# Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. $native_dir = if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Win32NT') { switch([NtApiDotNet.NtSystemInfo]::ProcessorInformation.ProcessorArchitecture) { "AMD64" { "$PSScriptRoot\x64" } "Intel" { "$PSScriptRoot\x86" } "ARM64" { "$PSScriptRoot\ARM64" } "ARM" { "$PSScriptRoot\ARM" } default { "" } } } else { "" } if ("" -ne $native_dir -and (Test-Path "$native_dir\dbghelp.dll")) { $Script:GlobalDbgHelpPath = "$native_dir\dbghelp.dll" } else { $Script:GlobalDbgHelpPath = "dbghelp.dll" } $Script:GlobalSymbolPath = "srv*" <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a symbol resolver for a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a new symbol resolver for the given process. .PARAMETER Process The process to create the symbol resolver on. If not specified then the current process is used. .PARAMETER DbgHelpPath Specify path to a dbghelp DLL to use for symbol resolving. This should be ideally the dbghelp from debugging tool for Windows which will allow symbol servers however you can use the system version if you just want to pull symbols locally. .PARAMETER SymbolPath Specify path for the symbols. If not specified it will first use the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable then use the default of 'srv*' .PARAMETER Flags Flags for the symbol resolver. .PARAMETER TraceWriter Specify the output text writer for symbol tracing when enabled by the flags. .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.Win32.ISymbolResolver - The symbol resolver. Dispose after use. .EXAMPLE New-SymbolResolver Get a symbol resolver for the current process with default settings. .EXAMPLE New-SymbolResolver -SymbolPath "c:\symbols" Get a symbol resolver specifying for the current process specifying symbols in c:\symbols. .EXAMPLE New-SymbolResolver -Process $p -DbgHelpPath "c:\path\to\dbghelp.dll" -SymbolPath "srv*c:\symbols*" Get a symbol resolver specifying a dbghelp path and symbol path and a specific process. #> function New-SymbolResolver { Param( [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Process, [string]$DbgHelpPath, [string]$SymbolPath, [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Debugger.SymbolResolverFlags]$Flags = 0, [System.IO.TextWriter]$TraceWriter ) if ($DbgHelpPath -eq "") { $DbgHelpPath = $Script:GlobalDbgHelpPath } if ($SymbolPath -eq "") { $SymbolPath = $env:_NT_SYMBOL_PATH if ($SymbolPath -eq "") { $SymbolPath = $Script:GlobalSymbolPath } } if ($null -eq $Process) { $Process = Get-NtProcess -Current } [NtApiDotNet.Win32.SymbolResolver]::Create($Process, $DbgHelpPath, $SymbolPath, $Flags, $TraceWriter) } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the global symbol resolver paths. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet sets the global symbol resolver paths. This allows you to specify symbol resolver paths for cmdlets which support it. .PARAMETER DbgHelpPath Specify path to a dbghelp DLL to use for symbol resolving. This should be ideally the dbghelp from debugging tool for Windows which will allow symbol servers however you can use the system version if you just want to pull symbols locally. .PARAMETER SymbolPath Specify path for the symbols. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Set-GlobalSymbolResolver -DbgHelpPath c:\windbg\x64\dbghelp.dll Specify the global dbghelp path. .EXAMPLE Set-GlobalSymbolResolver -DbgHelpPath dbghelp.dll -SymbolPath "c:\symbols" Specify the global dbghelp path using c:\symbols to source the symbol files. #> function Set-GlobalSymbolResolver { Param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$DbgHelpPath, [parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$SymbolPath ) $Script:GlobalDbgHelpPath = $DbgHelpPath if ("" -ne $SymbolPath) { $Script:GlobalSymbolPath = $SymbolPath } } <# .SYNOPSIS Start a Win32 debug console. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet starts a Win32 debug console and prints the debug output to the shell. .PARAMETER Global Capture debug output for session 0. .PARAMETER Variable The name of a variable to put the read debug events into. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None #> function Start-Win32DebugConsole { param( [switch]$Global, [string]$Variable ) $res = @() try { Use-NtObject($console = New-Win32DebugConsole -Global:$Global) { $psvar = if ("" -ne $Variable) { Set-Variable -Name $Variable -Value @() -Scope global Get-Variable -Name $Variable } while($true) { $result = Read-Win32DebugConsole -Console $console -TimeoutMs 1000 if ($null -ne $result.Output) { if ($null -ne $psvar) { $psvar.Value += @($result) } Write-Host "[$($result.ProcessId)] - $($result.Output.Trim())" } } } } catch { Write-Error $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new Win32 debug console. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates Win32 debug console. You can then read debug events using Read-Win32DebugConsole. .PARAMETER Global Capture debug output for session 0. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.Win32.Debugger.Win32DebugConsole #> function New-Win32DebugConsole { param( [switch]$Global ) $session_id = if ($Global) { 0 } else { (Get-NtProcess -Current).SessionId } [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Debugger.Win32DebugConsole]::Create($session_id) } <# .SYNOPSIS Reads a debug event from the Win32 debug console. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet reads a Win32 debug event from a console. .PARAMETER Console The console to read from. .PARAMETER TimeoutMs The timeout to read in milliseconds. The default is to wait indefinitely. .PARAMETER Async Read the string asynchronously. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.Win32.Debugger.Win32DebugString System.Threading.Tasks.Task[Win32DebugString] #> function Read-Win32DebugConsole { param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Debugger.Win32DebugConsole]$Console, [int]$TimeoutMs = -1, [switch]$Async ) if ($Async) { $Console.ReadAsync($TimeoutMs) } else { $Console.Read($TimeoutMs) } } |