using module .\aClass.psm1 <# .SYNOPSIS Returns configuration information from EC2 Instances. .DESCRIPTION Returns a PSCUSTOMOBJECT of configuration information from EC2 Instances. Optionally adds the source EC2-Instance-Object if the -IncludeObject Parameter is specified. .NOTES Within the Object: 1) The Name Parameter will be empty if a name has not been specified. 2) Tags can be seen by returning the object into a variable (e.g. $myVar), then $myVar.Tags 3) The Object property is available if -IncludeObject was specified. This property can be accessed by using .object or via Select-Object -ExpandProperty Object. Both are shown in Example 4. For optimal JSON Output: Return the object into a variable without specifying -IncludeObject (default). $myVar = Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa | Show-EC2Instance $jVar = $myVar | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 .PARAMETER EC2Instance Mandatory. Output from AWS Get-EC2Instance (Module AWS.Tools.EC2). See Examples. [Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation] .PARAMETER IncludeObject Optional. If specified places the source EC2-Instance-Object within the Object NoteProperty of the PSCUSTOMOBJECT. Useful for piping. See Notes and Examples. .INPUTS AWS Instance from Get-EC2Instance [Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation] .OUTPUTS PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.AWS.EC2Instance.Info .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from one EC2 Instance: Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa | Show-EC2Instance .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from two EC2 Instances into a variable: $myVar = Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa , i-0e20784445830bbbb | Show-EC2Instance .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from one EC2 Instance, including the source Object, into a variable: $myVar = Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId i-0e90783335830aaaa | Show-EC2Instance -IncludeObject .EXAMPLE Return a custom object from all EC2 Instances in a region, including the source Object, into a variable: $myVar = Get-EC2Instance -Region us-east-1 | Show-EC2Instance -IncludeObject ...then... Start all instances in $myVar with a Name beginning with "WEB" : ($myVar | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "^WEB").Object | Start-EC2Instance alternative syntax to start all instances in $myVar with a Name beginning with "WEB" :... $myvar | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "^WEB" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Object | Start-EC2Instance .LINK Get-EC2Instance #> Function Show-EC2Instance { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation[]] $EC2Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [Switch] $IncludeObject ) Process { foreach ($e in $EC2Instance.Instances) { $lo = [aClass]::MakeSEC2IObj($e) if ($IncludeObject) { $lo | Add-Member -Name Object -Value $e -MemberType NoteProperty } $lo } } } |