Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Find-Matches([hashtable]$hash, [string[]]$query) { $hash = $hash.Clone() foreach ($key in ($hash.GetEnumerator() | %{$_.Name})) { if (-not (Test-FuzzyMatch $key $query)) { $hash.Remove($key) } } $res = $hash.GetEnumerator() | sort -Property Value -Descending if ($res) { $res | %{$_.Name} } } function Test-FuzzyMatch([string]$path, [string[]]$query) { function contains([string]$left, [string]$right) { return [bool]($left.IndexOf($right, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) -ge 0) } if ($query -eq $null) { return $true } $n = $query.Length if ($n -eq 0) { # empty query match to everything return $true } for ($i=0; $i -lt $n-1; $i++) { if (-not (contains -left $path -right $query[$i])) { return $false } } # after tab expansion, we get desired full path as a last query element. # tab expansion can come from our code, then it will represent the full path. # It also can come from the standard tab expansion (when our doesn't return anything), which is file system based. # It can produce relative paths. $rootQuery = $query[$n-1] if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($rootQuery)) { # handle '..\foo' case $rootQueryCandidate = Join-Path $pwd $query[$n-1] if (Test-Path $rootQueryCandidate) { $rootQuery = (Resolve-Path $rootQueryCandidate).Path } } if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($rootQuery)) { # doing a tweak to handle 'C:' and 'C:\' cases correctly. if (($rootQuery.Length) -eq 2 -and ($rootQuery[-1] -eq ':')) { $rootQuery = $rootQuery + "\" } # doing a tweaks to handle 'C:\foo' and 'C:\foo\' cases correctly. elseif ($rootQuery[-1] -eq '\') { $rootQuery = $rootQuery.Substring(0, $rootQuery.Length-1) } return $path -eq $rootQuery } $leaf = Split-Path -Leaf $path return (contains -left $leaf -right $query[$n-1]) } Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-Matches |