<# .SYNOPSIS Checks that admins are enforced for phishing resistant authentication. #> function Test-PrivilegedUsersCaAuthStrengthPhishResistant { [CmdletBinding()] param() $activity = "Checking phishing resistant authentication for privileged roles" Write-ZtProgress -Activity $activity -Status "Getting policy" # TODO: Check for report-only and exclude from pass state. Include CA state in the CA outpu # -Include a pass / partial / fail next to each CA policy to show which ones have phish resistant for roles. $roles = Invoke-ZtGraphRequest -RelativeUri 'roleManagement/directory/roleDefinitions' -ApiVersion beta $caps = Invoke-ZtGraphRequest -RelativeUri 'identity/conditionalAccess/policies' -ApiVersion beta $asp = Invoke-ZtGraphRequest -RelativeUri 'policies/authenticationStrengthPolicies' -ApiVersion beta # Get all privileged roles $privilegedRoles = $roles | Where-Object { $_.isPrivileged } $phishResAuthMs = @('windowsHelloForBusiness', 'fido2', 'x509CertificateMultiFactor') # Phishing resistant authentication methods (passkey included in fido2) # Get all the authentication strength policies that only allow phishing resistant authentication methods $phishResAsp = $asp | Where-Object { (($_.allowedCombinations + $phishResAuthMs | Select-Object -Unique) | Measure-Object).Count -eq ($phishResAuthMs | Measure-Object).Count } # Get the IDs of CA policies using phishing resistant auth strength policies $capsIdsUsingPhishResAuth = $phishResAsp | ForEach-Object { Invoke-ZtGraphRequest -RelativeUri "policies/authenticationStrengthPolicies/$($" } # Get the full CA policies that use phishing resistant authentication $capsUsingPhishResAuth = $caps | Where-Object { $ -in $ } # Are there any privileged roles that are not enforced to use phishing resistant authentication? $capCoveredRoles = $capsUsingPhishResAuth.conditions.users.includeroles | Select-Object -Unique $protectedRoles = @() $unprotectedRoles = @() foreach ($role in $privilegedRoles) { if ($ -in $capCoveredRoles) { $protectedRoles += $role } else { $unprotectedRoles += $role } } $passed = ($unprotectedRoles | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 if ($passed) { $testResultMarkdown += "Validated that following roles have.`n`n%TestResult%" } else { $testResultMarkdown += "Found Roles don’t have policies to enforce phishing resistant Credentials`n`n%TestResult%" } $mdInfo += "`n`n## Conditional Access Policies with phishing resistant authentication policies `n`n" if (($capsUsingPhishResAuth | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $mdInfo += "No conditional access policies found with phishing resistant authentication strength policies.`n`n" } else { $mdInfo += "Found $($capsUsingPhishResAuth.Length) phishing resistant conditional access policies.`n`n" $mdInfo += Get-GraphObjectMarkdown -GraphObjects $capsUsingPhishResAuth -GraphObjectType ConditionalAccess } $mdInfo += "`n`n## Privileged Roles`n`n" if (($protectedRoles | Measure-Object).Coiunt -eq 0) { $mdInfo += "Privileged roles are not being protected by phishing resistant authentication.`n`n" } elseif ($protectedRoles.Length -eq $privilegedRoles.Length) { $mdInfo += "All $($protectedRoles.Length) privileged roles are protected by phishing resistant authentication.`n`n" } else { $mdInfo += "Found $($protectedRoles.Length) of $($privilegedRoles.Length) privileged roles protected by phishing resistant authentication.`n`n" } $mdInfo += "| Role Name | Phishing resistance enforced |`n" $mdInfo += "| :--- | :---: |`n" foreach ($role in $protectedRoles | Sort-Object displayName) { $mdInfo += "| $($role.displayName) | ✅ |`n" } foreach ($role in $unprotectedRoles | Sort-Object displayName) { $mdInfo += "| $($role.displayName) | ❌ |`n" } if (($phishResAsp | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $mdInfo += "## Authentication Strength Policies`n`n" $mdInfo += "Found $($phishResAsp.Length) custom phishing resistant authentication strength policies.`n`n" $mdInfo += Get-GraphObjectMarkdown -GraphObjects $phishResAsp -GraphObjectType AuthenticationStrength } $testResultMarkdown = $testResultMarkdown -replace "%TestResult%", $mdInfo Add-ZtTestResultDetail -TestId '21783' -Title 'Privileged Microsoft Entra built-in roles are targeted with Conditional Access policies to enforce phishing resistant methods' ` -UserImpact Low -Risk High -ImplementationCost Medium ` -AppliesTo Entra -Tag AccessControl, Authentication ` -Status $passed -Result $testResultMarkdown } |