# Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new native NT process configuration. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a new native process configuration which you can then pass to New-NtProcess. .PARAMETER ImagePath The path to image file to load. .PARAMETER CommandLine The command line of the process to create. .PARAMETER ProcessFlags Flags to affect process creation. .PARAMETER ThreadFlags Flags to affect thread creation. .PARAMETER ProtectedType Protected process type. .PARAMETER ProtectedSigner Protected process signer. .PARAMETER TerminateOnDispose Specify switch to terminate the process when the CreateUserProcessResult object is disposed. .PARAMETER ProhibitedImageCharacteristics Specify prohibited image characteristics for the new process. .PARAMETER ChildProcessMitigations Specify child process mitigations. .PARAMETER AdditionalFileAccess Specify additional file access mask. .PARAMETER InitFlags Specify additional initialization flags. .PARAMETER Win32Path Specify ImagePath is a Win32 path. .PARAMETER CaptureAdditionalInformation Specify to capture additional information from create call. .PARAMETER Secure Specify to create a secure process. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.NtProcessCreateConfig #> function New-NtProcessConfig { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$ImagePath, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$CommandLine, [NtApiDotNet.ProcessCreateFlags]$ProcessFlags = 0, [NtApiDotNet.ThreadCreateFlags]$ThreadFlags = 0, [NtApiDotNet.PsProtectedType]$ProtectedType = 0, [NtApiDotNet.PsProtectedSigner]$ProtectedSigner = 0, [NtApiDotNet.ImageCharacteristics]$ProhibitedImageCharacteristics = 0, [NtApiDotNet.ChildProcessMitigationFlags]$ChildProcessMitigations = 0, [NtApiDotNet.FileAccessRights]$AdditionalFileAccess = 0, [NtApiDotNet.ProcessCreateInitFlag]$InitFlags = 0, [switch]$TerminateOnDispose, [switch]$Win32Path, [switch]$CaptureAdditionalInformation, [switch]$Secure, [NtApiDotNet.NtObject[]]$InheritHandle ) if ($Win32Path) { $ImagePath = Get-NtFilePath $ImagePath -Resolve } if ("" -eq $CommandLine) { $CommandLine = $ImagePath } $config = New-Object NtApiDotNet.NtProcessCreateConfig $config.ImagePath = $ImagePath $config.ProcessFlags = $ProcessFlags $config.ThreadFlags = $ThreadFlags $config.CommandLine = $CommandLine $config.ProhibitedImageCharacteristics = $ProhibitedImageCharacteristics $config.ChildProcessMitigations = $ChildProcessMitigations $config.AdditionalFileAccess = $AdditionalFileAccess $config.InitFlags = $InitFlags $config.TerminateOnDispose = $TerminateOnDispose if ($ProtectedType -ne 0 -or $ProtectedSigner -ne 0) { $config.AddProtectionLevel($ProtectedType, $ProtectedSigner) $config.ProcessFlags = $ProcessFlags -bor "ProtectedProcess" } $config.CaptureAdditionalInformation = $CaptureAdditionalInformation $config.Secure = $Secure if ($null -ne $InheritHandle) { $config.InheritHandleList.AddRange($InheritHandle) } return $config } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new native NT process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates a new native NT process. This can be via NtCreateUserProcess with a configuration or NtCreateProcessEx without configuration. .PARAMETER Config The configuration for the new process from New-NtProcessConfig. .PARAMETER ReturnOnError Specify to always return a result even on error. .PARAMETER SecurityDescriptor Specify security descriptor for the process. .PARAMETER Access Specify the access to the process object. .PARAMETER Parent Specify the parent process. Default is current process. .PARAMETER Flags Specify creation flags. .PARAMETER Section Specify initial image section. .PARAMETER DebugPort Specify debug port. .PARAMETER Token Specify process token. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.NtProcessCreateResult NtApiDotNet.NtProcess #> function New-NtProcess { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName="FromConfig")] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcessCreateConfig]$Config, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromConfig")] [switch]$ReturnOnError, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotNet.SecurityDescriptor]$SecurityDescriptor, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotnet.ProcessAccessRights]$Access = "MaximumAllowed", [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Parent, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessCreateFlags]$Flags = 0, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotNet.NtSection]$Section, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotNet.NtDebug]$DebugPort, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromCreateEx")] [NtApiDotNet.NtToken]$Token ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FromConfig") { [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]::Create($Config, !$ReturnOnError) } else { Use-NtObject($obja = New-NtObjectAttributes -SecurityDescriptor $SecurityDescriptor) { [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]::Create($obja, $Access, $Parent, $Flags, $Section, $DebugPort, $Token) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get security mitigations and token security information for processes. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will get the mitigation policies for processes it can access. The default is to return mitigations for all accessible processes. .PARAMETER Name The name of the processes to get mitigations for. .PARAMETER ProcessId One or more process IDs to get mitigations for. .PARAMETER PageFlags Optional flags to control what additional pages to dump .INPUTS None .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessMitigations Get all accessible process mitigations. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessMitigations -Name MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe Get process mitigations for Edge content processes. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessMitigations -ProcessId 1234, 4568 Get process mitigations for two processes by ID. #> function Get-NtProcessMitigations { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "All")] Param( [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromName", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromProcessId", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [int[]]$ProcessId, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromProcess")] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess[]]$Process ) Set-NtTokenPrivilege SeDebugPrivilege | Out-Null $ps = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "All" { Get-NtProcess -Access QueryInformation } "FromName" { Get-NtProcess -Name $Name } "FromProcessId" { foreach ($id in $ProcessId) { Get-NtProcess -ProcessId $id } } "FromProcess" { Copy-NtObject -Object $Process } } Use-NtObject($ps) { foreach ($p in $ps) { try { Write-Output $p.Mitigations } catch { Write-Error $_ } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get a specified mitigation policy value for a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet queries for a specific mitigation policy value from a process. The result is an enumeration or a raw value depending on the request. .PARAMETER Process Specify the process to query. Defaults to the current process. .PARAMETER Policy Specify the mitigation policy. .PARAMETER AsRaw Specify the query the policy as a raw integer. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS An enumerated value or an integer. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessMitigationPolicy Signature Query the signature mitigation policy for the current process. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessMitigationPolicy Signature -Process $p Query the signature mitigation policy for a specified process. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessMitigationPolicy Signature -Process-AsRaw Query the signature mitigation policy for the current process as a raw integer. #> function Get-NtProcessMitigationPolicy { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationPolicy]$Policy, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Process, [switch]$AsRaw ) PROCESS { if ($null -eq $Process) { $Process = Get-NtProcess -Current } if ($AsRaw) { $Process.GetRawMitigationPolicy($Policy) | Write-Output } else { $Process.GetMitigationPolicy($Policy) | Write-Output } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Set a specified mitigation policy value for a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet sets a specific mitigation policy value for a process. The policy value can either be an explicit enumeration or a raw value. .PARAMETER Process Specify the process to set. Defaults to the current process and the majority of policies can't be set externally. .PARAMETER Policy Specify the mitigation policy when setting a raw value. .PARAMETER RawValue Specify the raw value to set. .PARAMETER ImageLoad, Specify policy flags for image load mitigation. .PARAMETER Signature, Specify policy flags for signature mitigation policy. .PARAMETER SystemCallDisable, Specify policy flags for system call disable mitigation policy. .PARAMETER DynamicCode, Specify policy flags for dynamic code mitigation policy. .PARAMETER ExtensionPointDisable, Specify policy flags for extension point disable mitigation policy. .PARAMETER FontDisable, Specify policy flags for font disable mitigation policy. .PARAMETER ControlFlowGuard, Specify policy flags for control flow guard mitigation policy. .PARAMETER StrictHandleCheck, Specify policy flags for strict handle check mitigation policy. .PARAMETER ChildProcess, Specify policy flags for child process mitigation policy. .PARAMETER PayloadRestriction, Specify policy flags for payload restrictions mitigation policy. .PARAMETER SystemCallFilter, Specify policy flags for system call filter mitigation policy. .PARAMETER SideChannelIsolation, Specify policy flags for side channel isolation mitigation policy. .PARAMETER Aslr Specify policy flags for ASLR mitigation policy. .PARAMETER RedirectionTrust .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Set-NtProcessMitigationPolicy -Policy Signature -RawValue 1 Set the signature mitigation policy for the current process with a raw value of 1. .EXAMPLE Set-NtProcessMitigationPolicy -Signature MicrosoftSignedOnly Set mitigation signed only signature policy for the current process. .EXAMPLE Set-NtProcessMitigationPolicy -Signature MicrosoftSignedOnly -Process $p Set mitigation signed only signature policy for a specified process. #> function Set-NtProcessMitigationPolicy { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Process, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromRaw")] [int]$RawValue, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromRaw")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationPolicy]$Policy, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromImageLoad")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationImageLoadPolicy]$ImageLoad, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromSignature")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationBinarySignaturePolicy]$Signature, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromSystemCallDisable")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationSystemCallDisablePolicy]$SystemCallDisable, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromDynamicCode")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationDynamicCodePolicy]$DynamicCode, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromExtensionPointDisable")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationExtensionPointDisablePolicy]$ExtensionPointDisable, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromFontDisable")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationFontDisablePolicy]$FontDisable, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromControlFlowGuard")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationControlFlowGuardPolicy]$ControlFlowGuard, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromStrictHandleCheck")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationStrictHandleCheckPolicy]$StrictHandleCheck, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromChildProcess")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationChildProcessPolicy]$ChildProcess, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromPayloadRestriction")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationPayloadRestrictionPolicy]$PayloadRestriction, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromSystemCallFilter")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationSystemCallFilterPolicy]$SystemCallFilter, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromSideChannelIsolation")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationSideChannelIsolationPolicy]$SideChannelIsolation, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromAslr")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationAslrPolicy]$Aslr, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "FromRedirectionTrust")] [NtApiDotNet.ProcessMitigationRedirectionTrustPolicy]$RedirectionTrust ) BEGIN { $Value = 0 $FromRaw = $false switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromRaw" { $Value = $RawValue; $FromRaw = $true } "FromImageLoad" { $Policy = "ImageLoad"; $Value = $ImageLoad } "FromSignature" { $Policy = "Signature"; $Value = $Signature } "FromSystemCallDisable" { $Policy = "SystemCallDisable"; $Value = $SystemCallDisable } "FromDynamicCode" { $Policy = "DynamicCode"; $Value = $DynamicCode } "FromExtensionPointDisable" { $Policy = "ExtensionPointDisable"; $Value = $ExtensionPointDisable } "FromFontDisable" { $Policy = "FontDisable"; $Value = $FontDisable } "FromControlFlowGuard" { $Policy = "ControlFlowGuard"; $Value = $ControlFlowGuard } "FromStrictHandleCheck" { $Policy = "StrictHandleCheck"; $Value = $StrictHandleCheck } "FromChildProcess" { $Policy = "ChildProcess"; $Value = $ChildProcess } "FromPayloadRestriction" { $Policy = "PayloadRestriction"; $Value = $PayloadRestriction } "FromSystemCallFilter" { $Policy = "SystemCallFilter"; $Value = $SystemCallFilter } "FromSideChannelIsolation" { $Policy = "SideChannelIsolation"; $Value = $SideChannelIsolation } "FromAslr" { $Policy = "ASLR"; $Value = $Aslr } "FromRedirectionTrust" { $Policy = "RedirectionTrust"; $Value = $RedirectionTrust } } } PROCESS { if ($null -eq $Process) { $Process = Get-NtProcess -Current } if ($FromRaw) { $Process.SetRawMitigationPolicy($Policy, $Value) } else { $Process.SetMitigationPolicy($Policy, $Value) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Suspend a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet suspends a process. .PARAMETER Process The process to suspend. .INPUTS NtApiDotNet.NtProcess .OUTPUTS None #> function Suspend-NtProcess { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromProcess")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromProcess", ValueFromPipeline)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess[]]$Process ) PROCESS { switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromProcess" { foreach ($p in $Process) { $p.Suspend() } } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Resume a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet resumes a process. .PARAMETER Process The process to resume. .INPUTS NtApiDotNet.NtProcess .OUTPUTS None #> function Resume-NtProcess { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromProcess")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromProcess", ValueFromPipeline)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess[]]$Process ) PROCESS { switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromProcess" { foreach ($p in $Process) { $p.Resume() } } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Stop a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet stops/kills a process with an optional status code. .PARAMETER Process The process to stop. .PARAMETER ExitCode The NTSTATUS exit code. .PARAMETER ExitCodeInt The exit code as an integer. .INPUTS NtApiDotNet.NtProcess .OUTPUTS None #> function Stop-NtProcess { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromStatus")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess[]]$Process, [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "FromStatus")] [NtApiDotNet.NtStatus]$ExitStatus = 0, [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "FromInt")] [int]$ExitCode = 0 ) PROCESS { foreach ($p in $Process) { switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromStatus" { $p.Terminate($ExitStatus) } "FromInt" { $p.Terminate($ExitCode) } } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get user SID for a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will get the user SID for a process. .PARAMETER Process The process object. .PARAMETER ProcessId The PID of the process. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.Sid .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessUser -ProcessId 1234 Get user SID for process ID 1234. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessUser -Process $p Get user SID for process. #> function Get-NtProcessUser { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromProcessId")] Param( [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromProcessId", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [alias("pid")] [int]$ProcessId, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromProcess", Mandatory)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Process ) switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromProcessId" { Set-NtTokenPrivilege -Privilege SeDebugPrivilege -WarningAction SilentlyContinue Use-NtObject($p = Get-NtProcess -ProcessId $ProcessId -Access QueryLimitedInformation) { Get-NtProcessUser -Process $p | Write-Output } } "FromProcess" { $Process.User | Write-Output } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get environment variables from a process. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will get the environment variables from a process. .PARAMETER Process The process object. .PARAMETER ProcessId The process ID. .PARAMETER Name The name of the variable. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS NtApiDotNet.NtProcessEnvironmentVariable[] .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessEnvironment -ProcessId 1234 Get environment for process 1234. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessEnvironment -Process $p Get environment for process. .EXAMPLE Get-NtProcessEnvironment -ProcessId 1234 -Name "TMP" Get environment variable TMP for process 1234. #> function Get-NtProcessEnvironment { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FromProcessId")] Param( [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromProcessId", Position = 0, Mandatory)] [alias("pid")] [int]$ProcessId, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromProcess", Mandatory)] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Process, [string]$Name ) switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "FromProcessId" { Set-NtTokenPrivilege -Privilege SeDebugPrivilege -WarningAction SilentlyContinue Use-NtObject($p = Get-NtProcess -ProcessId $ProcessId -Access VmRead, QueryLimitedInformation) { if ($Name -ne "") { $p.GetEnvironmentVariable($Name) | Write-Output } else { $p.GetEnvironment() | Write-Output } } } "FromProcess" { if ($Name -ne "") { $Process.GetEnvironmentVariable($Name) | Write-Output } else { $Process.GetEnvironment() | Write-Output } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if the process is in a Job or a specific Job. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet checks if a process is in any Job or a specific Job. .PARAMETER Process Specify the process to check. .PARAMETER Job Specify a Job object to check. If not specified then will check for any Job. .PARAMETER Current Specify to check the current process. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Bool .EXAMPLE Test-NtProcessJob -Process $proc Test if the process is a job. .EXAMPLE Test-NtProcessJob -Process $proc -Job $job Test if the process is in a specific job. .EXAMPLE Test-NtProcessJob -Current Test if the current process is a job. .EXAMPLE Test-NtProcessJob -Current -Job $job Test if the current process is in a specific job. #> function Test-NtProcessJob { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="FromProcess")] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName="FromProcess")] [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]$Process, [parameter(Position = 1)] [NtApiDotNet.NtJob]$Job, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="FromCurrent")] [switch]$Current ) if ($Current) { $Process = Get-NtProcess -Current } $Process.IsInJob($Job) } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if a process can be opened. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet tests if a process can be opened. You can specify a specific access mask to check or request the maximum access. .PARAMETER ProcessId Specify the process ID to check. .PARAMETER Access Specify the access to check. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Boolean .EXAMPLE Test-NtProcess -ProcessId 1234 Test if PID 1234 can be opened with maximum access. .EXAMPLE Test-NtProcess -ProcessId 1234 -Access DupHandle Test if PID 1234 can be opened with DupHandle access. #> function Test-NtProcess { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [alias("pid")] [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [int]$ProcessId, [NtApiDotNet.ProcessAccessRights]$Access = "MaximumAllowed" ) Use-NtObject($proc = [NtApiDotNet.NtProcess]::Open($ProcessId, $Access, $false)) { $proc.IsSuccess } } |