TOPIC about_YamlObjectModel SHORT DESCRIPTION Creates a common object model for Yaml de/serialization. LONG DESCRIPTION YamlObjectModel (YOM) is an opinionated module offering an approach for PowerShell custom classes to implement serialization, deserialization, saving to a file, or reloading from a file. Each object is serialized with a kind and its spec (inspired from k8s), with the kind defining the type of the object, and the spec the properties needed. EXAMPLES PS C:\> using module YamlObjectModel class MyClass : YOMSaveableBase { [string] $MyString MyClass() { # default ctor } MyClass([IDictionary]$RawSpec) { $this.ResolveSpec($RawSpec) } } $a = [MyClass]@{MyString = 'some value'} $a.SaveTo('./myObj.yml') $a.Reload() # reload the properties from the file in case they have changed from the file $a.MyString = 'other value' $a.Save() # Save the changed property to the file ./myObj.yml $a.ToString() # Displays the yaml representation of this object [YOMApiDispatcher]::DispatchSpec(($a.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Yaml -ordered)) # returns an instance of [MyClass] with the right properties Get-YomObject -Path './myObj.yml' loads the object from the file. NOTE: Thank you to all those who contributed to this module, by writing code, sharing opinions, and provided feedback. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE: Look out on the Github repository for issues and new releases. SEE ALSO - https://github.com/cloudbase/powershell-yaml KEYWORDS Yaml, object, serialization |