function Export-GraphEntityPrivilegedGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param ($ExportPath, $InputEntityName, $EntityName, $ProgressActivity) if ((Get-ZtConfig -ExportPath $ExportPath -Property $EntityName)) { Write-Verbose "Skipping $EntityName since it was downloaded previously" return } $activity = "Exporting $ProgressActivity" Write-ZtProgress $activity $folderPath = Join-Path $ExportPath $EntityName Clear-ZtFolder $folderPath # Get all the files in the folder $readFolderPath = Join-Path $ExportPath $InputEntityName $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $readFolderPath -File $folderPath = Join-Path $ExportPath $EntityName # Iterate each file and find all the groups $groups = @() $pageIndex = 0 foreach ($file in $files) { # Read the file as json $roleAssignments = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json # Get all the groups $groups = $roleAssignments.value | Where-Object { $_.principal.'@odata.type' -eq '' } # Create an object with a 'value' property that contains the array of items $results = @{ value = @() } $groups | ForEach-Object {` Write-ZtProgress $activity -Status $_.principal.displayName #5/10/2024 - Entra ID Role Enabled Security Groups do not currently support nesting so we don't need to get transitive members $groupId = $ $member = Get-ZtGroupMember -groupId $groupId if ($member -and $member.Count -gt 0) { # Add the group id property to the member object $member | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name privilegedGroupId -Value $groupId -Force # Need to force to overwrite if it was cached user. $results.value += $member } } if ($results.value.Count -gt 0) { $filePath = Join-Path $folderPath "$EntityName-$pageIndex.json" $results | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Force $pageIndex++ } } Set-ZtConfig -ExportPath $ExportPath -Property $EntityName -Value $true } |