$SchedulersDefaultProperties = ('name', 'index', 'sys-name', 'snapshot-type', 'scheduler-type', 'schedule', 'last-activation-status', 'suffix', 'enabled-state') $ProtectionClustersDefaultProperties = ('cluster-list', 'sys-id', 'num-remote-replication-sessions', 'num-of-ip-links', 'sys-connectivity-state', 'system-active-status') $ProtectionIPLinksDefaultProperties = ('name', 'link-rate', 'a-end-sys-id', 'a-end-ip-addr', 'z-end-sys-id', 'z-end-ip-addr', 'ip-link-state') # $TestProtectionIPLinkDefaultProperties = ('pairing-label', 'state', 'link-rate', 'enabled-state', 'num-active-rep-sessions', 'num-configures-rep-sessions', 'consistency-state') $ProtectionPortsDefaultProperties = ('sys-name', 'port-state', 'num-of-links', 'port-address') $ProtectionVolumesDefaultProperties = ('name', 'vol-size', 'vol-access', 'naa-name', 'creation-time') $ProtecitonConsistencyGroupsDefaultProperties = ('cg-name', 'num-of-snap-sets', 'num-of-vols', 'num-replication-sessions', 'guid') $LocalProtectionSessionDefaultProperties = ('name', 'enabled-state', 'snapped-object-id', 'retention-policy-id', 'guid', 'index') $RemoteProtetctionSessionDefaultProperties = ('index', 'name', 'replication-state', 'replication-mode', 'replication-direction', 'source-sys-id', 'target-sys-id', 'source-xms-id', 'target-xms-id', 'source-cg-id', 'target-cg-id', 'num-of-vols', 'guid') # $ProtectionVolumePairsDefaultProperties = ('source-xms', 'source-cluster', 'source-volume-pair-id') $LocalProtectionSnpashotSetDefaultProperties = ('name', 'session-name', 'cg-name', 'num-of-vols') $RemoteProtectionSnpashotSetDefaultProperties = ('index', 'name', "sys-id", "rep-snapset-state", "test-copy-in-progress", "guid", 'creation-time-long') $ProtectionRetentionPoliciesDefaultProperties = ('index', 'name', 'sys-id', 'num-references', 'protection-window-duration-in-days', 'protection-window-num-copies') .(commonLib) Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS { [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionListPeerXMS')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [array]$Property, [parameter()] [Alias("Filters")] [array]$Filter, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest, [Parameter()] [switch]$Full = $false ) initCommand $Route = '/types/protection-domains' if ($Full) { $Property = '' } $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -Filters $Filter -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS { <# .DESCRIPTION Add a Remote protection XMS .PARAMETER XMSName .PARAMETER IPAddress .PARAMETER XMSUser .PARAMETER XMSPassword .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE New-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS -XMSName "NewXMS" -IPAddress "" -XMSUser "username" -XMSPassword "password" #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionAddPeerXMS')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [String]$XMSName, [Parameter()] [String]$IPAddress, [Parameter()] [String]$XMSUser, [parameter()] [String]$XMSPassword, [parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/commands/xms/add-peer/' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "remote-xms-alias-name" -value $XMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "remote-ip-addr" -value $IPAddress -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "remote-xms-user" -value $XMSUser -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "remote-user-password" -value $XMSPassword -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS { <# .DESCRIPTION Modify a Remote protection Peer XMS .PARAMETER XMSName .PARAMETER IPAddress .PARAMETER XMSUser .PARAMETER XMSPassword .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Set-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS -XMSName "NewXMS" -NewXMSName "RenamedXMS"-IPAddress "" -XMSUser "username" -XMSPassword "password" #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionModifyPeerXMS')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [String]$XMSName, [Parameter()] [String]$NewXMSName, [Parameter()] [String]$IPAddress, [Parameter()] [String]$XMSUser, [parameter()] [String]$XMSPassword, [parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/commands/xms/modify-peer/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $XMSName $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "xms-alias-name" -value $XMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "new-xms-alias-name" -value $NewXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "new-ip-addr" -value $IPAddress -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes a Remote Protection XMS Peer .PARAMETER Name name of the XMS .PARAMETER XMSUser .PARAMETER XMSPassword .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionPeerXMS -Name "XMS" -XMSUsername "username" -XMSPassword "password" #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionRemovePeerXMS')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $XMSName, [Parameter()] [String]$XMSUser, [parameter()] [String]$XMSPassword, [Parameter()] [bool]$Force, [Parameter()] [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm if (!$confirmed) { return } initCommand $Route = '/commands/xms/remove-peer/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $XMSName $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "force" -value $Force -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "xms-alias-name" -value $XMSName -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionClusters { <# .DESCRIPTION Get remote protection clusters .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionClusters #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionListClusters')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property=$ProtectionClustersDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest, [parameter()] [Alias("Filters")] [array]$Filter, [Parameter()] [switch]$Full = $false ) initCommand $Route = '/types/protection-domains' if ($Full) { $Property = '' } $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionIPLinks { <# .DESCRIPTION Displays the list of all Protection IP Links. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER Filters Array of filters for this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionIPLinks #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionListIPLinks')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'ip-links' prop })] [array]$Property = $ProtectionIPLinksDefaultProperties, [parameter()] [Alias("Filters")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'ip-links' filter })] [array]$Filter, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest, [Parameter()] [switch]$Full = $false ) initCommand $Route = '/types/ip-links' if ($Full) { $Property = '' } $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -Filters $Filter -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink { <# .DESCRIPTION displays the details of Remote Protection Ip Link .PARAMETER IpLink The name/index or guid of an Ip link .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink -IpLink name #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionGetIPLink')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'ip-links' name })] $IpLink, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'ip-links' prop })] [string[]]$Property, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/ip-links' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $IpLink $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds one explicit IP link between two clusters. .PARAMETER IpLinkName Name of IP Link. .PARAMETER SourceXMSName .PARAMETER SourceClusterId .PARAMETER SourceIPAddrSN .PARAMETER TargetXMSName .PARAMETER TargetClusterID .PARAMETER TargetIPAddrSN .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE New-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink - IpLinkName Test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionCreateIPLink')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] [String]$IpLinkName, [Parameter()] [String[]]$SourceXMSName, [Parameter()] $SourceClusterId, [parameter()] $SourceIPAddrSN, [Parameter()] $TargetXMSName, [Parameter()] $TargetClusterID, [Parameter()] $TargetIPAddrSN, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/ip-links' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "ip-link-name" -value $IpLinkName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-xms-name" -value $SourceXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-cluster-id" -value $SourceClusterId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-ip-addr-sn" -value $SourceIPAddrSN -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-xms-name" -value $TargetXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-cluster-id" -value $TargetClusterID -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-ip-addr-sn" -value $TargetIPAddrSN -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink { <# .DESCRIPTION Modifies an IP Link. .PARAMETER IpLinkName IP Link index or name .PARAMETER IpLinkId IP Link index or name .PARAMETER Enable This property indicates if the port is currently enabled or has been disabled either by the user or by the system. .PARAMETER Disable This property indicates if the port is currently enabled or has been disabled either by the user or by the system. .PARAMETER RefreshLinkCredntials .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Set-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink -IpLinkName test -Enabled $True #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionModifyIPLink')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'ip-links' name })] $IpLinkName, [parameter()] $IPLinkId, [parameter()] [bool]$Enable, [parameter()] [bool]$Disable, [parameter()] $RefreshLinkCredntials, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/ip-links' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $IpLinkName $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "ip-link-id" -value $IPLinkId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "ip-link-name" -value $IPLinkName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "enable" -value $Enable -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "disable" -value $Disable -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "refresh-link-credentials" -value $RefreshLinkCredentials -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes on specified IP Link between two clusters .PARAMETER Name current name or index number of IP Link .PARAMETER Force Default value is False. Allows invoking a one-sided removal incase of no-connectivity to the peer XMS. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink -IPLinkName test #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionRemoveIPLink')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'ip-links' name })] $IPLinkName, [Parameter()] [bool]$Force, [Parameter()] [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm if (!$confirmed) { return } initCommand $Route = '/types/ip-links' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $Name $BodyList = @{ } # AddIfExists -name "force" -value $Force -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $BodyList -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionPorts { <# .DESCRIPTION Lists all replication ports related to specified cluster .PARAMETER XtremClisterName Cluster Object Id .PARAMETER XmsName Name of the XMS .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionPorts #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionListPorts')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter()] [string]$XMSName, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property = $ProtectionPortsDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/r-target-ports' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "xms-name" -value $Force -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Body $BodyList -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumes { <# .DESCRIPTION Lists the volumes and thier details for a specifed XMS and cluster. .PARAMETER XtremClisterName Cluster Object Id .PARAMETER XmsName Name of the XMS .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumes #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionListVolumes')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter()] [string]$XMSName, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property = $ProtectionVolumesDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/r-volumes' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "xms-name" -value $Force -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Body $BodyList -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionConsistencyGroups { <# .DESCRIPTION Lists CGs that are under remote protection, active or not. .PARAMETER XtremClisterName Cluster Object Id .PARAMETER XmsName Name of the XMS .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionConsistencyGroups #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionConsistencyGroups')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter()] [string]$XMSName, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property = $ProtecitonConsistencyGroupsDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/r-consistency-groups' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "xms-name" -value $Force -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Body $BodyList -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremLocalProtectionSessions { <# .DESCRIPTION Show local protection sessions. .PARAMETER XtremClisterName Cluster Object Id .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremLocalProtectionSessions #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsLocalProtectionList')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property = $LocalProtectionSessionDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/local-protections' $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Get a remote protection session by Id/Guid. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or Name of the remote protection session .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremLocalProtectionSession 2 -prop name,replication-state #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionGet')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' prop })] [array]$Property, [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = "/types/remote-protections" $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSessions { <# .DESCRIPTION Show remote protection sessions. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSessions #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionList')] Param ( [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' prop })] [string[]]$Property = $RemoteProtetctionSessionDefaultProperties, [parameter()] [Alias("Filters")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' filter })] [array]$Filter, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/remote-protections/' $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Filters $Filter -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremLocalProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds Locall Protection Session to a cluster. .PARAMETER LocalProtectionId Name of protection session. .PARAMETER SnappedObjectId The ID of the snapped object to be protected locally. .PARAMETER SnappedObjectType The Type of the snapped object to be protected locally (Volume or CG only). .PARAMETER schedule For local protection the client can be either rpo or schedule. Rpo is the only option allowed for remote protection only. .PARAMETER RetentionPolicyId Retention policy is optional. If no policy id is specified, then only the current cycle and the last cycle PITs are retained. .PARAMETER Suffix Specifies the suffix to be used for the volume (snapshots) being created. Local protection only. .PARAMETER EnabledState .PARAMETER SnapshotType Determines whether the snapshots created by local protection are writable or readonly. Possible values: regular, readonly .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE New-XtremLocalProtectionSession -LocalProtectionId test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsLocalProtectionCreate')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'local-protections' name })] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] [String]$LocalProtectionId, [Parameter()] $SnappedObjectId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Volume', 'ConsistencyGroup')] $SnappedObjectType, [parameter()] $schedule, [Parameter()] $RetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] $Suffix, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('interval', 'explicit')] $EnabledState, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('enabled', 'user_disabled','system_disabled')] $SnapshotType, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/local-protections' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "protection-session-name" -value $LocalProtectionId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapped-object-id" -value $SnappedObjectId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapped-object-type" -value $SnappedObjectType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "schedule" -value $schedule -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "retention-policy-id" -value $RetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "local-protection-type" -value $SnapshotType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "suffix" -value $Suffix -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "enabled-state" -value $EnabledState -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds Remote Protection Session .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionName Name of the created session. .PARAMETER SourceXMSName For remote protection only .PARAMETER SourceSysId .PARAMETER TargetXMSName .PARAMETER TargetSysId .PARAMETER SourceCGId By specifying the source cg-id, XMS can then calculated the replication direction. .PARAMETER TargetCGId By specifying the target cg-id, XMS can then calculate the replication direction. .PARAMETER AutoProvisionTarget Remote protection only. When true CG and volumes are created on the target cluster .PARAMETER RpoSec .PARAMETER TargetRetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER DefaultRetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER StartOnCreation .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .PARAMETER Mode Sync/async mode of replication session. .PARAMETER Suffix Specifies the suffix to be used for the volumes in case of auto provisioning. .EXAMPLE New-XtremRemoteProtectionSession psSess1 -TargetClusterId Cluster2 -SourceCGId CG_1 -AutoProvisionTarget -Mode sync #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionCreate')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] $ProtectionSessionName, [Parameter()] [Argumentcompleter( { fillFunc 'completeClusterName' $args })] $TargetClusterId, [Parameter()] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'consistency-groups' name })] $SourceCGId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'autoProvision')] [switch]$AutoProvisionTarget, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CGselection')] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'consistency-groups' name 'TargetClusterId' })] $TargetCGId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("sync", "async")] $Mode, [Parameter()] $RpoSec, [Parameter()] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name 'TargetClusterId' })] $TargetRetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name })] $SourceRetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] [switch]$StartOnCreation, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('enabled', 'disabled')] $ProtectionWindowComplianceAlert, [Parameter()] [Argumentcompleter( { fillFunc 'completeClusterName' $args })] $SourceClusterId = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] $SourceXMSName, [parameter()] $TargetXMSName, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest, [Parameter()] $Suffix ) initCommand $Route = '/types/remote-protections' $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "protection-session-name" -value $ProtectionSessionName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-xms-name" -value $SourceXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-cluster-id" -value $SourceClusterId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-consistency-group-id" -value $SourceCGId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-xms-name" -value $TargetXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-cluster-id" -value $TargetClusterId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-consistency-group-id" -value $TargetCGId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-retention-policy-id" -value $TargetRetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-retention-policy-id" -value $SourceRetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "auto-provision-target" -value $AutoProvisionTarget.IsPresent -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "missing_pits_alerts" -value $MissingPitsAlerts -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-volume-access" -value $BlockAccessType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "start-on-creation" -value $StartOnCreation.IsPresent -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "protection-widnow-compliance-alert" -value $VerificationEnabledState -list $BodyList if($AutoProvisionTarget){ AddIfExists -name "auto-provision-target-suffix" -value $Suffix -list $BodyList }else{ # volume-pairs-list: [["e679c875626f4e74a379adce9e262551", "f0bcd54d981345d4b87b54d8d3b9e942"]] $volsOfCGs = ((Get-XtremConsistencyGroupVolume $SourceCGId) | sort name).guid $volsOfCGt = ((Get-XtremConsistencyGroupVolume $TargetCGId -XtremClusterName $TargetClusterId -Session (getSessionByClusterName $TargetClusterId)) | sort name).guid $volPairs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() if($volsOfCGs -is [array]){ for ($i = 0; $i -lt $volsOfCGs.Count; $i++) { $pair = @($volsOfCGs[$i], $volsOfCGt[$i]) [void]$volPairs.Add($pair) } }else{ $pair = @($volsOfCGs, $volsOfCGt) [void]$volPairs.Add($pair) } AddIfExists -name "volume-pairs-list" -value $volPairs -list $BodyList } $versionIsGreaterOrEqual6_3_0 = (($Session._XMSversion[0] + $Session._XMSversion[1]) -ge 63) if ( $versionIsGreaterOrEqual6_3_0 ){ AddIfExists -name "protection-mode" -value $Mode -list $BodyList if ($Mode -eq "sync"){ if ($RpoSec) { $RpoSec = $null } } } AddIfExists -name "rpo" -value $RpoSec -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Modify properties of the specified remote-protection session. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId .PARAMETER NewProtectionSessionId .PARAMETER SourceRetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER RemoveSourceRetentionPolicy .PARAMETER TargetRetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER RemoveTargetRetentionPolicy .PARAMETER BlockAccessType .PARAMETER Rpo .PARAMETER UpdateCGVolumesAccess .PARAMETER Direction .PARAMETER Mode Sync/async mode of replication session .PARAMETER ProtectionWindowComplianceAlert .PARAMETER ReleaseLock .PARAMETER Force .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Set-XtremRemoteProtectionSession -Name test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionModify')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] $NewProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] $SourceRetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] $RemoveSourceRetentionPolicy, [Parameter()] $TargetRetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] $RemoveTargetRetentionPolicy, [Parameter()] $BlockAccessType, [Parameter()] $Rpo, [Parameter()] $UpdateCGVolumesAccess, [Parameter()] $Direction, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('sync', 'async')] $Mode, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('enabled', 'disabled')] $ProtectionWindowComplianceAlert, [Parameter()] $ReleaseLock, [Parameter()] [bool]$Force, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/remote-protections' $BodyList = @{ } $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId AddIfExists -name "new-protection-session-name" -value $NewProtectionSessionId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "source-retention-policy-id" -value $SourceRetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-retention-policy-id" -value $TargetRetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "remove-source-retention-policy-id" -value $RemoveSourceRetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "remove-target-retention-policy-id" -value $RemoveTargetRetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "target-volume-access" -value $BlockAccessType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "update-cg-volumes-access" -value $UpdateCGVolumesAccess -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "direction" -value $Direction -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "protection-window-compliance-alert" -value $ProtectionWindowComplianceAlert -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "release_lock" -value $ReleaseLock -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "force" -value $Force -list $BodyList $versionIsGreaterOrEqual6_3_0 = (($Session._XMSversion[0] + $Session._XMSversion[1]) -ge 63) if ( $versionIsGreaterOrEqual6_3_0 ) { AddIfExists -name "protection-mode" -value $Mode -list $BodyList if ($Mode -eq "sync") { if ($Rpo) { $Rpo = $null } } } AddIfExists -name "rpo" -value $Rpo -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Start-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Starts the specified remote protection session by ID. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or GUID of the remote protection session .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Start-XtremRemoteProtectionSession -ProtectionSessionId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionStart')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] [string]$ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $state = getRemoteProtectionState($ProtectionSessionId) if ($state -ne 'inactive') { Write-Host "Session state is [$state] cannot call $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -ForegroundColor Red return } initCommand $Route = '/commands/remote-protections/start/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Suspend-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Suspends the specified remote protection session by ID. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or GUID of the remote protection session .PARAMETER SuspendType Type: immediate or graceful .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Suspend-XtremRemoteProtectionSession -ProtectionSessionId 1 -suspendType immediate #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionSuspend')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('immediate', 'graceful')] $SuspendType = 'graceful', [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $state = getRemoteProtectionState($ProtectionSessionId) if ($state -ne 'active') { Write-Host "Session state is [$state] cannot call $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -ForegroundColor Red return } initCommand $Route = '/commands/remote-protections/suspend/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "suspend-type" -value $SuspendType -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Terminate-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Terminates the specified remote protection session by ID. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or GUID of the remote protection session .PARAMETER Force .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Terminate-XtremRemoteProtectionSession -ProtectionSessionId 1 -Force #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionTerminate')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [switch]$Force, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $state = getRemoteProtectionState($ProtectionSessionId) if (($state -ne 'active') -and ($state -ne 'suspended') -and ($state -ne 'synchronized')) { Write-Host "Session state is [$state] cannot call $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -ForegroundColor Red return } $Route = '/commands/remote-protections/terminate/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "force" -value $Force.IsPresent -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Resume-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Resumes the specified remote protection session by ID. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or GUID of the remote protection session .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Resume-XtremRemoteProtectionSession -ProtectionSessionId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionResume')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $state = getRemoteProtectionState($ProtectionSessionId) if ($state -ne 'suspended') { Write-Host "Session state is [$state] cannot call $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -ForegroundColor Red return } initCommand $Route = '/commands/remote-protections/resume/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Start-XtremRemoteProtectionSessionFailover { <# .DESCRIPTION Starts failover of the specified remote protection session by ID. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or GUID of the remote protection session. .PARAMETER Type Type of failover, select one of the following: 'Using latest snapshot set', 'Use test copy snapshot set', 'Sync and failover', 'Specific snapshot set' .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName Name of specific snapshot set (if $type 'Specific snapshot set' is selected). .PARAMETER StartProtection Start protection after failover. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON. .EXAMPLE Start-XtremRemoteProtectionSessionFailover -ProtectionSessionId 1 -Type 'Sync after failover' #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionFailover')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Using latest snapshot set', 'Use test copy snapshot set', 'Sync and failover', 'Specific snapshot set')] $Type = 'Using latest snapshot set', [Parameter()] [object]$SnapshotSetName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$StartProtection, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/commands/remote-protections/failover/' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } if ($Type -eq 'Specific snapshot set'){ AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-id" -value $SnapshotSetName -list $BodyList }else{ if ($Type -eq 'Using latest snapshot set') { $Selection = 'using_latest_snapshot_set' } if ($Type -eq 'Use test copy snapshot set'){ $Selection = 'use_test_copy_snapshot_set'} if ($Type -eq 'Sync and failover'){ $Selection = 'sync_and_failover'} AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-selection" -value $Selection -list $BodyList } AddIfExists -name "start-replication-with-failover" -value $StartProtection.IsPresent -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Body $Body -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Start-XtremRemoteProtectionTestCopy { <# .DESCRIPTION Starts test copy. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or name of the remote protection session .PARAMETER UsingLatestSnapshotSet Choose the latest snapshot set automatically. .PARAMETER SnapshotSetId Selected remote protection snapshot set name or Id. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Start-XtremRemoteProtectionTestCopy -ProtectionSessionId mySession1 -SnapshotSet sSet1 .EXAMPLE Start-XtremRemoteProtectionTestCopy -ProtectionSessionId mySession1 -UsingLatestSnapshotSet #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionTestCopyStart')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'latest')] [switch]$UsingLatestSnapshotSet, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'selected')] [Argumentcompleter( { fillFunc 'completeRSnapSets' $args 'ProtectionSessionId' })] $SnapshotSetId, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = "/commands/remote-protections/test-copy-start/" $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } if ($UsingLatestSnapshotSet.IsPresent) { AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-selection" -value "using_latest_snapshot_set" -list $BodyList }else{ AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-id" -value $SnapshotSetId -list $BodyList } $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Body $Body -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Finish-XtremRemoteProtectionTestCopy { <# .DESCRIPTION Finishes test copy. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or name of the remote protection session .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Finish-XtremRemoteProtectionTestCopy mySession1 #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionTestCopyFinish')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = "/commands/remote-protections/test-copy-finish/" $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Body $Body -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremRemoteProtectionBookMark { <# .DESCRIPTION Bookmark executes immediate replication. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId ID or GUID of the remote protection session .PARAMETER Name Bookmark name .PARAMETER RetentionTime Retention time .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE New-XtremRemoteProtectionBookMark -ProtectionSessionId 1 .EXAMPLE New-XtremRemoteProtectionBookMark -ProtectionSessionId 1 -name 'newBm5' #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionBookmark')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] [string]$Name, [Parameter()] [System.Nullable[Int]]$RetentionTime = 0, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = "/commands/remote-protections/replicate-now/" $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "bookmark-name" -value $Name -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "retention-time" -value $RetentionTime -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Body $Body -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremLocalProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION This command is used to modify properties of the specified local protection session. .PARAMETER LocalProtectionId The ID of the local protection object. .PARAMETER NewProtectionSessionName .PARAMETER schedule For local protection the client can be either rpo or schedule. Rpo is the only option allowed for remote protection only. .PARAMETER Local Protection Type .PARAMETER Suffix Specifies the suffix to be used for the volume (snapshots) being created. Local protection only. .PARAMETER SnapshotObjectId .PARAMETER SnapshotObjectType .PARAMETER RetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Set-XtremLocalProtectionSession -Name test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsLocalProtectionModify')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'local-protections' name })] $LocalProtectionId, [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] $NewProtectionSessionName, [Parameter()] $Schedule, [parameter()] $RetentionPolicyId, [parameter()] $SnapshotObjectId, [Parameter()] $Suffix, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Volume', 'ConsistencyGroup')] $SnapshotObjectType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('interval', 'explicit')] $LocalProtectionType, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/local-protections' $BodyList = @{ } $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $LocalProtectionId AddIfExists -name "new-protection-session-name" -value $SnappedObjectId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "schedule" -value $schedule -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "retention-policy-id" -value $RetentionPolicyId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "suffix" -value $Suffix -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-object-type" -value $SnapshotObjectType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-object-id" -value $SnapshotObjectId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "local-protection-type" -value $SnapshotObjectId -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Remove-XtremLocalProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes the local-protection session and all its associated objects. .PARAMETER LocalProtectionId Id/Guid of the local protection .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Remove-XtremLocalProtectionSession LocalProtectionId 1 #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsLocalProtectionRemove')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'local-protections' name })] $LocalProtectionId, [Parameter()] [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm if (!$confirmed) { return } initCommand $Route = '/types/local-protections' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $LocalProtectionId $BodyList = @{ } $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $BodyList -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes the remote-protection session and target volumes. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId Id or name of the remote protection session .PARAMETER RemoveTargetVolumes Only valid for remote prortection. .PARAMETER Force Allows invoking a one sided removal incase of no-connectivity to the peer XMS. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionSession myTestSession1 #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionRemove')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [Parameter()] [bool]$RemoveTargetVolumes, [Parameter()] [bool]$Force, [Parameter()] [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm if (!$confirmed) { return } initCommand $Route = '/types/remote-protections' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId $BodyList = @{ } AddIfExists -name "force" -value $Force -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "remove-target-volumes" -value $RemoveTargetVolumes -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $BodyList -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } # Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePairs { # <# # .DESCRIPTION # Shows all volume pairs related to a specified remote protection sesion. # .PARAMETER Properties # Array of properties requested from this call. # .PARAMETER ShowRest # Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON # .EXAMPLE # Get-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePairs # #> # [cmdletbinding()] # [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionListVolumePairs')] # Param ( # [parameter()] # $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, # [Parameter()] # [Alias("Properties")] # [string[]]$Property = $ProtectionVolumePairsDefaultProperties, # [Parameter()] # [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), # [Parameter()] # [switch]$ShowRest # ) # initCommand # $Route = '/types/volume-pairs' # $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent # $result = formatOutPut $Property $result # finalizeCommand # return $result # } # Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePair { # <# # .DESCRIPTION # Shows all volume pairs related to a specified remote protection session. # .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId # The name/index or guid of an session id. # .PARAMETER Properties # Array of properties requested from this call. # .PARAMETER ShowRest # Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON # .EXAMPLE # Get-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePair SessName # #> # [cmdletbinding()] # [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionGetVolumePairs')] # Param ( # [parameter()] # $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, # [Alias("Name", "Index")] # [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] # [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] # $ProtectionSessionId, # [Parameter()] # [Alias("Properties")] # [string[]]$Property = $ProtectionVolumePairsDefaultProperties, # [Parameter()] # [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), # [Parameter()] # [switch]$ShowRest # ) # initCommand # $Route = '/types/volume-pairs' # $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ProtectionSessionId # $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent # $result = formatOutPut $Property $result # finalizeCommand # return $result # } # Function New-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePairs { # <# # .DESCRIPTION # Adds Volume Pair to RM. One or more volume pairs are added in this command. # .PARAMETER SessionID # .PARAMETER VolumePairName # .PARAMETER SourceVolumeId # .PARAMETER TargetVolumeId # .PARAMETER SourceXMSName # .PARAMETER SourceClusterId # .PARAMETER TargetXMSName # .PARAMETER TargetClusterId # .EXAMPLE # New-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePairs -Name test # #> # [CmdletBinding()] # [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionCreateVolumePair')] # Param ( # [Parameter()] # $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, # [Parameter()] # $VolumePairName, # [Parameter()] # $SessionID, # [Parameter()] # $SourceVolumeId, # [parameter()] # $TargetVolumeId, # [Parameter()] # $SourceXMSName, # [Parameter()] # $SourceClusterId, # [Parameter()] # $TargetXMSName, # [Parameter()] # $TargetClusterId, # [Parameter()] # [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), # [Parameter()] # [switch]$ShowRest # ) # initCommand # $Route = '/types/volume-pairs' # $BodyList = @{ } # AddIfExists -name "protection-session-id" -value $SessionId -list $BodyList # AddIfExists -name "source-vol-id" -value $SourceVolumeId-list $BodyList # AddIfExists -name "target-vol-id" -value $TargetVolumeId-list $BodyList # AddIfExists -name "volume-pair-name" -value $VolumePairName -list $BodyList # AddIfExists -name "source-xms-name" -value $SourceXMSName-list $BodyList # AddIfExists -name "source-cluster-id" -value $SourceClusterId-list $BodyList # $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList # $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent # finalizeCommand # return $result # } # Function Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePairs { # <# # .DESCRIPTION # Removes Volume Pairs specified in list. # .PARAMETER VolumePair # Id/Guid of the remote protection # .PARAMETER Force # Allows invoking a one sided removal incase of no-connectivity to the peer XMS. # .PARAMETER ShowRest # Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON # .EXAMPLE # Remove-XtremRemoteProtectionVolumePairs # #> # [cmdletbinding()] # [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionRemoveVolumePair')] # Param ( # [parameter()] # $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, # [Alias("Name", "Index")] # [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] # $VolumePair, # [Parameter()] # $VolumePairIdList, # [Parameter()] # [bool]$Force, # [Parameter()] # [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, # [Parameter()] # [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), # [Parameter()] # [switch]$ShowRest # ) # $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm # if (!$confirmed) { # return # } # initCommand # $Route = '/types/volume-pairs' # $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $VolumePair # $BodyList = @{ } # AddIfExists -name "force" -value $Force -list $BodyList # $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $BodyList -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent # finalizeCommand # return $result # } Function Get-XtremLocalProtectionSnapshotSets { <# .DESCRIPTION Lists the snapshotsets related to a specified local protection session. .PARAMETER LocalProtectionId The name of a local protection session. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremLocalProtectionSnapshotSets name #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsLocalProtectionGetSnapshotSets')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'local-protections' name })] $LocalProtectionId, [Parameter()] $FromTime, [Parameter()] $ToTime, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property = $LocalProtectionSnpashotSetDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/snapshot-sets' $GetProperty = '' addGetPropertyIfExists 'filter' 'created-by-app:eq:local_protection' addGetPropertyIfExists 'session-name' $LocalProtectionId addGetPropertyIfExists 'from-time' $FromTime addGetPropertyIfExists 'to-time' $ToTime $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSnapshotSets { <# .DESCRIPTION Lists Protection Snapshotsets relating to a specified remote-protection session, that exist on either source, target or both clusters. .PARAMETER ProtectionSessionId The name/index or guid of a Protection Session .PARAMETER FromTime Date time for earliest (oldest) snapshot set, if they exist. .PARAMETER ToTime Date time for newest (most recent) snapshot set, if they exist. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSnapshotSets -ProtectionSessionId name/ID .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSnapshotSets name .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSnapshotSets name -Property name,guid,index #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionGetSnapshotSets')] Param ( [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'remote-protections' name })] $ProtectionSessionId, [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] $FromTime, [Parameter()] $ToTime, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [string[]]$Property = $RemoteProtectionSnpashotSetDefaultProperties, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/r-snapshot-sets' $GetProperty = '' addGetPropertyIfExists 'protection-session-id' $ProtectionSessionId addGetPropertyIfExists 'from-time' $FromTime addGetPropertyIfExists 'to-time' $ToTime $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremRemoteProtectionSnapshotSet { <# .DESCRIPTION Renames a snapshot set objects. .PARAMETER SnapsetId The ObjectID(index) of the snapshot set. .PARAMETER XMSName .PARAMETER NewName New name for the snapshot set. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Set-XtremRemoteProtectionSnapshotSet 2002844 -NewName test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRemoteProtectionModifySnapshotSet')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $SnapSetID, [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] $NewName, [Parameter()] $XMSName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/r-snapshot-sets' $BodyList = @{ } $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SnapSetID AddIfExists -name "xms-name" -value $XMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-id" -value $SnapSetID -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "new-name" -value $NewName -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremProtectionRetentionPolices { <# .DESCRIPTION Show protection retention policies. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicies #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRetentionPolicyList')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' prop })] [string[]]$Property = $ProtectionRetentionPoliciesDefaultProperties, [parameter()] [Alias("Filters")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' filter })] [array]$Filter, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/retention-policies' $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -Properties $Property -Filters $Filter -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy { <# .DESCRIPTION Show protection retention policy .PARAMETER RetentionPolicyId The name/index or guid of a RetentionPolicy .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremRemoteProtectionIpLink -IpLink name #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRetentionPolicyGet')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name })] $RetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' prop })] [string[]]$Property, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/retention-policies' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $RetentionPolicyId $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Session $Session -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds a Retention Policy to a local or remote clusters. .PARAMETER Name This is the name of the retention_policy. It must be unique in the cluster namespace. .PARAMETER ShortPeriodDuration The duration of the short term consolidation period in units of: "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_VALUE). No mix between units. No decimal number allowed, only integers. .PARAMETER ShortPeriodCopies Number of copies of snapsets in short retention period will be retained. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_COPIES). .PARAMETER MiddlePeriodDuration The duration of the middle term consolidation period in units of: "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_VALUE). No mix between units. No decimal number allowed, only integers. .PARAMETER MiddlePeriodCopies Middle term retention copies. Range for valid period is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_COPIES). Value of zero (0) is used to indicate that the period is not in use. .PARAMETER LongPeriodDuration The duration of the long term period in units of: "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_VALUE). No mix between units. No decimal number allowed, only integers. The value of zero (0) indicates this period is not used. .PARAMETER LongPeriodCopies Long term retention number of copies. Range for valid period is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_COPIES). The value of zero (0) indicates that this period is not in use. .EXAMPLE New-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy -Name test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRetentionPolicyCreate')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name })] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] $Name, [Parameter()] $XMSName, [Parameter()] $ShortPeriodDuration, [Parameter()] $ShortPeriodCopies, [parameter()] $MiddlePeriodDuration, [Parameter()] $MiddlePeriodCopies, [Parameter()] $LongPeriodDuration, [Parameter()] $LongPeriodCopies, [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/retention-policies' $BodyList = @{ } if ($ShortPeriodDuration -and $ShortPeriodDuration.getType().name -eq 'Decimal') { $ShortPeriodDuration = "$($ShortPeriodDuration)d" } if ($MiddlePeriodDuration -and $MiddlePeriodDuration.getType().name -eq 'Decimal') { $MiddlePeriodDuration = "$($MiddlePeriodDuration)d" } if ($LongPeriodDuration -and $LongPeriodDuration.getType().name -eq 'Decimal') { $LongPeriodDuration = "$($LongPeriodDuration)d" } AddIfExists -name "retention-policy-name" -value $Name -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "xms-id" -value $XMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "short-period-duration" -value $ShortPeriodDuration -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "short-period-copies" -value $ShortPeriodCopies -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "middle-period-duration" -value $MiddlePeriodDuration -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "middle-period-copies" -value $MiddlePeriodCopies -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "long-period-duration" -value $LongPeriodDuration -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "long-period-copies" -value $LongPeriodCopies -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Copy-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy { <# .DESCRIPTION Copies a Retention Policy or all Policies from one cluster to another .PARAMETER RetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER FromXMSName .PARAMETER FromClusterId .PARAMETER ToXMSName .PARAMETER ToRetentionPolicyId .PARAMETER CopyAll .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Copy-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy -Name test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRetentionPolicyCopy')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name })] $RetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] $FromXMSName, [Parameter()] $FromClusterId, [Parameter()] $ToXMSName, [Parameter()] $ToRetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] [bool]$CopyAll = $false, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/retention-policies/copy' $BodyList = @{ } $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $RetentionPolicyId AddIfExists -name "from-xms-name" -value $FromXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "from-cluster-id" -value $FromClusterId-list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "to-xms-name" -value $ToXMSName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "to-cluster-id" -value $ToClusterId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "copy-all" -value $CopyAll-list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy { <# .DESCRIPTION Modifies a Retention Policy. .PARAMETER ShortPeriodDuration The duration of the short term consolidation period in units of: "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_VALUE). No mix between units. No decimal number allowed, only integers. .PARAMETER ShortRetentionCopies Number of copies of snapsets in short retention period will be retained. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_COPIES). .PARAMETER MiddlePeriodDuration The duration of the middle term consolidation period in units of: "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_VALUE). No mix between units. No decimal number allowed, only integers. .PARAMETER MiddleRetentionCopies Middle term retention copies. Range for valid period is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_COPIES). Value of zero (0) is used to indicate that the period is not in use. .PARAMETER LongPerioudDuration The duration of the long term period in units of: "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes. Range is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_VALUE). No mix between units. No decimal number allowed, only integers. The value of zero (0) indicates this period is not used. .PARAMETER LongRetentionCopies Long term retention number of copies. Range for valid period is 1 to 500 (MAX_RETENTION_DURATION_COPIES). The value of zero (0) indicates that this period is not in use. .EXAMPLE Set-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy -Name test #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsRetentionPolicyModify')] Param ( [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name })] $RetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] $newPolicyName, [Parameter()] $ShortPeriodDuration, [Parameter()] $ShortPeriodCopies, [parameter()] $MiddlePeriodDuration, [Parameter()] $MiddlePeriodCopies, [Parameter()] $LongPeriodDuration, [Parameter()] $LongPeriodCopies, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/retention-policies' $BodyList = @{ } $rpIndex = (Invoke-XtremGetRequest "/types/retention-policies" index -filter "name:eq:$RetentionPolicyId").index $Route += "/$rpIndex" if ($ShortPeriodDuration -and $ShortPeriodDuration.getType().name -eq 'Decimal') { $ShortPeriodDuration = "$($ShortPeriodDuration)d" } if ($MiddlePeriodDuration -and $MiddlePeriodDuration.getType().name -eq 'Decimal') { $MiddlePeriodDuration = "$($MiddlePeriodDuration)d" } if ($LongPeriodDuration -and $LongPeriodDuration.getType().name -eq 'Decimal') { $LongPeriodDuration = "$($LongPeriodDuration)d" } AddIfExists -name "retention-policy-name" -value $newPolicyName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "short-period-duration" -value $ShortPeriodDuration -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "short-period-copies" -value $ShortPeriodCopies -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "middle-period-duration" -value $MiddlePeriodDuration -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "middle-period-copies" -value $MiddlePeriodCopies -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "long-period-duration" -value $LongPeriodDuration -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "long-period-copies" -value $LongPeriodCopies -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Remove-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes a Retention Policy from the RM and the clusters. .PARAMETER RetentionPolicyId Name or Id of the retention policy .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Remove-XtremProtectionRetentionPolicy myRPname #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsRetentionPolicyRemove')] Param ( [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'retention-policies' name })] $RetentionPolicyId, [Parameter()] [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm if (!$confirmed) { return } initCommand $Route = '/types/retention-policies' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $RetentionPolicyId $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $BodyList -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } function getRemoteProtectionState($id){ $sess = Get-XtremRemoteProtectionSession $id -prop replication-state if($sess){ return $sess."replication-state" } } Function Get-XtremSchedulers { <# .DESCRIPTION Displays the list of all Schedulers and their defined parameters. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER Filters Array of filters for this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremSchedulers #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsSchedulerList')] Param ( [parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' prop })] [string[]]$Property = $SchedulersDefaultProperties, [parameter()] [Alias("Filters")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' filter })] [string[]]$Filter, [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest, [Parameter()] [switch]$Full = $false ) initCommand $Route = '/types/schedulers' if ($Full) { $Property = '' } $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -Filters $Filter -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Get-XtremScheduler { <# .DESCRIPTION Displays details of the selected Scheduler. .PARAMETER SchedulerName Scheduler 's name or index number. .PARAMETER Properties Array of properties requested from this call. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Get-XtremScheduler -SchedulerName name #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsSchedulerGet')] Param ( [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' name })] $SchedulerName, [Parameter()] [Alias("Properties")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' prop })] [string[]]$Property, [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/schedulers' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SchedulerName $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent $result = formatOutPut $Property $result finalizeCommand return $result } Function Remove-XtremScheduler { <# .DESCRIPTION Enables you to delete a Scheduler. .PARAMETER SchedulerName Scheduler 's name or index number. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Remove-XtremScheduler -SchedulerName name #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('xmsSchedulerRemove')] Param ( [Alias("Name", "Index")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' name })] $SchedulerName, [parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [bool]$Confirm = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm if (!$confirmed) { return } initCommand $Route = '/types/schedulers' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SchedulerName $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function New-XtremScheduler { <# .DESCRIPTION Enables you to create a new Scheduler. .PARAMETER SchedulerName Scheduler's name. .PARAMETER SnapshotObjectType Snapped Object type: 'Volume', 'SnapSet' or 'ConsistencyGroup'. .PARAMETER SnapshotObjectId Snapped Object ID or name. .PARAMETER SnapshotType Write (regular) or readonly. .PARAMETER Suffix Text adjoined to the scheduler's stem name .PARAMETER SnapshotsToKeepTime The time period, for which a Snapshot should be saved. When the defined time has passed the cluster automatically removes the Snapshot. Int must be used. .PARAMETER SnapshotsToKeepNumber Number of Snapshots to be saved. .PARAMETER SchedulerType Schedule is specified explicitly or by intervals. .PARAMETER Day Scheduler's day. Can be 'Every day', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'. .PARAMETER Time Scheduler's time [hh:mm]. .PARAMETER EnabledState Scheduler enable state .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE New-XtremScheduler myNewSc1 -SchedulerType explicit -SnapshotObjectType Volume -SnapshotsToKeepNumber 2 -Day 'Every day' -Time "20:14" -SnapshotObjectId myVol1 .EXAMPLE New-XtremScheduler -SchedulerName sch2019_04_15 -SchedulerType explicit -SnapshotObjectId tempPSvol99 -SnapshotObjectType Volume -SnapshotsToKeepTime 36000 -Time 10:20 -Day 'Every day' #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsSchedulerCreate')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern("^[^\[\]&\(\)`";,<>'/]+$")] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' name })] [string]$SchedulerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet( 'Volume', 'SnapSet', 'ConsistencyGroup')] [String]$SnapshotObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Argumentcompleter( { completeEntityName $args 'SnapshotObjectType' })] $SnapshotObjectId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet( 'regular', 'readonly')] [String]$SnapshotType, [Parameter()] [String]$Suffix, [Parameter()] [int]$SnapshotsToKeepTime, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [System.Nullable[Int]]$SnapshotsToKeepNumber, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("interval", "explicit")] [string]$SchedulerType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Every day', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')] [string]$Day, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidatePattern("^\d\d:\d\d$")] [string]$Time, [Parameter()] [string]$EnabledState, [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/schedulers' $BodyList = @{ } $dayNum = switch($Day){ 'Every day' {'0'} 'Sunday'{'1'} 'Monday'{'2'} 'Tuesday'{'3'} 'Wednesday'{'4'} 'Thursday'{'5'} 'Friday'{'6'} 'Saturday' {'7'} } $theTime = $dayNum + ':' + $Time AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-object-type" -value $SnapshotObjectType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-type" -value $SnapshotType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "suffix" -value $Suffix -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshots-to-keep-time" -value $SnapshotsToKeepTime -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-object-id" -value $SnapshotObjectId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshots-to-keep-number" -value $SnapshotsToKeepNumber -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "scheduler-type" -value $SchedulerType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "time" -value $theTime -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "enabled-state" -value $EnabledState -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "scheduler-name" -value $SchedulerName -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Function Set-XtremScheduler { <# .DESCRIPTION Enables you to modify a Scheduler .PARAMETER SchedulerName Scheduler's name or index number. .PARAMETER SnapshotObjectType Scheduler 's name or index number. .PARAMETER SnapshotType Write (default) or Read. .PARAMETER Suffix Text adjoined to the scheduler's stem name .PARAMETER SnapshotsToKeepTime The time period, in seconds, for which a Snapshot should be saved. When the defined time has passed the cluster automatically removes the Snapshot. .PARAMETER SnapshotObjectId Snapped Object ID. .PARAMETER SnapshotsToKeepNumber Number of Snapshots to be saved. .PARAMETER SchedulerType Schedule is specified explicitly or by intervals. .PARAMETER Day Scheduler's day. Can be 'Every day', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'. .PARAMETER Time Scheduler's time [hh:mm]. .PARAMETER state Suspends or resumes Scheduler; 'enabled' or 'user-disabled'. .PARAMETER ShowRest Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON .EXAMPLE Set-XtremScheduler -SchedulerName 2 -Suffix TEST #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('xmsSchedulerModify')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'schedulers' name })] $SchedulerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet( 'Volume', 'SnapSet', 'ConsistencyGroup')] [String]$SnapshotObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Argumentcompleter( { completeEntityName $args 'SnapshotObjectType' })] $SnapshotObjectId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet( 'regular', 'readonly')] [String]$SnapshotType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Every day', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')] [string]$Day, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidatePattern("^\d\d:\d\d$")] [string]$Time, [Parameter()] [String]$Suffix, [Parameter()] [String]$SnapshotsToKeepTime, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [System.Nullable[Int]]$SnapshotsToKeepNumber, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("interval", "explicit")] [string]$SchedulerType, [Parameter()] $XtremClusterName = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName, [Parameter()] [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession), [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowRest ) initCommand $Route = '/types/schedulers' $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SchedulerName $BodyList = @{ } $dayNum = switch ($Day) { 'Every day' { '0' } 'Sunday' { '1' } 'Monday' { '2' } 'Tuesday' { '3' } 'Wednesday' { '4' } 'Thursday' { '5' } 'Friday' { '6' } 'Saturday' { '7' } } $theTime = $dayNum + ':' + $Time AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-object-type" -value $SnapshotObjectType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-type" -value $SnapshotType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "suffix" -value $Suffix -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshots-to-keep-time" -value $SnapshotsToKeepTime -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshot-object-id" -value $SnapshotObjectId -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "snapshots-to-keep-number" -value $SnapshotsToKeepNumber -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "scheduler-type" -value $SchedulerType -list $BodyList AddIfExists -name "time" -value $theTime -list $BodyList $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent finalizeCommand return $result } Export-ModuleMember *-* -Alias * |