# # SharePowerApps.ps1 # [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$TenantId , #The tenant Id where your instance resides [string]$ApplicationId , #The application Id used for the connection [string]$ApplicationSecret, #The application secret used for connection [string]$EnvironmentUrl, [string]$AppsToShareJson, [string]$MSALModulePath, [string]$MGUsersModulePath, [string]$MGGroupsModulePath, [string]$PowerAppsModulePath, [string]$PowerAppsAdminModulePath, [string]$CrmConnectorModulePath ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Write-Verbose 'Entering SharePowerApps.ps1' #Script Location $scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition Write-Verbose "Script Path: $scriptPath" #Import Modules $xrmCIToolkit = $scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.Cmdlets.dll" Write-Verbose "Importing: $xrmCIToolkit" Import-Module $xrmCIToolkit Write-Verbose "Import Crm Connector: $CrmConnectorModulePath" Import-module "$CrmConnectorModulePath\Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnector.PowerShell.psd1" Write-Verbose "Importing MSAL Module" Import-Module "$MSALModulePath\MSAL.PS.psd1" Write-Verbose "Importing Microsoft Graph Users Module" Import-Module "$MGUsersModulePath\Microsoft.Graph.Users.psd1" Write-Verbose "Importing Microsoft Graph Groups Module" Import-Module "$MGGroupsModulePath\Microsoft.Graph.Groups.psd1" Write-Verbose "Importing PowerApps Admin Module: $PowerAppsAdminModulePath" Import-module "$PowerAppsAdminModulePath\Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell.psd1" #Connect Write-Verbose "Connecting to Microsoft Graph" $MsalToken = Get-MsalToken -TenantId $TenantId -ClientId $ApplicationId -ClientSecret ($ApplicationSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) Connect-Graph -AccessToken $MsalToken.AccessToken Write-Verbose "Connecting to PowerApps Endpoint" Add-PowerAppsAccount -TenantID $TenantId -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -ClientSecret $ApplicationSecret -Endpoint prod #Environment #$EnvironmentName = (Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment "$EnvironmentDisplayName").EnvironmentName #if ($EnvironmentName) #{ # Write-Verbose "Environment found with Id: $EnvironmentName" #} #else #{ # throw "Evironment: $EnvironmentDisplayName could not be found" #} $CrmConnectionString = "AuthType=ClientSecret;url=$EnvironmentUrl;ClientId=$ApplicationId;ClientSecret=$ApplicationSecret" $CRMConn = Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString $EnvironmentId = $CRMConn.EnvironmentId #Azure AD #$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $ApplicationSecret -AsPlainText -Force #$psCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ApplicationId , $securePassword) #Connect-AzureAD -Credential $psCred -TenantId $TenantId #Share Apps $AppsToShare = ConvertFrom-Json $AppsToShareJson foreach ($app in $AppsToShare.AppSharing) { $AppName = $($app.AppName) Write-Verbose "Locating PowerApp: $AppName" #$AppId = (Get-AdminPowerApp $($app.AppName) -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName).AppName #If ($AppId) #{ # Write-Verbose "PowerApp $AppName found with Id: $AppId" #} #else #{ # throw "$AppName could not be found" #} $records = Get-XrmEntities -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString -EntityName "canvasapp" -Attribute "name" -Value "$AppName" -ConditionOperator 0 if ($records.Count -eq 1) { $AppId = $records[0].Id } elseif ($records.Count -gt 1) { throw "Found mutiple Canvas Apps with name: $AppName" } else { throw "Canvas App with name: $AppName could not be found" } foreach($shareWith in $app.ShareWith) { $principalType = $shareWith.PrincipalType $principal = $shareWith.Principal $roleName = $shareWith.RoleName if ($principalType -eq "User") { $principalId = (Get-MgUser -UserId $principal | select Id).Id } elseif ($shareWith.PrincipalType -eq "Group") { $principalId = (Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$principal'" | select Id).Id } else { $principalId = $TenantId } Write-Host "Sharing App '$AppName' [$AppId] with $principalType $principal [$principalId] access $roleName in Environment: $EnvironmentUrl [$EnvironmentId]" $response = Set-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment -AppName $AppId -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentId -RoleName $roleName -PrincipalType $principalType -PrincipalObjectId $principalId Write-Verbose "Invoked Set-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment" $response if ($response.Error -or ($response.Code -ne '' -and $response.Code -ge 400)) { throw "App Sharing Failed: $response" } Write-Host "Shared App" } } |