<# .SYNOPSIS Creates a database with the data files found in the specified folder. #> function Export-Database { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The path to the folder where all the files were exported. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ExportPath ) $activity = "Creating database" Write-ZtProgress -Activity $activity -Status "Starting" Write-Verbose "Importing data from $ExportPath" $dbFolderName = 'db' $dbFolder = Join-Path $ExportPath $dbFolderName if (Test-Path $dbFolder) { Write-Host "Creating db folder $dbFolder" Remove-Item $dbFolder -Recurse -Force | Out-Null # Remove the existing database } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dbFolder -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null $absExportPath = $ExportPath | Resolve-Path $dbPath = Join-Path $absExportPath $dbFolderName "zt.db" Write-Host "Creating database at $dbPath" $db = [DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBConnection]::new("Data Source=$dbPath") $db.Open() Import-Table -db $db -absExportPath $absExportPath -tableName 'Application' Import-Table -db $db -absExportPath $absExportPath -tableName 'ServicePrincipal' Import-Table -db $db -absExportPath $absExportPath -tableName 'ServicePrincipalSignIn' Import-Table -db $db -absExportPath $absExportPath -tableName 'SignIn' return $db } function Import-Table($db, $absExportPath, $tableName) { $filePath = Join-Path $absExportPath $tableName "$tableName*.json" New-EntraTable -Connection $db -TableName $tableName -FilePath $filePath } |