.VERSION 4.21 .GUID 1611dfc8-091d-426e-8e52-82aff670ff62 .AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT kcmjr.com) .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION This script will query multiple Tegile Zebi Controllers, (or any Linux host) and run the "df -h" command capturing the results and parsing them into a spreadsheet. Each tab is a different day. Each tab is a list of all target controllers. A new spreadsheet is created each month. Multiple runs in the same day over-write the existing data. #> Param ( [switch]$Debug = $false, [switch]$Console = $false ) <#============================================================================== File Name : Zebi-Utilization-Tracker.ps1 Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT kcmjr.com) : Description : This script will query multiple Tegile Zebi Controllers, : (or any Linux host) and run the "df -h" command capturing the : results and parsing them into a spreadsheet. Each tab is a : different day. Each tab is a list of all target controllers. : A new spreadsheet is created each month. Multiple runs in : the same day over-write the existing data. : Arguments : Named commandline parameters: (all are optional) : "-console" - Displays console output during run. : "-debug" - Switches email recipient and some criteria. : Notes : Settings are loaded from an XML file located in the script folder. : See the end of the script for config file example. : Requirements : REQUIRES Posh-SSH v1.7.6 : Requires Powershell v5 : Warnings : None. All operations are read only. : Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved. : SCRIPT PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF : ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROVIDED. : Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources around the web. : Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie (email kcmjr AT kcmjr.com for comments or to report bugs) Version History : v1.0 - 09-12-16 - Original Change History : v2.0 - 09-27-16 - Major rewrite. Reordered tabs. Added free and used tabs : and moved them to the left. Converted data from whatever to GB. : #===============================================================================#> #requires -version 5.0 clear-host If (!(Get-Module Posh-SSH)){Import-Module "Posh-SSH" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} If ($Debug){$Script:Debug = $true} If ($Console){$Script:Console = $true} $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" #silentlycontinue" $Script:DateToday = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy" $Script:ThisMonth = ((Get-Date -Format y) -replace (', ', '-')) -replace (' ','-') $Script:ThisDay = (Get-Date -Format f).Split(",")[0] $Script:Targets = @() $Script:PoolList = @() #--[ Excel Non-Interactive Fix ]------------------------------------------------ If (!(Test-path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop")){New-Item -Type Directory -Name "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop" -force} If (!(Test-path -Path "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop")){New-Item -Type Directory -Name "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop" -force} #--[ Excel will crash when run non-interactively via a scheduled task if these folders don't exist ]-- #--[ Functions ]---------------------------------------------------------------- Function SendEmail { Write-Host $Script:EnableEmail -ForegroundColor Cyan If ($Script:Debug){$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"} If ($Script:EnableEmail){ Write-Host "sending email" -ForegroundColor Green $email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $email.From = $Script:EmailFrom $email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:EmailHTML $email.To.Add($Script:EmailTo) $email.Subject = $Script:EmailSubject $email.Body = "Attached is the weekly Zebi utilization report." If ($Script:EmailAttach){ $email.Attachments.Add("$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth.xlsx") } $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SmtpServer) $smtp.Send($email) If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`nEmail sent...`n"} } } Function Convert ($Incomming){ #--[ Convert TG and MB to GB ]-- $Multiplier = $Incomming.substring($Incomming.length - 1, 1) $Number = $Incomming -replace ".$" If($Multiplier -eq "T"){$Script:Converted = [int]$Number*1024} If($Multiplier -eq "G"){$Script:Converted = [int]$Number*1024} If($Multiplier -eq "M"){$Script:Converted = [int]$Number/1024} Return $Outgoing } #--[ Read and load configuration file ]----------------------------------------- If (!(Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration.xml")){ #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]-- Write-host "MISSING CONFIG FILE. Script aborted." -ForegroundColor red break }Else{ [xml]$Script:Configuration = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration.xml" #--[ Load configuration ]-- $Script:EnableEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Enable $Script:DebugEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Debug $Script:EmailTo = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.To $Script:EmailHTML = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML $Script:EmailSubject = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject $Script:EmailFrom = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.From $Script:EmailAttach = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Attach $Script:SmtpServer = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username $Script:Password = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password [array]$Script:Targets = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Targets $Script:WeeksBack = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Weeks [array]$Script:PoolList = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Pools } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $MissingType = [System.Type]::Missing $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application If ($Script:Console -or $Script:Debug){ $Excel.visible = $True $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $true $Excel.ScreenUpdating = $true $Excel.UserControl = $true $Excel.Interactive = $true }Else{ $Excel.visible = $False $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false $Excel.ScreenUpdating = $false $Excel.UserControl = $false $Excel.Interactive = $false } If (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth.xlsx"){ Rename-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth.xlsx" -NewName "$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth-old.xlsx" $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth-old.xlsx") }Else{ $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Add() $Worksheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Add() foreach ($Worksheet in $Workbook.Worksheets){ If ($Worksheet.Name -eq "Sheet1"){ $Workbook.Worksheets.item("Sheet1").Activate() $Worksheet.name = "Used" } If ($Worksheet.Name -eq "Sheet2"){ $Workbook.Worksheets.item("Sheet2").Activate() $Worksheet.name = "Free" } } } $ReRun = $false ForEach ($Worksheet in $Workbook.Worksheets){If ($Worksheet.Name -eq $DateToday){$ReRun = $true}} If ($ReRun){ #--[ Already run today ]-- if ($Console){Write-host "-- Re-Running Todays Data -- " -ForegroundColor Yellow } $Worksheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item($DateToday) $Worksheet.Activate() }Else{ $Workbook.Worksheets.add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value,$Workbook.worksheets.Item($Workbook.worksheets.count)) ForEach ($Worksheet in $Workbook.Worksheets){ If ($Worksheet.Name -like "*Sheet*"){$Worksheet.name = $DateToday} } } $TargetCount = $Script:Targets.Target.count $Row = 1 $Col = 1 $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Controller:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Filesystem:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Size GB:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Used GB:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Available GB:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Capacity:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "Mount Point:" $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.bold = $true $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col).HorizontalAlignment = 1 $Col++ $WorkSheet.application.activewindow.splitcolumn = 0 $WorkSheet.application.activewindow.splitrow = 1 $WorkSheet.application.activewindow.freezepanes = $true $Resize = $WorkSheet.UsedRange [void]$Resize.EntireColumn.AutoFit() $Target = @() $Row = 2 Foreach ($Target in $Script:Targets.Target){ if ($Console){Write-Host "`n--[ Processing Target: $Target ]-----------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow } $Count = 1 $Cmd = 'df -h' #--[ The command to run over SSH ]-- #--[ Some optional other commands that could be used ]-- # '/usr/sbin/zpool list' # 'cat /var/log/tegile/zebi/zebirep.log | egrep "has completed|has failed"' #--[ to purge replication logs ]-- # 'uname -a ' # '/usr/sbin/zfs list -o name' # 'pwd' # 'df -h' # '/usr/sbin/dladm show-link –S' # '/usr/sbin/fmadm faulty' # '/usr/sbin/zpool list' # '/usr/sbin/zfs list -o name' # 'zfs list -t snapshot' # 'zfs list -o space -r hostname$/Local' # 'zpool iostat 2' #--[ Display ZFS I/O statistics every 2 seconds ]-- # 'zpool iostat -v 2' #--[ Display detailed ZFS I/O statistics every 2 seconds ]-- Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null #--[ Clear out previous session if it still exists ]-- Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null #--[ Clear out previous session if it still exists ]-- $Script:Converted = "" $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $Script:Password -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Script:UserName, $secpasswd) $SSH = New-SshSession -ComputerName $Target -Credential $mycreds -AcceptKey:$true # | Out-Null #--[ Open new SSH session ]-- $Script:Converted = $(Invoke-SSHCommand -SSHSession $SSH -Command $Cmd ).Output #--[ Invoke SSH command and capture the output as a string ]-- $Col = 1 $Counter = 1 ForEach ($Line in $Script:Converted ){ $Line = $Line -Replace ('\s+', ' ') $Line = $Line -Split " " if ($Console){Write-Host " Current input line :"$Line -ForegroundColor cyan } if ($Console){write-host " Input pool list :"$Script:PoolList.Pool -ForegroundColor Red } if ($Console){write-host " Match criteria :"$Line.split("/")[0] -ForegroundColor Magenta} if ($Script:PoolList.Pool -contains($Line.split("/")[0]) -and ($Line.split(" ")[5].split("/")[1] -Like "export" )){ if ($Console){Write-Host " -- Match found, using line. --" -ForegroundColor yellow} if ($Counter -gt 1){ #--[ Dump collected data into spreadsheet ]-- #--[ Controller ]------------------------------------------------------- $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = "$Script:Target" $Col++ #--[ FileSystem ]------------------------------------------------------- $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Line[0] $Col++ #--[ Size ]------------------------------------------------------------- $Return = Convert $Line[1] $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Script:Converted #$WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Line[1] $Col++ #--[ Used ]------------------------------------------------------------- $Return = Convert $Line[2] $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Script:Converted #$WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Line[2] $Col++ #--[ Available ]-------------------------------------------------------- $Return = Convert $Line[3] $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Script:Converted #$WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Line[3] $Col++ #--[ Capacity ]--------------------------------------------------------- $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Line[4] $Col++ #--[ MountPoint ]------------------------------------------------------- $WorkSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Line[5] $Col++ sleep -milliseconds 100 $Line = "" $RepJob = "" $Status = "" $Col = 1 $Resize = $WorkSheet.UsedRange [void]$Resize.EntireColumn.AutoFit() } $Row++ }Else{ if ($Console){Write-Host " -- No Match found. --" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } } $Counter ++ } Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } #--[ Populate FREE and USED tabs ]------------------------------------- $Col = ((Get-Date).Day)+1 $Row = 1 #--[ Copy Filesystem Names ]--- $Worksheet0 = $workbook.WorkSheets.Item($DateToday) $Range0A = $WorkSheet0.Range("B1").EntireColumn() #--[ Paste Filesystem Names to USED ]--- $Range0A.Copy() $Worksheet1 = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("Used") $Range1A = $WorkSheet1.cells.Item(1,1) $Worksheet1.Paste($Range1A) #$WorkSheet1.cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Col #--[ Copy Todays Data, Paste to USED ]-- $Range1B = $WorkSheet0.Range("D2").EntireColumn() $Range1B.Copy() $Range1B = $WorkSheet1.cells.Item($Row,$Col) $Worksheet1.Paste($Range1B) $WorkSheet1.cells.Item($Row,$Col) = ($Col-1) #--[ Paste Filesystem Names to FREE ]--- $Range0A.Copy() $Worksheet2 = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("Free") $Range2A = $WorkSheet2.cells.Item(1,1) $Worksheet2.Paste($Range2A) #$WorkSheet2.cells.Item($Row,$Col) = $Col #--[ Copy Todays Data, Paste to FREE ]-- $Range2B = $WorkSheet0.Range("E2").EntireColumn() $Range2B.Copy() $Range2B = $WorkSheet2.cells.Item($Row,$Col) $Worksheet2.Paste($Range2B) $WorkSheet2.cells.Item($Row,$Col) = ($Col-1) #--[ Save and Quit ]-- $Workbook.SaveAs("$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth.xlsx") $Excel.Quit() $Excel = $Null If (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth-old.xlsx"){Remove-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$Script:ThisMonth-old.xlsx" -Confirm:$false -Force:$true} Sleep -Seconds 2 #If ($Script:ThisDay -eq "Monday"){ SendEmail #} #--[ Email report on Sundays ]-- [gc]::Collect() | Out-Null [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null if ($Console){Write-Host "--- Completed ---" -ForegroundColor Red } <#-----------------------------[ Config File ]--------------------------------- The configuration file must be named "Configuration.xml" and must reside in the same folder as the script. Below is the format and element list: <!-- Settings & Configuration File --> <Settings> <General> <ScriptName>SAN-Utilization-Tracker</ScriptName> <DebugTarget>test-server</DebugTarget> <Targets> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> </Targets> <Pools> <Pool>Pool1</Pool> <Pool>Pool2</Pool> <Pools> <Weeks>2</Weeks> </General> <Email> <Enable>$true</Enable> <From>SANReports@mydomain.com</From> <To>me@mydomain.com</To> <Subject>Zebi Utilization Status Report</Subject> <HTML>$true</HTML> <Attach>$true</Attach> <SmtpServer></SmtpServer> </Email> <Credentials> <UserName>zebiadminuser</UserName> <Password>zebiadminpwd</Password> </Credentials> </Settings> #> |