function Get-ZomentumDocumentLines { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Document line items from the Zomentum API. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Documnet line itesm from the Zomentum API - supports a variety of filtering parameters. .OUTPUTS A powershell object containing the response. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( # Product ID for retrieving a single client [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Single', Mandatory = $True )] [string]$DocumentID, # An Object containing filter variables [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Single', Mandatory = $True )] [string]$RevisionID ) Write-Verbose "Fetching Line Items" $LinesRaw = Invoke-ZomentumRequest -method get -resource "documents/$DocumentID/revisions/$RevisionID/downloadproducts/" -RawResult $Lines = $LinesRaw.Content | convertfrom-csv return $Lines } |