Function Add-OUStructureFromTemplate { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] [String]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)] [String]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=3)] [System.Collections.Hashtable]$Template, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=4)] [String]$ParentOrg, [Switch]$ResetRoleMembership ) BEGIN { $shouldProcess = @{ Confirm = [bool]($ConfirmPreference -eq "low") Whatif = [bool]($WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) verbose = [bool]($VerbosePreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") } #$ShouldProcess.verbose = $True } PROCESS { if ($PsItem.Name) { $Name = $_.Name} if ($PsItem.Description) {$Description = $_.Description} if ($PsItem.Path) {$Path = $_.Path} if ($PsItem.Template) {$Template = $_.Template} if ($PsItem.ParentOrg) {$ParentOrg = $_.ParentOrg} $DefaultRights = $Template.DefaultRights $DefaultRoles = $Template.DefaultRoles $resetRoleParam = @{ resetMembership = [bool]($ResetRoleMembership) } $structureString = "`r`n{0} OUs {0}{0}{0} Descriptions {0}{0}{0}" -f "#####" $structureString += "`r`n {0,-24} : {1}" -f $name,$description $structureString += $Template.OUs | ForEach-Object {"`r`n --> {0,-20} : {1}" -f $,($_.description[0..95] -join "")} $ChildPath = "OU=$name,$path" if (-not $shouldProcess.verbose) {Write-Host ("Creating OU Structure: '{0}'`r`n under: '{1}'`r`n{2}" -f $name,$path,$structureString)} if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(("`r`nCreating OU Structure: '{0}'`r`n under: '{1}'`r`n{2}" -f $name,$path,$structureString))) { $OUBase = CreateOrSetOU -Name $name -Description $Description -Path $path @shouldProcess $ChildPath = $OUBase.DistinguishedName $ChildOUs = $Template.OUs | foreach-object { $_.Path = $ChildPath write-verbose ("--- Template ChildOU: {0} at {1}" -f $, $_.path) [pscustomObject]$_ } $ChildOUs | CreateOrSetOU @ShouldProcess | out-null } Write-Host "Finished Structure Creation`r`n" if ($ParentOrg) { # Write-verbose "There is a component" $GroupMidName = "$parentOrg-$Name" $RightsPath = "OU={0}s,{1}" -f $RightsName, $ChildPath $RolesPath = "OU={0}s,{1}" -f $RolesName, $ChildPath $ParentPrincipalPrefix = "$parentOrg" } else { # write-verbose "No Component" $GroupMidName = $name $RightsPath = "OU={0}s,{1}" -f $RightsName, $ChildPath $RolesPath = "OU={0}s,{1}" -f $RolesName, $ChildPath $ParentPrincipalPrefix = "Global" } # write-verbose "Rights: $rightsPath; Roles: $RolesPath" if ($defaultRights) {Write-host ("{0,-48} @ {1}" -f "About to create default rights", $RightsPath)} $rightsDef = foreach ($Group in $DefaultRights) { $def = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = "$RightsName-$GroupMidName-$($Group.nameSuffix)" Description = $Group.Description path = $RightsPath GroupScope = "DomainLocal" Info = $Group.Description Members = @() memberOf = @() } if ($Group.AddParents -ne $false -and $ParentPrincipalPrefix -ne $name) { try { $parentRightName = (get-adgroup $("{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $RightsName, $ParentPrincipalPrefix, $Group.nameSuffix)).name write-Verbose "Adding the parent Org group $parentRightName as a member to $($" $def.members = $parentRightName } catch { Write-verbose "Parent org group doesn't exist, skipping" } } Write-Host ("--->{0,-30}" -f $, $def.path) $def } $rightsDef | CreateOrSetGroup @ShouldProcess | out-null if ($defaultRoles) {Write-host ("`r`n{0,-48} @ {1}" -f "About to create Roles:", $RolesPath) } $rolesDef = foreach ($Group in $DefaultRoles) { $def = [psCustomObject]@{ Name = "$RolesName-$GroupMidName-$($Group.nameSuffix)" Description = $Group.Description path = $RolesPath GroupScope = "Global" Info = $Group.Description MemberOf = @() } if ($Group.AddParents -eq $true -and $name -ne "Global") { $parentGroupName = "{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $RolesName, $ParentPrincipalPrefix, $Group.nameSuffix write-Verbose "Add parent group as member: $parentGroupName" $def.members = $ParentGroupName } Write-Host ("--->{0,-30}" -f $, $def.path) $def.memberOf = foreach ($right in $Group.rights) { $rightName = "$RightsName-$GroupMidName-$right" $RightName } if ($group.auxiliaryGroups) { $def.memberof += $Group.auxiliaryGroups } if ($true -eq $Group.Protected) { $def.memberOf += "Protected Users" } foreach ($g in $def.memberOf) { if ($null -ne $g) { write-Host (" |-->{0}" -f $g) } } $def } $rolesDef | CreateOrSetGroup @shouldProcess @resetRoleParam | out-null # Build ParameterList $ACLList = foreach ($delegation in $Template.OUDelegations) { $params = @{ ADPath = $null Principal = $null } if ($delegation.PrincipalSuffix -and -not $delegation.Principal) { $params.Principal = "{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $RightsName, $GroupMidName, $delegation.PrincipalSuffix write-Verbose "Deriving Principal: $($params.Principal)" } else { $params.Principal = $delegation.principal } if ($delegation.ADRight) { $params.ADRight = $Delegation.ADRight } if ($delegation.ExtendedRight) { $params.ExtendedRight = $Delegation.ExtendedRight } if ($delegation.targetObject) { $params.targetObject = $Delegation.targetObject } if ($delegation.appliesTo) { $params.appliesTo = $Delegation.appliesTo } if ($delegation.InheritanceType) { $params.InheritanceType = $Delegation.InheritanceType } if ($Delegation.ADPathQuery) { $query = $delegation.ADPathQuery $params.ADPath = $(get-adobject @query).DistinguishedName @{ Path = "Children of $($query.searchbase)" ACL = $params } } else{ if ($delegation.ADPathLeafOU -and -not $delegation.ADPath) { $params.ADPath = join-string -inputObject @($delegation.ADPathLeafOU, $ChildPath) -Separator "," write-Verbose "Deriving ADPath: $($params.ADPath)" } elseif ($delegation.ADPath) { $params.ADPath = $delegation.ADPath } else { $Params.ADPath = $ChildPath } @{ Path = $Params.ADPath ACL = $params } } } if ($ACLList) {Write-Host "`r`nApplying AD Delegations"} $textIndent = "|-->" $ACLList | group-object path | foreach-object { Write-Host ("--->{0,-40}" -f $ $ | foreach-object { Write-host ("{0,6}{1,-48} on: {2,-36} IOT: {3,-36} {4}" -f $textIndent,$_.Principal,($_.ExtendedRight + $_.TargetObject), $_.AppliesTo, $_.ADRight) Add-OUPermission @_ } write-host "" } } } |