# <copyright file="Get-ExtensionFromRepository.Tests.ps1" company="Endjin Limited"> # Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved. # </copyright> BeforeAll { # sut . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1','.ps1') # in-module dependencies . (Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath) 'Get-InstalledExtensionDetails.ps1') } Describe 'Get-ExtensionFromRepository' { # Setup TestDrive with sample extension definitions BeforeAll { # Setup .zf folder $targetPath = Join-Path -Path TestDrive: -ChildPath '.zf' 'extensions' New-Item -Path $targetPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } Context 'When installing an extension without version constraint' { BeforeAll { $name = 'SamplePsModule' $moduleInfo = Find-Module $name $result = Get-ExtensionFromRepository -Name $name -TargetPath $targetPath -Repository PSGallery } It 'Should install the extension into the correct location' { Test-Path $result.Path | Should -Be $true } It "Should install the latest stable version" { $result.Version | Should -Be $moduleInfo.Version } It "Should mark the extension as enabled" { $result.Enabled | Should -Be $true } } Context 'When installing an extension without version constraint with pre-release support' { BeforeAll { $name = 'SamplePsModule' $moduleInfo = Find-Module $name -AllowPrerelease $result = Get-ExtensionFromRepository -Name $name -TargetPath $targetPath -Repository PSGallery -PreRelease } It 'Should install the extension into the correct location and return path metadata' { $result.Path | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty Test-Path $result.Path | Should -Be $true $result.Path | Should -Be (Join-Path $targetPath $name ($result.Version -split '-')[0]) } It "Should install the latest pre-release version and return version metadata" { $result.Version | Should -Be $moduleInfo.Version ([semver]$result.Version).PreReleaseLabel | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should mark the extension as enabled" { $result.Enabled | Should -Be $true } } Context 'When installing an extension not available in the repository' { BeforeAll { $name = 'NonExistentExtension' $result = Get-ExtensionFromRepository -Name $name -TargetPath $targetPath -Repository PSGallery } It 'Should not provide path metadata' { $result.Path | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should not provide version metadata" { $result.Version | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should mark the extension as disabled" { $result.Enabled | Should -Be $false } } Context 'When installing an extension that is already installed' { BeforeAll { Mock Save-Module {} $name = 'AlreadyInstalledExtension' $mockExtensionManifest = @" @{ PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Prerelease = '' } } } "@ New-Item -Path (Join-Path $targetPath $name "1.0.0" "AlreadyInstalledExtension.psd1") -ItemType File -Value $mockExtensionManifest -Force | Out-Null $result = Get-ExtensionFromRepository -Name $name -TargetPath $targetPath -Repository PSGallery } It 'Should not attempt to install from the repository' { Should -Invoke -CommandName Save-Module -Times 0 } It 'Should return path metadata' { $result.Path | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty Test-Path $result.Path | Should -Be $true } It 'Should return version metadata' { $result.Version | Should -Be '1.0.0' } It "Should mark the extension as enabled" { $result.Enabled | Should -Be $true } } } |