# Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. <# .SYNOPSIS Formats an object's security descriptor as text. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet formats the security descriptor to text for display in the console or piped to a file Uses Get-Win32SecurityDescriptor API to query the SD then uses the Format-NtSecurityDescriptor to display. .PARAMETER Type Specify the SE object type for the path. Defaults to File. .PARAMETER Name Specify the name of the object for the security descriptor. .PARAMETER SecurityInformation Specify what parts of the security descriptor to format. .PARAMETER Summary Specify to only print a shortened format removing redundant information. .PARAMETER ShowAll Specify to format all security descriptor information including the SACL. .PARAMETER HideHeader Specify to not print the security descriptor header. .PARAMETER AsSddl Specify to format the security descriptor as SDDL. .PARAMETER Container Specify to display the access mask from Container Access Rights. .PARAMETER MapGeneric Specify to map access masks back to generic access rights for the object type. .PARAMETER SDKName Specify to format the security descriptor using SDK names where available. .PARAMETER ResolveObjectType Specify to try and resolve the object type GUID from the local Active Directory. .PARAMETER Domain Specify to indicate the domain to query the object type from when resolving. Defaults to the current domain. .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Format-Win32SecurityDescriptor -Name "c:\windows". Format the security descriptor for the c:\windows folder.. .EXAMPLE Format-Win32SecurityDescriptor -Name "c:\windows" -AsSddl Format the security descriptor of an object as SDDL. .EXAMPLE Format-Win32SecurityDescriptor -Name "c:\windows" -AsSddl -SecurityInformation Dacl, Label Format the security descriptor of an object as SDDL with only DACL and Label. .EXAMPLE Format-Win32SecurityDescriptor -Name "Machine\Software" -Type RegistryKey Format the security descriptor of a registry key. #> function Format-Win32SecurityDescriptor { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromName")] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromName", Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Authorization.SeObjectType]$Type = "File", [NtApiDotNet.SecurityInformation]$SecurityInformation = "AllBasic", [switch]$Container, [alias("ToSddl")] [switch]$AsSddl, [switch]$Summary, [switch]$ShowAll, [switch]$HideHeader, [switch]$MapGeneric, [switch]$SDKName, [switch]$ResolveObjectType, [string]$Domain ) Get-Win32SecurityDescriptor -Name $Name -SecurityInformation $SecurityInformation ` -Type $Type | Format-NtSecurityDescriptor -SecurityInformation $SecurityInformation ` -Container:$Container -AsSddl:$AsSddl -Summary:$Summary -ShowAll:$ShowAll -HideHeader:$HideHeader ` -DisplayPath $Name -MapGeneric:$MapGeneric -SDKName:$SDKName -ResolveObjectType:$ResolveObjectType ` -Domain $Domain } <# .SYNOPSIS Get credential manager credentials. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet gets available credentials from the credential mananger. .PARAMETER Filter Specify a filter for the credential target, for example DOMAIN*. .PARAMETER All Specify to return all credentials. .PARAMETER TargetName Specify to return a specific credential. .PARAMETER Type Specify the type of credential. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.Credential[] .EXAMPLE Get-Win32Credential Get Win32 credentials. .EXAMPLE Get-Win32Credential -All Get all Win32 credentials. .EXAMPLE Get-Win32Credential -Filter "DOMAIN*" Get Win32 credentials with a target name matching a pattern. #> function Get-Win32Credential { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "All")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "All")] [string]$Filter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "All")] [switch]$All, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromName", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [string]$TargetName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromName", Position = 1, Mandatory)] [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialType]$Type ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "All") { $flags = if ($All) { "AllCredentials" } else { 0 } [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::GetCredentials($Filter, $flags) | Write-Output } else { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::GetCredential($TargetName, $Type) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Backup credential manager credentials. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet backs up a user's credential from the credential mananger. Needs SeTrustedCredmanAccessPrivilege to function. .PARAMETER Token Specify a token for the user to backup. .PARAMETER Key Specify optional key to encrypt the backup. Usually a password. .PARAMETER KeyEncoded Specify if the key is already encoded. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS byte[] .EXAMPLE Backup-Win32Credential $token Backup credentials for user in token. .EXAMPLE Backup-Win32Credential $token -Key 65, 0, 32, 0 Backup credentials for user in token encrypting with a key. #> function Backup-Win32Credential { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "All")] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [NtApiDotNet.NtToken]$Token, [byte[]]$Key, [switch]$KeyEncoded ) Enable-NtTokenPrivilege SeTrustedCredmanAccessPrivilege [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::Backup($Token, $Key, $KeyEncoded) } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a credential manager credential. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet deletes a credential from the credential mananger. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None #> function Remove-Win32Credential { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [string]$TargetName, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)] [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialType]$Type ) [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::DeleteCredential($TargetName, $Type) } <# .SYNOPSIS Set a credential manager credential. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet sets a available credential in the credential mananger. .PARAMETER TargetName Specify the target name. .PARAMETER Username Specify the username. .PARAMETER Password Specify the password. .PARAMETER Certificate Specify the certificate. .PARAMETER Pin Specify the certificate's PIN. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None #> function Set-Win32Credential { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromPassword")] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [string]$TargetName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromPassword", Position = 1, Mandatory)] [string]$Username, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromPassword", Position = 2, Mandatory)] [string]$Password, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromCertificate", Position = 1, Mandatory)] [X509Certificate]$Certificate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromCertificate", Position = 2)] [string]$Pin ) $cred = switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromPassword" { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.Credential]::CreateFromPassword($TargetName, $Username, $Password) } "FromCertificate" { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.Credential]::CreateFromCertificate($TargetName, $Certificate, $Pin) } } [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::SetCredential($cred) } <# .SYNOPSIS Protect a Win32 credential password. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet protects a credential password. .PARAMETER Password Specify the password. .PARAMETER AsSelf Specify to encrypt the credentials for the current process. .PARAMETER AllowToSystem Specify to encrypt for the system user. .PARAMETER Byte Specify to protect an arbitrary byte array. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS string #> function Protect-Win32Credential { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromPassword")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromPassword", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [string]$Password, [switch]$AsSelf, [switch]$AllowToSystem, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromByte", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [byte[]]$Byte ) $flags = [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialProtectFlag]::None if ($AsSelf) { $flags = $flags -bor [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialProtectFlag]::AsSelf } if ($AllowToSystem) { $flags = $flags -bor [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialProtectFlag]::AllowToSystem } switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromPassword" { if ($AllowToSystem) { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::ProtectCredentialEx($flags, $Password) } else { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::ProtectCredential($AsSelf, $Password) } } "FromByte" { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::ProtectCredentialEx($flags, $Byte) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Unprotect a Win32 credential password. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet unprotects a credential password. .PARAMETER Credential Specify the protected credential .PARAMETER AsSelf Specify to decrypt the credentials for the current process. .PARAMETER AllowToSystem Specify to decrypt for the system user. .PARAMETER AsByte Specify to unprotect as a byte array. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS string byte[] #> function Unprotect-Win32Credential { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [string]$Credential, [switch]$AsSelf, [switch]$AllowToSystem, [switch]$AsByte ) $flags = [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialUnprotectFlag]::None if ($AsSelf) { $flags = $flags -bor [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialUnprotectFlag]::AsSelf } if ($AllowToSystem) { $flags = $flags -bor [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialUnprotectFlag]::AllowToSystem } if ($AllowToSystem -or $AsByte) { $ba = [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::UnprotectCredentialEx($flags, $Credential) if ($AsByte) { $ba } else { [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($ba) } } else { [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Security.Credential.CredentialManager]::UnprotectCredential($AsSelf, $Credential) } } |