ("CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']))) {
                # "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']
                    ADPath           = "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']
                    ApplyDefaultDeny = $false
                    ACLs             = @(
                            PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['PKIManageCA']
                            ACEs            = @(
                                    ADRight         = "CreateChild, GenericRead, WriteDacl, WriteOwner"
                                    TargetObject    = "PKI-Certificate-Template"
                                    InheritanceType = "none"
                                    ADRight         = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty, GenericRead, WriteDacl, WriteOwner"
                                    Appliesto       = "PKI-Certificate-Template"
                                    InheritanceType = "Descendents"
                    ADPathQuery      = @{filter = "objectClass -eq 'pKICertificateTemplate'"; searchBase = "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,$Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']" }
                    ApplyDefaultDeny = $false
                    ACLs             = @(
                            PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['PKIManageCA']
                            ACEs            = @(
                                    ADRight = "ReadProperty, WriteProperty, ExtendedRight, GenericRead, WriteDacl, WriteOwner"
                    ADPathQuery      = @{filter = "objectClass -eq 'pKICertificateTemplate' -and name -like '__*'"; searchBase = "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,$Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']" }
                    ApplyDefaultDeny = $false
                    ACLs             = @(
                            PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['PKIEnroll']
                            ACEs            = @(
                                    ADRight         = "ReadProperty, ExtendedRight"
                                    ExtendedRight   = "Certificate-Enrollment"
                                    InheritanceType = "None"

                if ([bool](Test-path "AD:CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,$Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']")) {
                        ADPathQuery      = @{filter = "objectClass -eq 'pKIEnrollmentService'"; searchBase = "CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,$Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']" }
                        ApplyDefaultDeny = $false
                        ACLs             = @(
                                PrincipalSuffix = $Settings['Rights']['PKIEnroll']
                                ACEs            = @(
                                        ADRight         = "ExtendedRight"
                                        ExtendedRight   = "Certificate-Enrollment"
                                        InheritanceType = "None"
                else {
                    write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "Path not found, skipping delegations: CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']
            else {
                write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "Path not found, skipping delegations: CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}" -f $Runtime['Domain']['ConfigurationNamingContext']

        else {
            write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "Cannot find Public key services OU; you may not have installed an Enterprise CA. Skipping PKI delegations."
    GPOs          = @(
            Metadata = @{
                LinkOrder     = 1
                NamePrefix    = $Settings['names']['GPOs']['PrefixHigh']
                AlwaysRebuild = $true
                GPPermissions = @{
                    GPOEdit = @{
                        SIDs       = @()
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
            SecEdit  = @{
                "Privilege Rights" = @{
                    SeInteractiveLogonRight       = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    SeServiceLogonRight           = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    SeBatchLogonRight             = @{
                        SIDS       = @(
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                "Group Membership" = @{
                    $Settings['Rights']['WinAdmin']    = @{
                        ResolveKeyName = $true
                        MemberOf       = @{
                            SIDS = @($SID_Administrators)
                    $Settings['Rights']['WinOps']      = @{
                        ResolveKeyName = $True
                        MemberOf       = @{
                            SIDS = @(
                    $Settings['Rights']['LogonRemote'] = @{
                        ResolveKeyName = $true
                        MemberOf       = @{
                            SIDS = @(
            RegPol   = @(
                    KeyName         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName       = "ADPasswordEncryptionPrincipal"
                    ValueType       = "REG_SZ"
                    ValueCollection = @{
                        SIDs       = @()
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "PostAuthenticationResetDelay"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "4"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "PostAuthenticationActions"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "1"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "PasswordComplexity"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "4"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "PasswordLength"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "16"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "PasswordAgeDays"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "30"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "PwdExpirationProtectionEnabled"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "1"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "BackupDirectory"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "2"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "ADPasswordEncryptionEnabled"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "1"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "ADEncryptedPasswordHistorySize"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "2"
                    KeyName   = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\LAPS"
                    ValueName = "ADBackupDSRMPassword"
                    ValueType = "REG_DWORD"
                    ValueData = "0"

            Metadata             = @{
                LinkOrder     = 2
                NamePrefix    = $Settings['names']['GPOs']['PrefixLow']
                AlwaysRebuild = $False
                GPPermissions = @{
                    GPOEdit = @{
                        SIDs       = @()
                        Rights     = @(
                        Principals = @()
            GPPrefRegistryValues = @(
                    Context   = 'Computer'
                    Key       = 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\EscDomains\security_mmc.exe'
                    ValueName = 'about'
                    value     = 2
                    type      = 'DWORD'
                    Action    = 'Update'