
function Assert-ZertoInitialized {
    Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..."
    $action = {
        $ZVM = Get-VM -Name $ZVM_VM_NAME
        if ($null -eq $ZVM) {
            Write-Error "$ZVM_VM_NAME doesn't exists" -ErrorAction Stop
        $res = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText "whoami" -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $res -or $res.ScriptOutput.Trim() -ne $ZAPPLIANCE_USER){
            throw "ZVM failed to initialize"
        $zvmInitStatusFile = "/opt/zerto/zvr/initialization-files/zvm_initialized"
        $res = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText "[ -e $zvmInitStatusFile ] && echo true || echo false" -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $res -or $res.ScriptOutput.Trim() -ne 'true'){
            throw "ZVM failed to initialize"
    Invoke-Retry -Action $action -ActionName "TestZertoInitialized" -RetryCount 15 -RetryIntervalSeconds 60

function Set-ZertoVmPassword {
    Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..."
    $passwordText = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $NewPassword -AsPlainText
    $action = {
        $ZVM = Get-VM -Name $ZVM_VM_NAME
        if ($null -eq $ZVM) {
            Write-Error "$ZVM_VM_NAME doesn't exists" -ErrorAction Stop
        #We need to write result to variable to avoid module logging issues
        $passChange = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText "echo '$($ZAPPLIANCE_USER):$passwordText' | sudo chpasswd" -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $res = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText "whoami" -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $passwordText -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $res -or $res.ScriptOutput.Trim() -ne $ZAPPLIANCE_USER) {
            throw "Failed to change ZVM VM password"
        $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword = $passwordText
    Invoke-Retry -Action $action -ActionName "ChangeZvmVmPassword" -RetryCount 10 -RetryIntervalSeconds 60

function Set-ZertoConfiguration ($DNS) {
    Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..."
    try {
        $startTime = Get-Date
        Write-Host "Waiting for Zerto to start, this might take a while..."
        Write-Host "Zerto initialization took: $((Get-Date).Subtract($startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F0")) seconds."

        Set-DnsConfiguration -DNS $DNS


        Write-Host "Configuring Zerto, this might take a while..."
        $startTime = Get-Date
        #TODO: we need to rename key that holds VC user password. It sound confusing
        $scriptLocation = "/opt/zerto/zlinux/avs/configure_zerto.py"
        $commandToExecute = "sudo python3 $scriptLocation --vcPassword '$($PersistentSecrets.ZertoPassword)' --avsClientSecret '$($PersistentSecrets.AvsClientSecret)'"
        $result = Invoke-ZVMScriptWithTimeout -ScriptText $commandToExecute -ActionName "Configure ZVM"
        Write-Host "Zerto configuration took: $((Get-Date).Subtract($startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F0")) seconds."

        if ($result.ScriptOutput.Contains("Success")) {
            Write-Host "Zerto configured successfully"
        else {
            if ($result.ScriptOutput.Contains("Error:")) {
                $cleanErrMsg = $result.ScriptOutput -replace "Error: ", ""
                throw $cleanErrMsg
            if ($result.ScriptOutput.Contains("Warning:")) {
                $message = $result.ScriptOutput
                Write-Host $message
                Write-Warning $message
            else {
                Write-Error "An error occurred while configuring Zerto. Please reinstall Zerto." -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error "Failed to configure Zerto. Error: $_" -ErrorAction Stop

function Test-ZertoPassword {
    process {
        Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..."
        $scriptLocation = "/opt/zerto/zlinux/avs/try_zerto_login.py"
        $commandToExecute = "sudo python3 $scriptLocation --zertoAdminPassword '$($PersistentSecrets.ZertoAdminPassword)'"
        try {
            $result = Invoke-ZVMScriptWithTimeout -ScriptText $commandToExecute -ActionName "Validate Zerto password" -TimeoutMinutes 5
            if ($result.ScriptOutput.Contains("Success")) {
                Write-Host "Zerto password is valid"
            else {
                throw "Please provide valid Zerto password."
        catch {
            $errorMessage = "An error happened during Zerto password validataion. Problem: $_"
            Write-Host $errorMessage
            Write-Error $errorMessage -ErrorAction Stop

function Update-VcPasswordInZvm {
    process {
        Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..."
        $startTime = Get-Date
        $scriptLocation = "/opt/zerto/zlinux/avs/change_vc_password.py"
        $commandToExecute = "sudo python3 $scriptLocation --vcPassword '$($PersistentSecrets.ZertoPassword)' --zertoAdminPassword '$($PersistentSecrets.ZertoAdminPassword)' --avsClientSecret '$($PersistentSecrets.AvsClientSecret)'"
        try {
            $result = Invoke-ZVMScriptWithTimeout -ScriptText $commandToExecute -ActionName "Update VC password in ZVM" -TimeoutMinutes 20
            Write-Host "Zerto reconfiguration took: $((Get-Date).Subtract($startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("F0")) seconds."

            if ($result.ScriptOutput.Contains("Success")) {
                Write-Host "New VC password set successfully in ZVM."
            else {
                if ($result.ScriptOutput.Contains("Error:")) {
                    $cleanErrMsg = $result.ScriptOutput -replace "Error: ", ""
                    throw $cleanErrMsg
                throw "Unexpected error occurred while updating VC password in ZVM."
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to update VC password in ZVM. Problem: $_" -ErrorAction Stop

function Set-DnsConfiguration($DNS) {
    Write-Host "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)..."

    try {
        $action = {
            $ZVM = Get-VM -Name $ZVM_VM_NAME
            if ($null -eq $ZVM) {
                Write-Error "$ZVM_VM_NAME doesn't exists" -ErrorAction Stop
            $setDnsCommand = "grep -qxF 'nameserver $DNS' /etc/resolv.conf || echo 'nameserver $DNS' | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf"
            $res = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText $setDnsCommand -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $checkDnsCommand = "grep -qF 'nameserver $DNS' /etc/resolv.conf && echo 'true' || echo 'false'"
            $res = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText $checkDnsCommand -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -eq $res -or $res.ScriptOutput.Trim() -ne "true"){
                throw "Failed to force set DNS"
            $lockFileCommand = 'sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf'
            $res = Invoke-VMScript -VM $ZVM -ScriptText $lockFileCommand -GuestUser $ZAPPLIANCE_USER -GuestPassword $PersistentSecrets.ZappliancePassword
            Write-Host "DNS successfully set"
        Invoke-Retry -Action $action -ActionName "SetDNS" -RetryCount 4 -RetryIntervalSeconds 30
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Failed to set DNS. Problem: $_. Configuration may fail."