
    Add detailed information about a check so that it can be displayed in the report.

    This function is used to add detailed information about a test so that it can be displayed in the test results report.

    The description and result support markdown format.

    If the calling script/cmdlet has a markdown file with the same name as the script/cmdlet,
    it will be used to populate the description and result fields.

    The markdown file can include a seperator `<!--- Results --->` to split the description and result sections.
    This allows for the overview and detailed information to be displayed separately in the Test results.

    Add-ZtTestResultDetail -Description 'Description' -Result 'Result'

    This example adds detailed information about a test with a brief description and the result of the test.

        $policiesWithoutEmergency = $policies | Where-Object { $CheckId -notin $_.conditions.users.excludeUsers -and $CheckId -notin $_.conditions.users.excludeGroups }

        Add-ZtTestResultDetail -GraphObjects $policiesWithoutEmergency -GraphObjectType ConditionalAccess

    This example shows how to use the Add-ZtTestResultDetail function to add rich markdown content to the test results with deep links to the admin portal.


Function Add-ZtTestResultDetail {
        # Brief description of what this test is checking.
        # Markdown is supported.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Description,

        # The status of the test. True for passed, False for failed.
        [bool] $Status,

        # Detailed information of the test result to provide additional context to the user.
        # This can be a summary of the items that caused the test to fail (e.g. list of user names, conditional access policies, etc.).
        # Markdown is supported.
        # If the test result contains a placeholder %TestResult%, it will be replaced with the values from the $GraphResult
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Result,

        # Collection of Graph objects to display in the test results report.
        # This will be inserted into the contents of Result parameter if the result contains a placeholder %TestResult%.
        [Object[]] $GraphObjects,

        # The type of graph object, this will be used to show the right deeplink to the test results report.
        [ValidateSet('AuthenticationMethod', 'AuthorizationPolicy', 'ConditionalAccess', 'ConsentPolicy',
            'Devices', 'DiagnosticSettings', 'Domains', 'Groups', 'IdentityProtection', 'Users', 'UserRole'
        [string] $GraphObjectType,

        # The unique id of the test.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $TestId,

        # The short title of the test.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Title,

        [ValidateSet('NotConnectedAzure', 'NotConnectedExchange', 'NotDotGovDomain', 'NotLicensedEntraIDP1', 'NotConnectedSecurityCompliance',
            'NotLicensedEntraIDP2', 'NotLicensedEntraIDGovernance', 'NotLicensedEntraWorkloadID', "LicensedEntraIDPremium", 'NotSupported'
        [string] $SkippedBecause,

        [ValidateSet('Catastrophic', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low')]
        [string] $Impact,

        [ValidateSet('Unlikely', 'Possible', 'Likely', 'HighlyLikely')]
        [string] $Likelihood,

        [ValidateSet('Entra', 'Intune', 'Purview')]
        [string[]] $AppliesTo,

        [ValidateSet('Credential', 'TenantPolicy', 'ExternalCollaboration', 'Application', 'User', 'PrivilegedIdentity', 'ConditionalAccess')]
        [string[]] $Tag

    $hasGraphResults = $GraphObjects -and $GraphObjectType

    if ($SkippedBecause) {
        $SkippedReason = Get-ZtSkippedReason $SkippedBecause

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result)) {
            $Result = "Skipped. $SkippedReason"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Description)) {
        # Check if a markdown file exists for the cmdlet and parse the content
        $cmdletPath = $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath
        $markdownPath = $cmdletPath -replace '.ps1', '.md'
        if (Test-Path $markdownPath) {
            # Read the content and split it into description and result with "<!--- Results --->" as the separator
            $content = Get-Content $markdownPath -Raw
            $splitContent = $content -split "<!--- Results --->"
            $mdDescription = $splitContent[0]
            $mdResult = $splitContent[1]

            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result)) {
                # If a result was provided in the parameter insert it into the markdown content
                if ($mdResult -match "%TestResult%") {
                    $mdResult = $mdResult -replace "%TestResult%", $Result
                else {
                    $mdResult = $Result

            $Description = $mdDescription
            $Result = $mdResult

    if ($hasGraphResults) {
        $graphResultMarkdown = Get-GraphObjectMarkdown -GraphObjects $GraphObjects -GraphObjectType $GraphObjectType
        $Result = $Result -replace "%TestResult%", $graphResultMarkdown

    $testInfo = @{
        TestId          = $TestId
        TestTitle       = $Title
        TestStatus      = Get-ZtTestStatus -Status $Status -Skipped (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SkippedBecause))
        TestTags        = $Tag
        TestAppliesTo   = $AppliesTo
        TestImpact      = $Impact
        TestLikelihood  = $Likelihood
        TestDescription = $Description
        TestResult      = $Result
        TestSkipped     = $SkippedBecause
        SkippedReason   = $SkippedReason

    Write-ZtProgress -Activity "Running tests" -Status $Title
    Write-Verbose "Adding test result detail for $Title"
    Write-Verbose "Result: $Result"

    if ($__ZtSession -and $__ZtSession.TestResultDetail) {
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TestId)) {
            # Only set if we are running in the context of Maester
            $__ZtSession.TestResultDetail[$TestId] = $testInfo