using module .\aClass.psm1 <# .SYNOPSIS Creates or Deletes a Route 53 Alias A Record that points to an Elastic Load Balancer. .DESCRIPTION Creates or Deletes a Route 53 Alias A Record that points to an Elastic Load Balancer. Application and Network Load Balancers are supported. Classic Load Balancers are not supported. .NOTES 1) Read the Example. 2) Requires an ELBv2 Object either piped in or supplied to parameter LoadBalancer.qq [Amazon.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.Model.LoadBalancer] .PARAMETER Action Mandatory. Either CREATE or DELETE. .PARAMETER Evaluate Optional. Boolean to select whether to Evaluate Target Health or not. Defaults to $true. Parameter Alias EvaluateTargetHealth. .PARAMETER FQDN Mandatory. Fully Qualified Domain Name to Alias to the Load Balancer DNS Name. .PARAMETER LoadBalancer Mandatory. [Amazon.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.Model.LoadBalancer] Object. Either an ALB or NLB. .PARAMETER ZoneId Mandatory. The Route 53 Zone to host the new Alias Record. .INPUTS Amazon.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.Model.LoadBalancer .OUTPUTS Amazon.Route53.Model.ChangeInfo .EXAMPLE Please Read: 1) Obtain required information: $r53 = (Get-R53HostedZonesByName -DNSName $alb = (Get-ELB2LoadBalancer).where({$_.LoadBalancerName -eq "test-alb"}) $fqdn = "" 2) Create a record: $resp = $alb | Set-ELB2Alias -Action CREATE -FQDN $fqdn -ZoneID $r53 -WhatIf 3) Optionally check the status of the record: Get-R53Change $ Status PENDING - record is being processed. Status INSYNC - record successfully processed. 4) Optionally check the value of a DNS request to Route 53: Test-R53DNSAnswer -HostedZoneId $($r53.split("/")[-1]) -RecordName $fqdn -RecordType A 5) Optionally delete the record: $resp2 = $alb | Set-ELB2Alias -Action DELETE -FQDN $fqdn -ZoneID $r53 #> function Set-ELB2Alias { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="high")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateSet("CREATE", "DELETE")] [string] $Action, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias("EvaluateTargetHealth")] [boolean] $Evaluate=$true, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string] $FQDN, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Amazon.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.Model.LoadBalancer] $LoadBalancer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string] $ZoneID ) begin { $Type=[aClass]::Type # Route53 Record Type } process { function MakeR53AliasTarget { param($LoadBalancer, $Evaluate) $aliastarget=[Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget]::new() $aliastarget.DNSName=$LoadBalancer.DNSName $aliastarget.EvaluateTargetHealth=$Evaluate $aliastarget.HostedZoneId=$LoadBalancer.CanonicalHostedZoneId return $aliastarget } function MakeR53ResourceRecordSet { param($AliasTarget, $FQDN) $r53recset=[Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet]::new() $r53recset.AliasTarget=$AliasTarget $r53recset.Name=$FQDN $r53recset.Type=$Type return $r53recset } function MakeR53Change { param($Action, $R53RecSet) $r53change=[Amazon.Route53.Model.Change]::new() $r53change.Action=$Action $r53change.ResourceRecordSet=$R53RecSet return $r53change } $atparm=@{ LoadBalancer=$LoadBalancer ; Evaluate=$Evaluate } $aliastarget=MakeR53AliasTarget @atparm $rsparm=@{ AliasTarget=$aliastarget ; FQDN=$FQDN } $r53recset=MakeR53ResourceRecordSet @rsparm $r53change=MakeR53Change -Action $Action -R53RecSet $r53recset $erparm=@{ HostedZoneId=$ZoneID ; ChangeBatch_Change=$r53change } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerArn)")) { Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet @erparm } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates or Deletes A records from a Route 53 Hosted Zone. .DESCRIPTION Creates or Deletes A records from a Route 53 Hosted Zone. No other record types are supported. Returns a pscustomobject for each record action, including submitted and returned information. .NOTES 1. To delete a record, it is necessary to EXACTLY match the existing record, including TTL. 2. Show-R53Record can be piped into Set-R53ARecord to assist with deletions. See Examples. 3. Record creation is limited to the parameters listed. For more complex creations see Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet. .PARAMETER Action Mandatory. CREATE or DELETE. .PARAMETER FQDN Mandatory. Fully qualified name of the A record. Example: .PARAMETER HostedZoneId Mandatory. AWS Zone ID of the record to create or delete. .PARAMETER IP Mandatory. IPv4 Address of the A record. Example:. .PARAMETER TTL Optional. Time in seconds until cache expiration. Defaults to 300 if no other value is specified. .INPUTS For deletion, output from Show-R53Record can be piped. See Examples. .OUTPUTS PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.AWS.R53.A.Record.Info .EXAMPLE Create an A record: First: Return Specific Zone into a variable: $myZone = Get-R53HostedZoneList | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "" Second: $myVar = Set-R53ARecord -Action CREATE -FQDN -IP -HostedZoneId $myZone.Id .EXAMPLE Delete an A record: First: Return Specific Zone into a variable: $myZone = Get-R53HostedZoneList | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "" Second: $myVar = Set-R53ARecord -Action DELETE -FQDN -IP -HostedZoneId $myZone.Id .EXAMPLE Delete an A record using information from Show-R53Record: First: Return Specific Zone into a variable: $myZone = Get-R53HostedZoneList | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "" Second: Retrieve / Process A records from a Specific Zone: $myInfo = $myZone | Get-R53ResourceRecordSet | Show-R53Record Third: Query for a specific record: $myRecord = $myInfo | Where-Object -Property FQDN -Match "bogus3" Fourth: Delete the record $myVar = $myRecord | Set-R53ARecord -Action DELETE -HostedZoneId $myZone.Id #> Function Set-R53ARecord { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("CREATE", "DELETE")] [string] $Action, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $FQDN, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $HostedZoneId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ipaddress] $IP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Int32] $TTL = 300 ) Process { if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($FQDN, $Action)) { $rr = [aClass]::MakeR53ResRec($FQDN, $TTL, $IP) $rc = [aClass]::MakeR53Change($Action, $rr) $rv = Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId $HostedZoneId -ChangeBatch_Change $rc $lo = [aClass]::MakeR53Obj($rc, $rv , $HostedZoneId) $lo } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns configuration information from EC2 Instances. .DESCRIPTION Returns a PSCUSTOMOBJECT of configuration information from EC2 Instances. .NOTES 1) The object provided from Get-EC2Instance is stored in the NoteProperty Object. 2) The Name NoteProperty will be empty if an EC2 Instance name has not been specified. 3) Tags can be seen by returning the object into a variable (e.g. $myVar), then $myVar.Tags 4) Optimal JSON output is demonstrated in Example 4. .PARAMETER EC2Instance Mandatory. Output from AWS Get-EC2Instance (Module: AWS.Tools.EC2). See Examples. [Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation] .INPUTS AWS Instance from Get-EC2Instance [Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation] .OUTPUTS PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.AWS.EC2Instance.Info .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from one EC2 Instance: Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa | Show-EC2Instance .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from two EC2 Instances into a variable: $myVar = Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa , i-0e20784445830bbbb | Show-EC2Instance .EXAMPLE Start all EC2 Instances with a name of "test": (Get-EC2Instance | Show-EC2Instance | Where Name -match test).Object | Start-EC2Instance .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from one EC2 Instance, converting the output to JSON: $myVar = Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa | Show-EC2Instance $jVar = $myVar | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 #> Function Show-EC2Instance { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation[]] $EC2Instance ) Process { foreach ($e in $EC2Instance.Instances) { $lo = [aClass]::MakeEC2IObj($e) $lo } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a decoded IAM Policy Document. .DESCRIPTION Returns a PSCUSTOMOBJECT of a decoded IAM Policy Document. .NOTES 1. Requires System.Web.HttpUtility to decode the policy document. 2. DefaultDisplayPropertySet = "Document" To see all properties, issue either: $myVar | Format-List -Property * $myVar | Select-Object -Property * .PARAMETER Policy Mandatory. Output from AWS Get-IAMPolicyVersion (Module: AWS.Tools.IdentityManagement). See Examples. [Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.PolicyVersion] .INPUTS AWS IAM Policy from Get-IAMPolicyVersion [Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.PolicyVersion] .OUTPUTS PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.AWS.IAMPolDoc.Info .EXAMPLE Please Read: Return the IAM Policy Document Only (default display): $myPol = Get-IAMPolicyVersion -PolicyArn arn:aws:iam::012345678901:policy/my_custom_policy -VersionId v1 $myVar = $myPol | Show-IAMPolicyDocument $myVar $myVar.Document $myVar.Document | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 12 | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 12 .EXAMPLE Please Read: Return the IAM Policy Document and related information (full display): $myPol = Get-IAMPolicyVersion -PolicyArn arn:aws:iam::012345678901:policy/my_custom_policy -VersionId v3 $myVar = $myPol | Show-IAMPolicyDocument $myVar | fl * #> Function Show-IAMPolicyDocument { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.PolicyVersion] $Policy ) Process { $pd = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($policy.Document) $lo = [aclass]::MakeIAMDObj($policy, $pd) $lo } End { $TypeData = @{ TypeName = 'SupSkiFun.AWS.IAMPolDoc.Info' DefaultDisplayPropertySet = "Document" } Update-TypeData @TypeData -Force } } <# .SYNOPSIS Formats returned records from a Route 53 Hosted Zone. .DESCRIPTION Creates a PSCUSTOMOBJECT of returned records from a Route 53 Hosted Zone. The custom object is much easier to view and work with. .NOTES The Get-R53ResourceRecordSet has a MaxLimit parameter that might need adjusting for large zones. .PARAMETER RecordSets Mandatory. Output from AWS Get-R53ResourceRecordSet (Module: AWS.Tools.Route53). See Examples. [Amazon.Route53.Model.ListResourceRecordSetsResponse] .INPUTS AWS Route 53 Records from Get-R53ResourceRecordSet [Amazon.Route53.Model.ListResourceRecordSetsResponse] .OUTPUTS PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.AWS.R53.Record.Info .EXAMPLE Retrieve and process records: First: Return Specific Zone into a variable: $myZone = Get-R53HostedZoneList | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "" Second: Using a specific zone, retrieve records putting them into a pscustomobject. $myVar = Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId $myZone.Id | Show-R53Record .EXAMPLE Retrieve and process records, piping the zone: First: Return Specific Zone into a variable: $myZone = Get-R53HostedZoneList | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "" Second: Using a specific zone, retrieve records putting them into a pscustomobject. $myVar = $myZone | Get-R53ResourceRecordSet | Show-R53Record .EXAMPLE HostedZoneID can be submitted manually if preferred: $myVar = Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId '/hostedzone/BigOldStringOfChars' | Show-R53Record #> Function Show-R53Record { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Amazon.Route53.Model.ListResourceRecordSetsResponse] $RecordSets ) Process { foreach ($rr in $RecordSets.ResourceRecordSets) { $lo = [aClass]::MakeR53Obj($rr) $lo } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns configuration information from VPC(s). .DESCRIPTION Returns a PSCUSTOMOBJECT of configuration information from VPC(s). .NOTES 1) The object provided from Get-EC2Vpc is stored in the NoteProperty Object. 2) The Name NoteProperty will be empty if a VPC name has not been specified. 3) Tags can be seen by returning the object into a variable (e.g. $myVar), then $myVar.Tags 4) Optimal JSON output is demonstrated in Example 3. .PARAMETER EC2Instance Mandatory. Output from AWS Get-EC2Vpc (Module: AWS.Tools.EC2). See Examples. [Amazon.EC2.Model.Vpc] .INPUTS AWS VPC from Get-EC2Vpc [Amazon.EC2.Model.Vpc] .OUTPUTS PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.AWS.VPC.Info .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from one VPC: Get-EC2Vpc -VpcId vpc-77a1b77053c67aaaa | Show-EC2Vpc .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from two VPCs into a variable: $myVar = Get-EC2Vpc -VpcId vpc-77a1b77053c67aaaa , vpc-77a1b77053c67bbbb | Show-EC2Vpc .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from one VPC, converting the output to JSON: $myVar = Get-EC2Vpc -VpcId vpc-77a1b77053c67aaaa | Show-EC2Vpc $jVar = $myVar | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 #> Function Show-EC2Vpc { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Amazon.EC2.Model.Vpc[]] $Vpc ) Process { foreach ($vp in $vpc) { $dh = (Get-EC2VpcAttribute -VpcId $vp.vpcid -Attribute enableDnsHostnames).EnableDnsHostnames $ds = (Get-EC2VpcAttribute -VpcId $vp.vpcid -Attribute enableDnsSupport).EnableDnsSupport $vh = @{ DnsHostNames = $dh DnsResolution = $ds } $lo = [aClass]::MakeVPCObj($vp , $vh) $lo } } } |